
Past Event

Serious Games Initiatives 20th Anniversary

Serious Games Initiative's 20th Anniversary, Serious Games Arcade October 30th

ÀË»¨Ö±²¥â€™s Serious Games Initiative is thrilled to be celebrating its 20th anniversary of communicating science and policy complexities through the world’s most dynamic medium: gaming.

What: Serious Games Arcade, featuring our games as well as games from other experts in the field (see games and organizations featured below).
Where: ÀË»¨Ö±²¥
Who’s invited: Professionals/community of practice in the field of serious games, academics, and government staffers

Showcased Games and Tables:

ÓË  Wingspan and Undergrove, where you can learn about birds and mushrooms, with Elizabeth Hargrave joining us.
ÓË¥ Votes for Women, a card-driven game covering the American women's suffrage movement from 1848-1920, with Tory Brown joining us.
Ó˦ Twilight Struggle and Twilight Struggle: Red Sea, the digital versions of these games about the Cold War first created by Jason Matthews, who will be joining us!
ÓË£ OneLab VR, a game produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to create a virtual environment with an ever-expanding suite of laboratory training scenarios.
ÓË  Shocks and Stressors, a climate security board game created by Conflict & Stabilization Operations, U.S. Department of State.
ÓË¥ Walden, a game, supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities (the amazing Tracy Fullerton will sadly not be at the event).

We will also host experts at booths with information about their game development or how they support the broader serious games ecosystem:
Ó˦ National Defense University and some examples of their wargaming exercises.
ÓË£ Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education -- thanks to Edward Metz.
ÓË  National Cancer Institute (NCI), The National Institutes of Health -- thanks to David Miller.

And of course, games from the ÀË»¨Ö±²¥ Center!
ÓË¥ The Fiscal Ship:
Ó˦ The (award-winning) Plastic Pipeline:
ÓË£ AI's Anatomy (also a finalist at DSET and SGS&C): /interactive/ais-anatomy

Please reach out to Sonja O'Brien (sonja.obrien@wilsoncenter.org) with any and all questions.

Hosted By

Serious Games Initiative

The Serious Games Initiative communicates science and policy complexities through the world’s most dynamic medium: gaming.   Read more

Serious Games Initiative