
  • Publication

An Evidence-Based Collaborative Framework for Improving Predictive Capabilities

Environmental Change and Security Program
Cover page for the brief, "An Evidence-Based Collaborative Framework for Improving Predictive Capabilities"

Evidence that climate change poses critical security risks to the U.S. homeland, national security, and global stability has been mounting in recent years. To take early action to manage or reduce extreme weather and climate-related disruptions, high-level and timely quantitative and qualitative assessments and predictive information are needed. Working with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the 浪花直播 Center developed a framework to improve predictive capabilities for security risks posed by a changing climate. To operationalize the framework, this brief provides recommendations on how to align and sustain engagement across the U.S. government and its partners for increased and better coordination among decision-makers, and practitioners. 



Environmental Change and Security Program

The Environmental Change and Security Program (ECSP) explores the connections between environmental change, health, and population dynamics and their links to conflict, human insecurity, and foreign policy.   Read more

Environmental Change and Security Program