
Past Event

Climate Action Down on the Farm: Food and Climate Nexus Opportunities in China and the US

Food systems account for 31 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions arise along the whole food supply chain, from production, processing, and packaging to transport, consumption and disposal. Power and transport systems receive the lion share of attention in the global dialogue and response to climate change, while the nexus between food and climate has been largely absent from the climate conversations. To date, very few countries take a comprehensive view of the food system in their climate action plans. 

The United States and China, the two largest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, both face similar climate change threats to agriculture--from extreme weather patterns, stronger floods, extended droughts to greater pests and diseases. Climate impacts threaten economic and food security. As food market superpowers, the United States and China are well positioned to lead efforts in green agriculture to address climate change. Notably, green and climate resilient agriculture were priorities highlighted in the U.S.-China Climate Crisis Statement and the U.S.-China Glasgow Declaration in 2021.

At this May 10th CEF meeting, panelists will give an overview of the global food-climate challenge and delve into opportunities for China and the United States to target the food system to help reach their carbon neutral and short-lived climate pollutant reduction goals.

David Sandalow, (Center for Global Energy at Columbia University and co-founder of the ) will set the stage, discussing the food system and climate change. Next, Sally Qiu and H枚rn Halld贸rud贸ttir Hei冒arsd贸ttir will share insights on China鈥檚 food-related greenhouse gas emissions. 

The next two speakers will turn the conversation to the farms with Zhenzhong Si (Waterloo University) offering some insights into the government's policies and bottom-up agroecological initiatives in China that respond to the social and environmental challenges facing the food system while creating new problems for sustainability. And Karen Mancl (Ohio State University) will examine success in sustainable agriculture in the United States and China and explore policies needed to incentivize farmers. 

Patty Fong (Global Alliance for the Future of Food), whose CEF Green Tea Chat laid out the urgency for global food system transformation to address climate change, will be the commentator at this session.


David Sandalow headshot
David Sandalow
Inaugural Fellow at the Center on Global Energy Policy and co-Director of the Energy and Environment Concentration at Columbia University
Sally Qiu photo
Sally Qiu
Research Associate at the Center on Global Energy Policy
Zhenzhong Si headshot
Zhenzhong Si
Research Project Manager at Wilfrid Laurier University
H枚rn Halld贸rud贸ttir Hei冒arsd贸ttir photo
H枚rn Halld贸rud贸ttir Hei冒arsd贸ttir
Founder & CEO of Ylur and a member of the Food Climate Partnership

Hosted By

China Environment Forum

Since 1997, the China Environment Forum's mission has been to forge US-China cooperation on energy, environment, and sustainable development challenges. We play a unique nonpartisan role in creating multi-stakeholder dialogues around these issues.   Read more

China Environment Forum

Environmental Change and Security Program

The Environmental Change and Security Program (ECSP) explores the connections between environmental change, health, and population dynamics and their links to conflict, human insecurity, and foreign policy.   Read more

Environmental Change and Security Program