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109.7595 110.697 l h 106.6655 111.6375 m 106.684 112.155 106.826 112.6345 107.474 112.6345 c 108.1605 112.6345 108.3015 112.155 108.3015 111.6375 c f 111.8275 113.4335 m 111.856 112.578 l 111.8745 112.578 l 112.1755 113.321 112.778 113.5085 113.483 113.49 c 113.483 112.239 l 112.8715 112.239 l 112.6365 112.2205 112.326 112.089 112.185 111.8915 c 112.035 111.628 112.0065 111.365 111.9965 111.0545 c 111.9965 108.713 l 110.5965 108.713 l 110.5865 112.493 l 110.5865 112.6915 110.558 113.086 110.5395 113.4335 c f 44.9452 105.453 m 43.9486 105.5665 43.9298 105.114 43.9674 104.1835 c 44.8228 104.1835 l 44.8228 103.243 l 43.9674 103.243 l 43.9674 99.464 l 42.5568 99.464 l 42.5568 103.243 l 41.8517 103.243 l 41.8517 104.1835 l 42.5568 104.1835 l 42.5191 105.528 42.6414 106.3935 44.1742 106.3935 c 44.4281 106.3935 44.6912 106.365 44.9452 106.328 c f 50.3236 101.823 m 50.3236 103.3095 49.4022 104.324 47.8599 104.324 c 46.318 104.324 45.3966 103.3095 45.3966 101.823 c 45.3966 100.338 46.318 99.322 47.8599 99.322 c 49.4022 99.322 50.3236 100.338 50.3236 101.823 c h 46.8539 101.823 m 46.8539 102.575 46.9949 103.3845 47.8599 103.3845 c 48.7252 103.3845 48.866 102.575 48.866 101.823 c 48.866 101.071 48.7252 100.2625 47.8599 100.2625 c 46.9949 100.2625 46.8539 101.071 46.8539 101.823 c f 52.5145 104.1835 m 52.5426 103.328 l 52.5614 103.328 l 52.8624 104.07 53.4642 104.2585 54.1693 104.24 c 54.1693 102.989 l 53.5582 102.989 l 53.3231 102.9705 53.0128 102.839 52.8717 102.6415 c 52.7213 102.379 52.693 102.115 52.6837 101.8045 c 52.6837 99.464 l 51.2825 99.464 l 51.2733 103.243 l 51.2733 103.4405 51.2449 103.836 51.2262 104.1835 c f 61.2684 104.3155 m 61.212 105.002 60.8453 105.3405 60.1402 105.3405 c 59.6041 105.3405 59.0589 105.0575 59.0589 104.4655 c 59.0589 103.7325 59.7171 103.6475 60.2999 103.507 c 61.3344 103.243 62.8575 102.952 62.8575 101.588 c 62.8575 99.905 61.3907 99.322 59.9332 99.322 c 58.3817 99.322 57.2816 99.9235 57.3287 101.6355 c 58.8143 101.6355 l 58.7579 100.8825 59.1906 100.375 59.952 100.375 c 60.535 100.375 61.306 100.5535 61.306 101.278 c 61.306 102.077 60.3378 102.1335 59.7547 102.284 c 58.805 102.5195 57.5074 102.952 57.5074 104.155 c 57.5074 105.707 58.9366 106.3935 60.3282 106.3935 c 61.6447 106.3935 62.6695 105.6785 62.6695 104.3155 c f 66.3837 102.528 m 66.3741 102.914 66.2144 103.3845 65.6691 103.3845 c 65.0672 103.3845 65.0577 102.256 65.0389 101.8895 c 65.0765 101.457 65.0861 100.2625 65.6879 100.2625 c 66.2333 100.2625 66.3929 100.7985 66.4024 101.1835 c 67.7753 101.1835 l 67.7283 99.9805 66.9855 99.322 65.6879 99.322 c 64.2867 99.322 63.5816 100.573 63.5816 101.823 c 63.5816 103.074 64.2867 104.324 65.6879 104.324 c 66.8915 104.324 67.7848 103.6385 67.7753 102.528 c f 68.5934 99.464 m 68.5934 106.252 l 69.9948 106.252 l 69.9948 103.629 l 70.0133 103.6105 l 70.3043 104.043 70.7467 104.324 71.4615 104.324 c 71.9313 104.324 72.8434 103.9765 73.0123 103.29 c 73.0875 102.999 73.107 102.698 73.107 102.538 c 73.107 99.464 l 71.6959 99.464 l 71.6959 102.3025 l 71.6871 102.8105 71.5455 103.3845 70.8502 103.3845 c 70.4078 103.3845 70.023 102.989 70.0035 102.3025 c 70.0035 99.464 l f 79.059 101.823 m 79.059 103.3095 78.1375 104.324 76.5955 