The Mosaic Approach: a Multidimensional Strategy for Strengthening America's Critical Minerals Supply Chain
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The United States faces a troubling scenario when it comes to the supply chain for critical minerals. Rapidly increasing demand, under-developed national resources, intense international competition, and years of neglect in this issue area place the U.S. at a distinct disadvantage vis-脿-vis China in securing access to the metals and Rare Earth Elements that are vital for the energy transition and for geopolitical ambitions. This paper reflects the dialogue sustained by a high-level group of stakeholders in the summer of 2021 and argues that the United States must take a number of key steps to make the critical minerals supply chain more resilient.

Alexandra Helfgott
Office of VP of Strategy and New Initiatives

Mary D'Amico
Assistant Director of New Initiatives

Erik Romanin
Former Assistant Director for Special Initiatives & Research
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