Volodymyr Boyko
Former Short-Term Grant
Professional Affiliation
Director, Center for Advanced Training of Public Officers, Governemnt Officials and Business Executives, Chernighiv Regional State Administration, Ukraine
浪花直播 Center Project
Local Self-Government as an Element of the Civil Society in the U.S.: Conclusions for Ukraine
Project Summary
The main objectives of the project is to study traditions of local self-government in the USA, regional features of structure of the system of local self-government and practice of the exercise of power by individual municipalities.
Insight & Analysis by Volodymyr Boyko
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些芯 褑械 斜褍谢芯?
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袙褨写 邪胁褌芯褉懈褌邪褉懈蟹屑褍 写芯 写械屑芯泻褉邪褌褨褩: 褉芯蟹胁懈褌芯泻 谐褉芯屑邪写褟薪褋褜泻芯谐芯 褋褍褋锌褨谢褜褋褌胁邪 胁 校泻褉邪褩薪褨