104.324 c 75.0535 104.324 74.1315 103.3095 74.1315 101.823 c 74.1315 100.338 75.0535 99.322 76.5955 99.322 c 78.1375 99.322 79.059 100.338 79.059 101.823 c h 75.5895 101.823 m 75.5895 102.575 75.73 103.3845 76.5955 103.3845 c 77.4605 103.3845 77.601 102.575 77.601 101.823 c 77.601 101.071 77.4605 100.2625 76.5955 100.2625 c 75.73 100.2625 75.5895 101.071 75.5895 101.823 c f 80.065 99.464 1.41 6.788 re f 84.033 102.8485 m 84.0145 103.0645 84.1735 103.5255 84.6625 103.5255 c 85.1605 103.5255 85.312 103.1395 85.312 102.9425 c 85.312 102.5 l 84.7475 102.5195 84.033 102.491 83.4685 102.247 c 82.613 101.88 82.4625 101.081 82.4625 100.752 c 82.4625 99.83 83.1205 99.322 84.0045 99.322 c 84.644 99.322 85.1335 99.548 85.4525 100.0935 c 85.4715 100.0935 l 85.4715 99.8955 85.49 99.6795 85.518 99.464 c 86.7875 99.464 l 86.769 99.6045 86.731 99.745 86.7225 99.9805 c 86.7225 102.5565 l 86.7225 103.9765 85.66 104.324 84.7095 104.324 c 84.202 104.324 83.7035 104.249 83.318 104.0235 c 82.942 103.8075 82.688 103.4405 82.6785 102.8485 c 84.033 102.8485 l h 85.312 101.6825 m 85.312 101.128 85.284 100.2625 84.5025 100.2625 c 84.108 100.2625 83.817 100.545 83.817 100.9395 c 83.817 101.701 84.823 101.6915 85.312 101.6825 c f 89.0915 104.1835 m 89.1195 103.328 l 89.1385 103.328 l 89.439 104.07 90.0415 104.2585 90.7465 104.24 c 90.7465 102.989 l 90.1355 102.989 l 89.9 102.9705 89.5905 102.839 89.449 102.6415 c 89.2985 102.379 89.27 102.115 89.2615 101.8045 c 89.2615 99.464 l 87.86 99.464 l 87.85 103.243 l 87.85 103.4405 87.822 103.836 87.8035 104.1835 c f 93.9525 102.9235 m 93.934 103.243 93.6335 103.3845 93.313 103.3845 c 92.9285 103.3845 92.7495 103.2715 92.7495 102.961 c 92.7495 102.2185 95.448 102.6415 95.448 100.874 c 95.448 99.84 94.188 99.322 93.313 99.322 c 92.2135 99.322 91.2545 99.755 91.235 100.836 c 92.5425 100.836 l 92.571 100.4695 92.9 100.2625 93.313 100.2625 c 93.699 100.2625 93.991 100.423 93.991 100.789 c 93.991 101.165 93.313 101.325 93.032 101.3915 c 92.1285 101.6075 91.2915 101.8045 91.2915 102.904 c 91.2915 103.8915 92.486 104.324 93.313 104.324 c 94.31 104.324 95.157 103.9675 95.2225 102.9235 c f 29.9506 130.3368 77.0365 0.6533 re f 82.7525 165.705 m 82.2075 165.4257 81.8045 165.015 81.1765 163.5487 c 72.7066 143.5976 l 72.7066 143.5634 l 72.6998 143.5805 l 72.692 143.5634 l 72.692 143.5976 l 68.5345 153.3915 l 64.3771 143.5976 l 64.3771 143.5634 l 64.3698 143.5805 l 64.3626 143.5634 l 64.3626 143.5976 l 55.8937 163.5487 l 55.265 165.015 54.8612 165.4257 54.3165 165.705 c 48.106 165.705 l 48.1066 164.8891 l 49.1488 164.4364 50.004 164.0287 51.0907 161.4921 c 51.1856 161.411 l 63.5612 134.8637 l 68.5631 145.3466 l 73.5563 134.8637 l 85.932 161.411 l 86.027 161.4921 l 87.114 164.0287 87.9705 164.4364 89.0125 164.8891 c 89.0125 165.705 l f 66.756 165.1059 m 66.756 164.8925 66.7865 164.6176 67.153 163.7323 c 68.5343 160.3495 l 69.9157 163.7323 l 70.2828 164.6176 70.3131 164.8925 70.3131 165.1059 c 70.3131 165.394 70.1021 165.5831 69.7894 165.705 c 67.2794 165.705 l 66.9664 165.5831 66.756 165.394 66.756 165.1059 c f 58.4269 165.1059 m 58.4269 164.8925 58.4572 164.6176 58.8238 163.7323 c 64.3698 150.1488 l 67.0863 156.8029 l 64.2227 163.5487 l 63.5941 165.015 63.1903 165.4257 62.6456 165.705 c 58.95 