Past Event
Challenges and Opportunities for TPP Countries
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The Trans-Pacific Partnership is the largest and most significant trade agreement of the 21st century. It has brought together 12 countries that account for 40 percent of the world economy and 26 percent of world trade. Its 30 chapters and more than 5,000 pages cover tariffs and other traditional topics but also break 21st century ground on internet commerce, state owned enterprises, and added protection for intellectual property.
Join us as we welcome ambassadors and representatives from five countries to analyze how the TPP agreement will affect their own economies.

Luis Miguel Castilla
Senior international consultant and former Finance Minister of Peru

Hon. Gary Doer
Canada Institute Advisory Board Co-Chair;
Former Ambassador of Canada to the United States
Former Ambassador of Canada to the United States
His Excellency Pham Quang Vinh
Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the United States
Kanji Yamanouchi
Minister of Economic Affairs, Embassy of Japan

Laura Dawson
Former Fellow and Former Director, Canada Institute;
Executive Director, Future Borders Coalition
Executive Director, Future Borders Coalition