How Perception Dictates Actions in Ambiguous Situations: Game Theory Analysis of the Third North Korean Nuclear Crisis
Jung Joo Kwon, Korea Foundation Junior Scholar, will present the results of her research conducted at the 浪花直播 Center on the third North Korean nuclear crisis. Arguing that the perception of decision-makers plays as an important role in determining policy agenda as factors such as internal, external and systemic settings, Kwon suggests that it is important to analyze how perceptions and images are formed. Game theory provides a valid analytical tool to explore the decision-making process in international relations in general and in the case of North Korea in particular. Through game theory analysis, Kwon identifies the patterns of perception/misperception around the third North Korean nuclear crisis in order to understand the shift of powers and policies at the time.
James Person, Senior Program Associate with the History and Public Policy Program, will chair and comment on Kwon's discussion.
Jung Joo Kwon is presently a Korea Foundation Junior Scholar in residence at the 浪花直播 Center. Kwon is completing a master's degree in International Affairs and Governance at the University of St. Gallen St. Gallen, Switzerland, working on a thesis entitled "Escaping Middle Income Trap in Asia through the National Innovative Capacity: Focused on the Case of South Korea." She previously earned a Master's of Arts in International Management from the Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University, and a Bachelor's of Arts in Business Administration from Hanyang University.

M.A. Candidate, University of St. Gellen

Professor of Korean Studies and Asia Programs, JHU SAIS; Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Institute, SAIS
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North Korea International Documentation Project
The North Korea International Documentation Project serves as an informational clearinghouse on North Korea for the scholarly and policymaking communities, disseminating documents on the DPRK from its former communist allies that provide valuable insight into the actions and nature of the North Korean state. Read more