165.705 l 58.6373 165.5831 58.4269 165.394 58.4269 165.1059 c f 72.8463 163.5487 m 69.982 156.8029 l 72.6998 150.1488 l 78.2455 163.7323 l 78.612 164.6176 78.643 164.8925 78.643 165.1059 c 78.643 165.394 78.432 165.5831 78.1195 165.705 c 74.4235 165.705 l 73.8785 165.4257 73.4752 165.015 72.8463 163.5487 c f Q Q Q /GS2 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 8 0 0 8 20.487 82.986 Tm 0 0 0 0 k 0.022 Tc 0.022 Tw [(LA)59(T)1(I)-1(N AMERI)1(CAN)-245(PROGRAM)]TJ ET Q /GS1 gs q BT /F0 1 Tf 20 0 0 20 162 671.7039 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.03 Tc 0.03 Tw (Governance and Security in Haiti: Can)Tj 0 -1.1 TD (the International Community Make a)Tj T* 0 Tw [(Differe)-1(n)-1(c)-1(e)-1(?)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 162 608.7039 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.03 Tc 0.03 Tw (By Elizabeth Bryan with Cynthia J. Arnson, Jos\216 Ra\234l Perales, and )Tj 0 -1.4 TD (Johanna Mendelson Forman)Tj ET 0.3 scn -10 738.237 629 22.264 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 21.2908 744.5738 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.259 Tc 0.037 Tw [(W)12(OODROW WILSON CENTER UPD)25(A)74(TE ON THE AMERICAS)]TJ ET 0 0 0 0 k 161 45.003 414 485.169 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 50.613 0 0 50.613 162 495.1075 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn (I)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 178.75 522.1075 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.0096 Tc (n)Tj 0.92502 0 Td 0.01 Tc 0.107 Tw [(F)20(ebr)-25(uar)-29(y 2004,)-395(Haitian Pr)20(esident J)29(ean-)]TJ -0.92502 -1.28571 TD -0.01 Tc -0.004 Tw [(Ber)-25(trand Ar)-44(istide w)29(as for)20(ced fr)29(om office fol-)]TJ T* -0.003 Tc 0.063 Tw [(lo)39(wing widespr)20(ead pr)29(otests against his go)40(v-)]TJ -1.59524 -1.28571 TD -0.01 Tc -0.022 Tw [(er)-39(nment and amidst spiraling violence and insur-)]TJ T* 0.033 Tw [(gency thr)29(oughout the countr)-29(y)118(.)-252(An inter)-44(im tran-)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.229 Tw [(sitional go)39(v)40(er)-39(nment w)29(as quickly estab)15(lished,)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc -0.013 Tw [(with the goal of w)39(orking to o)40(v)39(er)19(come the coun-)]TJ T* -0.001 Tw [(tr)-30<79D5>98(s shar)-39(p political di)20(visions and pr)20(epar)19(e for ne)20(w)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.086 Tw [(pr)20(esidential elections.)-325(But violence contin)14(ued)]TJ T* 0.295 Tw [(unabated,)-583(pr)30(oduct of the deep polar)-44(ization)]TJ T* -0.009 Tc 0.068 Tw [(betw)39(een Ar)-44(istide suppor)-25(ter)-19(s,)-338(opposition par)-25(ties,)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.213 Tw [(c)1(i)20(vil society g)-29(r)30(oups,)-501(and ar)-44(med militias and)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc 0 Tw (gangs.)Tj 2.56349 0 TD -0.013 Tw [(At the r)20(equest of the inter)-44(im Haitian go)39(v-)]TJ -2.56349 -1.28572 TD 0.005 Tc 0 Tw (er)Tj 0.82105 0 TD 0.006 Tc 0.054 Tw [(nment and the United Nations,)-337(t)1(r)30(oops fr)29(om)]TJ -0.82105 -1.28572 TD 0.01 Tc 0.079 Tw [(the United States,)-367(Canada,)-366(France)29(,)-366(and Chile)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD -0.01 Tc -0.007 Tw [(landed in Haiti to help r)20(estor)19(e or)20(der pending the)]TJ T* -0.006 Tc 0.066 Tw [(estab)15(lishment of a for)-44(mal peacek)29(eeping mission)]TJ T* -0.007 Tc [(under UN auspices.)