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CWIHP Bulletin No. 4 (Fall 1994): Soviet Nuclear History

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Cold War International History Project
CWIHP Bulletin No. 4 (Fall 1994)

Issue Contents:

  • "Sources for Stalin and the Bomb" - David Holloway
  • "Soviet Cold War Military Strategy: Using Declassified History" - William Burr
  • "Nuclear Weapons After Stalin's Death: Moscow Enters the H-Bomb Age" - Yuri Smirnov and Vladislav Zubok
  • "Cold War Soviet Science: Manuscripts and Oral Histories" - Ronald Doel and Caroline Moseley
  • "Moscow's Biggest Bomb: The 50-Megaton Test of October 1961" - Viktor Adamsky and Yuri Smirnov
  • "Stalin's Secret Order: Build the Bomb 'On a Russian Scale'"
  • "Letters: Stalin, Kim, and Korean War Origins" - An exchange between Adam B. Ulam and Kathryn Weathersby
  • "Spy vs. Spy: The KGB vs. the CIA, 1960-1962" - Vladislav M. Zubok
  • "New Research on the GDR" - Christian F. Ostermann
  • "The GDR Oral History Project" - A. James McAdams
  • "New Evidence on Khrushchev鈥檚 1958 Berlin Ultimatum" -  Hope M. Harrison
  • "The Soviet Occupation: Moscow鈥檚 Man in (East) Berlin" - Norman M. Naimark
  • "Germany and the Cold War: New Evidence from East-bloc Archives" - Jim
  • "Atomic Espionage and Its Soviet 'Witnesses'" - Vladislav Zubok
  • "The KGB Mission to Niels Bohr: Its Real 'Success'" - Yuri N. Smirnov
  • "More Documents from the Russian Archives"
  • "Russian Archives Review" - Jim Hershberg


Cold War International History Project

The Cold War International History Project supports the full and prompt release of historical materials by governments on all sides of the Cold War.   Read more

Cold War International History Project