-259(The UN Secur)-44(ity Council)]TJ T* 0.004 Tc 0 Tw (author)Tj 2.64935 0.00001 TD 0.003 Tc 0.056 Tw (ized the cr)Tj 4.30173 0.00001 TD 0.004 Tc (eation of the United Nations)Tj -6.95109 -1.28573 TD -0.01 Tc 0.06 Tw (Stabilization Mission in Haiti \(MINUST)Tj 15.92221 0.00001 TD (AH\) in)Tj -15.92221 -1.28572 TD 0.003 Tc 0 Tw (Apr)Tj 1.56224 0.00001 TD 0.057 Tw (il 2004,)Tj 3.41492 0.00001 TD (with a br)Tj 3.70741 0.00001 TD (oad mandate to assist the)Tj -8.68457 -1.28573 TD 0.01 Tc 0.068 Tw (transitional go)Tj 5.77702 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (v)Tj 0.44926 0.00001 TD 0.01 Tc 0 Tw (er)Tj 0.82942 0.00001 TD 0.068 Tw [(nment in ensur)-44(ing \322a secur)19(e)]TJ -7.05569 -1.28573 TD 0.403 Tw (and stab)Tj 3.65146 0.00001 TD (le en)Tj 2.32786 0.00001 TD 0.009 Tc 0 Tw (vir)Tj 1.07115 0.00001 TD 0.01 Tc 0.403 Tw [(onment,)127-592(r)20(estr)-24(uctur)-44(ing and)]TJ -7.05047 -1.28573 TD 0 Tc (r)Tj 0.30319 0.00001 TD -0.01 Tc 0 Tw (efor)Tj 1.56751 0.00001 TD 0.042 Tw [(ming the Haitian National P)49(olice)30(,)-310(demobi-)]TJ -1.8707 -1.28573 TD -0.001 Tc 0.06 Tw (lizing ar)Tj 3.25926 0.00001 TD (med g)Tj 2.56266 0.00001 TD [(r)30(oups,)-338(and foster)-44(ing institutional)]TJ -5.82191 -1.28573 TD -0.01 Tc 0 Tw (de)Tj 0.89862 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (v)Tj 0.42967 0.00001 TD -0.01 Tc 0.027 Tw [(elopment as w)39(ell as a pr)30(ocess of national dia-)]TJ -1.32829 -1.28573 TD 0 Tw (lo)Tj 0.72162 0.00001 TD (gue and r)Tj 3.62548 0.00001 TD (econciliation.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.825 0 0 6.825 262.3012 174.5725 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (1)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 174.024 157.6075 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.004 Tc (MINUST)Tj 3.97108 0.00001 TD 0.066 Tw (AH is b)Tj 3.2294 0.00001 TD (ut the latest manifestation)Tj -8.34562 -1.28573 TD 0 Tc 0.015 Tw (of a pr)Tj 2.57699 0.00001 TD (olonged effor)Tj 5.36101 0.00001 TD -0.0001 Tc (t)Tj 0.58488 0 Td 0 Tc [(b)25(y the inter)-40(national com-)]TJ -8.52289 -1.28573 TD (m)Tj 0.78113 0.00001 TD 0.004 Tc 0.065 Tw (unity to assist the Haitian go)Tj 11.68411 0.00001 TD [(v)40(er)-40(nment o)39(v)40(er-)]TJ -12.46525 -1.28573 TD 0.01 Tc 0.059 Tw (come chr)Tj 3.84886 0.00001 TD [(onic pr)29(ob)15(lems of instability)118(,)-348(political)]TJ -3.84886 -1.28572 TD 0.019 Tc 0 Tw (violence)Tj 3.45048 0.00001 TD 0.02 Tc 0.186 Tw [(,)-483(and w)40(eak democratic go)39(v)40(e)1(r)-39(nance)30(.)]TJ -3.45048 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (Beg)Tj 1.57105 0.00001 TD 0.051 Tw [(inning with a UN effor)-24(t in 1990 to moni)-1(-)]TJ -1.57105 -1.28572 TD 0.016 Tc 0.053 Tw (tor pr)Tj 2.38681 0.00001 TD [(esidential elections,)-347(a v)39(er)-45(itab)15(le alphabet)]TJ -2.38681 -1.28572 TD 0.015 Tc 0.054 Tw (soup of 18 missions sponsor)Tj 11.59863 0.00001 TD [(ed b)25(y the United)]TJ -11.59863 -1.28572 TD 0.02 Tc 0.192 Tw (Nations and the Organization of )Tj 14.73776 0.00001 TD 0.019 Tc 0 Tw [(Amer)-44(ican)]TJ 5.73843 45 TD 0.02 Tc 0.11 Tw [(States has attempted to pr)30(otect and monitor)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc -0.033 Tw [(human r)-44(ights,)-245(o)39(v)40(er)-20(see police)29(,)-244(militar)-30(y)118(,)-245(and judi-)]TJ T* 0.014 Tc 0.056 Tw [(cial r)20(efor)-44(m)1(,)-347(p)1(r)30(o)40(vide secur)-44(ity)117(,)-346(and suppor)-25(t the)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.051 Tw [(estab)15(lishment of functioning go)39(v)40(er)-40(nment insti-)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0 Tw (tutions.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.825 0 0 6.825 409.8129 471.5725 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (2)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 421.9624 468.1075 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.02 Tc 0.558 Tw [(The nations of the Car)-44(ibbean)]TJ -4.28213 -1.28571 TD 0.019 Tc 0.058 Tw [(C)-1(o)-1(m)-1(m)14(unity \(C)10(ARICOM\) ha)29(v)39(e)-1( )-1(b)-1(e)-1(e)-1(n)-1( )-1(d)-1(e)-1(e)-1(p)-1(l)-1(y)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.233 Tw [(i)1(n)40(v)40(o)1(l)1(v)40(ed in diplomatic effor)-24(t)1(s)1( )1(t)1(o)1( )1(o)40(v)40(e)1(r)20(come)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.01 Tw [(Haiti\325)98(s deep political di)20(visions,)-288(and inter)-39(nation-)]TJ T* 0.048 Tw [(al financial institutions such as the )29(W)128(orld Bank)]TJ T* 0.054 Tw [(and Inter-Amer)-44(ican De)20(v)39(elopment Bank,)-332(along)]TJ T* 0.002 Tc 0.068 Tw [(with indi)20(vidual go)39(v)39(er)-39(nment donor)-19(s)1(,)-347(ha)29(v)40(e pr)29(o)1(-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(vided billions of dollar)-20(s in for)20(eign assistance)29(.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.033 Tw (Such effor)Tj 4.12779 0 TD [(ts ha)29(v)40(e unfolded\321at times,)-311(cr)-44(itics)]TJ -5.27294 -1.28572 TD 0 Tw (sa)Tj 0.66821 0 TD 0.023 Tw [(y)118(,)-301(with a lack of coor)20(dination and insufficient)]TJ -0.66821 -1.28572 TD 0.02 Tc 0.102 Tw [(consultation with a br)30(oad range of actor)-20(s)1( )1(i)1(n)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.003 Tc 0.066 Tw [(Haitian society\321against the backdr)29(op of what)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.083 Tw [(man)20(y ha)29(v)40(e labeled a f)-24(ailed or f)-25(ailing state in)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.041 Tw [(Haiti.)-159(The countr)-29(y is the poor)20(est in the )29(W)128(ester)-40(n)]TJ T* 0.014 Tc 0 Tw (hemispher)Tj 4.21508 0.00001 TD (e:)Tj 0.97592 0.00001 TD (accor)Tj 2.15606 0.00001 TD 0.055 Tw (ding to the United Nations)Tj -7.34706 -1.28573 TD 0.019 Tc 0 Tw (De)Tj 1.21717 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (v)Tj 0.45905 0.00001 TD 0.02 Tc 0.154 Tw (elopment Pr)Tj 5.25513 0.00001 TD 0.019 Tc [(o)19(g)-30(ram (UNDP),)-451(mor)20(e)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(a)-1(n)]TJ -6.93135 -1.28573 TD 0.02 Tc 0.148 Tw (eighty per)Tj 4.32162 0.00001 TD 0.019 Tc (cent of Haiti\325)Tj 5.7571 0.00001 TD 0.0195 Tc (s)Tj 0.76715 0 Td 0.02 Tc (population li)Tj 5.43215 0.00001 TD 0.019 Tc [(v)39(es in)]TJ -16.27803 -1.28573 TD 0.02 Tc 0 Tw (po)Tj 1.02089 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (v)Tj 0.45905 0.00001 TD 0.019 Tc (er)Tj 0.83436 0.00001 TD 0.02 Tc 0.077 Tw [(ty)118(,)-375(and a combinat)1(i)-1(on of )1(q)-1(uality of life)]TJ -2.3143 -1.28573 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (indicator)Tj 3.52856 0.00001 TD -0.0001 Tc (s)Tj 0.63985 0 Td 0 Tc 0.06 Tw (places Haiti 177th out of 192 coun)Tj 14.19747 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -18.36589 -1.28573 TD 0.019 Tc 0 Tw (tr)Tj 0.7079 0.00001 TD 0.702 Tw (ies assessed for the UNDP\325)Tj 13.87162 0.00001 TD 0.0192 Tc (s)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 543.951 211.6075 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.02 Tc (Human)Tj -15.9001 -1.28571 TD 0.017 Tc (Dev)Tj 1.54644 0.00001 TD 0.052 Tw (elopment Repor)Tj 5.89477 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (t)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 458.0416 198.1075 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (.)Tj 0.57458 0.00001 TD (F)Tj 0.52759 0.00001 TD 0.017 Tc 0.053 Tw [(ollo)39(wing the collapse in)]TJ -8.82042 -1.28573 TD 0.015 Tc 0.054 Tw (1986 of the dictator)Tj 8.34172 0.00001 TD (ship of Fran\215ois Duv)Tj 8.69328 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (alier)Tj -17.035 -1.28573 TD 0.02 Tc 0.167 Tw ((1957-71) and his son,)Tj 10.27129 0.00001 TD 0.019 Tc 0 Tw (\322Pr)Tj 1.41353 0.00001 TD 0.167 Tw (esident for Life\323)Tj -11.68482 -1.28573 TD 0 Tc (J)Tj 0.29181 0.00001 TD 0.02 Tc 0.094 Tw (ean-Claude Duv)Tj 6.95084 0.00001 TD 0.019 Tc [(alier)39(,)-392(a succession of shor)-24(t)-1(-)]TJ -7.24265 -1.28573 TD 0.003 Tc 0 Tw (li)Tj 0.48631 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (v)Tj 0.44263 0.00001 TD 0.003 Tc 0.066 Tw [(ed go)39(v)40(er)-40(nments w)40(er)19(e incapab)15(le of estab)15(lish-)]TJ -0.92894 -1.28573 TD 0.009 Tc 0.06 Tw (ing political stability)Tj 8.16623 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (.)Tj 0.56723 0.00001 TD 0.009 Tc [(In inter)-39(nationally-moni-)]TJ -8.73346 -1.28573 TD 0.019 Tc 0 Tw (tor)Tj 1.18476 0.00001 TD 0.02 Tc 0.313 Tw [(e)1(d)1( )1(p)1(r)21(esidential elections in 1990,)-611(J)31(ean-)]TJ -1.18476 -1.28572 TD 0.019 Tc 0 Tw (Ber)Tj 1.48872 0.00001 TD 0.02 Tc 0.079 Tw [(trand A)1(r)-43(i)1(s)1(t)1(i)1(d)1(e)1( )1(w)30(as elected pr)20(esident with)]TJ -1.48872 -1.28572 TD 0.007 Tc 0 Tw (br)Tj 0.81698 0.00001 TD 0.063 Tw [(oad popular suppor)-25(t,)-347(only to be ousted in a)]TJ -0.81698 -1.28572 TD 0.019 Tc 0 Tw (militar)Tj 2.73874 0.00001 TD 0.0195 Tc (y)Tj 0.92649 0 Td 0.02 Tc 0.14 Tw [(coup one y)39(ear later)40(.)-389(O)1(v)40(er the next)]TJ -3.66524 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (thr)Tj 1.12597 0.00001 TD -0.011 Tw [(ee y)39(ear)-19(s,)-268(the UN and O)39(AS appointed special)]TJ -1.12597 -1.28572 TD 0.02 Tc 0 Tw (en)Tj 0.95887 0.00001 TD 0.656 Tw [(v)40(o)40(y)1(s)1( )1(t)1(o)1( )1(w)40(ork diplomatically for the)]TJ ET 0 0 0 0 k 161 539.187 406 29.809 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 162 560.269 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn (I)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 8.625 0 0 8.625 166.1974 560.269 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn [(NTR)75(ODUCTION)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 162 546.769 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn [(J)30(os\216 Ra\234l P)49(erales and Cynthia J)39(.)-229(Ar)-39(nson)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F0 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 162 705.2006 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.03 Tc 0.03 Tw (AUGUST 2007)Tj /F6 1 Tf 1 0 0 1 -1000 1792 Tm 1 g -0.305 Tc 0 Tw ( )Tj ET Q endstream endobj 9 0 obj << /Length 9589 >> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 91 729.9351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.01 Tc -0.034 Tw [(r)20(estoration of democratic r)-24(ule)29(,)-253(as did a U)78(.S)39(.)-204(delega-)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.029 Tc 0.363 Tw [(tion led b)25(y for)-44(mer Pr)19(esident Jimm)30(y Car)-25(ter)39(.)]TJ 0.0196 Tc (U)' 0.81164 -0.00001 TD 0.02 Tc 0.06 Tw [(ltimately)118(,)-357(in September 1994,)-357(on the e)20(v)39(e of an)]TJ -0.81164 -1.28571 TD 0.029 Tc 0.151 Tw [(inter)-25(v)40(ention b)24(y a U)79(.S)39(.-led m)15(ultilateral militar)-30(y)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc -0.011 Tw [(for)20(ce acting under a Secur)-45(ity Council r)20(esolution,)-277(a)]TJ T* -0.018 Tw [(U)79(.S)39(.)-220(delegation led b)25(y Car)-25(ter successfully negotiat-)]TJ T* 0.029 Tc 0.08 Tw [(ed an exit for the coup leader)-20(s.)-308(The UN peace)]TJ T* 0.061 Tw [(operation mandated that Ar)-44(istide be r)19(estor)20(ed to)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.069 Tw [(po)39(w)39(er)39(.)-308(Since Ar)-44(istide\325)98(s r)19(etur)-39(n,)-357(successi)19(v)39(e UN and)]TJ T* 0.029 Tc 0.117 Tw [(O)39(AS missions ha)29(v)39(e had only limited success in)]TJ T* 0.07 Tw [(helping Haiti estab)15(lish the secur)-44(ity and stability)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc -0.012 Tw [(necessar)-29(y for tackling the countr)-30<79D5>98(s g)-30(ra)30(v)39(e econom-)]TJ T* 0.001 Tw [(ic and political pr)29(ob)15(lems.)-240(After A)1(r)-43(istide w)29(as for)20(ced)]TJ T* 0.029 Tc 0.262 Tw [(fr)29(om po)40(w)38(er for the second time)30(,)-570(the United)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0 Tw [(Nations obser)-25(v)40(ed in 2004 that:)]TJ 0.68571 -2.57143 TD -0.015 Tc -0.03 Tw [(\311ther)20(e w)39(er)19(e a n)15(umber of positi)20(v)39(e de)20(v)39(elopments,)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.005 Tc 0.129 Tw [(including the r)20(estoration of some measur)19(e of)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.054 Tw [(democracy)118(,)-333(with the fir)-20(st peaceful hando)40(v)39(er of)]TJ T* -0.015 Tc -0.015 Tw [(po)39(w)39(er betw)40(een tw)39(o democratically elected pr)20(esi)-1(-)]TJ T* 0.063 Tw [(dents;)-228(the g)-30(r)30(o)39(wth of a m)15(ultif)-25(aceted ci)20(vil society;)]TJ T* 0.003 Tc 0.052 Tw [(and its incr)20(easing in)39(v)39(olv)39(ement in the de)20(v)39(elop-)]TJ T* -0.009 Tc 0.064 Tw [(ment of a political cultur)20(e based on democratic)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0.318 Tw [(v)30(alues.)-522(Ther)19(e w)40(er)19(e)30(,)-601(ho)40(w)39(e)20(v)40(er)39(,)-601(also setbacks.)]TJ T* -0.015 Tc -0.016 Tw [(Owing to the contin)15(uing political cr)-44(isis and con-)]TJ T* -0.006 Tc 0.06 Tw [(comitant lack of stability)118(,)-333(ser)-44(ious r)19(efor)-44(ms ne)20(v)39(er)]TJ T* -0.015 Tc 0.026 Tw [(took hold.)-210(The consolidation of a gen)14(uine dem-)]TJ T* -0.012 Tc 0.067 Tw [(ocratic system did not occur)-25(;)-234(self-sustaining and)]TJ T* -0.001 Tc 0 Tw (effecti)Tj 2.36766 0 TD 0 Tc (v)Tj 0.43816 0 TD -0.0014 Tc (e)Tj 0.76929 0 Td -0.001 Tc 0.056 Tw [(institutions at all le)20(v)39(els,)-332(par)-25(ticularly in)]TJ -3.57511 -1.28572 TD -0.015 Tc -0.025 Tw (the ar)Tj 2.12447 0 TD [(ea of pub)15(lic secur)-44(ity and the r)-25(ule of la)30(w)117(,)-238(did)]TJ -2.12447 -1.28572 TD 0.005 Tc 0.074 Tw (not tak)Tj 2.87845 0 TD 0.0047 Tc (e)Tj 0.79937 0 Td 0.005 Tc [(fir)-44(m r)29(oot and w)39(er)20(e unab)15(le to deli)20(v)39(er)]TJ -3.67782 -1.28572 TD -0.008 Tc 0.062 Tw [(pub)15(lic ser)-25(vices,)-333(a gap which non-go)40(v)39(er)-40(nmental)]TJ 22.19048 39.85714 TD -0.009 Tc 0.064 Tw (organizations (NGOs) sought to fill outside the)Tj 0 -1.28571 TD -0.001 Tc 0.056 Tw [(institutional frame)20(w)39(ork;)-235(pr)30(o)19(g)-29(r)20(ess in the pr)30(ofes-)]TJ 0.0048 Tc (s)' 0.30682 -0.00001 TD 0.005 Tc 0.271 Tw [(ionalization of the Haitian National P)49(olice)]TJ -0.30682 -1.28571 TD 0.091 Tw [((HNP) w)29(as slo)40(w and une)19(v)40(en;)-276(dr)-24(ug trafficking)]TJ T* 0.003 Tc 0.052 Tw [(i)1(n)1(c)1(r)21(eased;)-235(human r)-44(ights ab)15(uses and cor)-39(r)-24(uption)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0.081 Tw [(contin)15(ued;)-266(and r)20(eal economic g)-30(r)30(o)40(wth did not)]TJ T* -0.011 Tc 0.066 Tw [(mater)-44(ialize)29(.)-283(Lack of pr)29(o)20(g)-29(r)20(ess o)39(v)39(er time and lack)]TJ T* -0.004 Tc 0.059 Tw [(of accountability r)20(esulted in r)19(ene)20(w)40(ed thr)19(eats of)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0.145 Tw [(sanctions and the suspension of m)15(uch of the)]TJ T* -0.015 Tc 0 Tw [(inter)-39(national assistance)29(.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.825 0 0 6.825 423.6487 611.9001 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (3)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 336.024 581.4351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.01 Tc 0.059 Tw [(On J)29(an)15(uar)-29(y 9,)-348(2007,)-347(the )30(W)14(ilson Center\325)98(s Latin)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.017 Tc 0.053 Tw [(Amer)-44(ican Pr)29(o)20(g)-29(ram con)40(v)39(ened a g)-29(r)30(oup of r)20(eg)-29(ional)]TJ T* 0.003 Tc 0.066 Tw [(leader)-20(s,)-347(diplomats,)-348(and practitioner)-19(s fr)29(om m)15(ultilat-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.029 Tw [(eral organizations to discuss the r)29(ole of the inter)-39(na-)]TJ T* 0.06 Tw [(tional comm)15(unity in addr)20(essing Haiti\325)98(s go)39(v)39(er)-39(nance)29(,)]TJ T* -0.035 Tw [(secur)-44(ity)117(,)-242(and de)20(v)39(elopment challenges.)-194(P)30(ar)-25(ticipants in)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.058 Tw [(the confer)20(ence painted a mark)29(edly mor)20(e)1( )1(p)1(o)1(s)1(i)1(t)1(i)21(v)40(e)]TJ T* 0.192 Tw [(a)1(n)1(d)1( )1(o)1(p)1(t)1(i)1(m)1(i)1(s)1(t)1(i)1(c)1( )1(p)1(o)1(r)-23(trait of Haitian achie)19(v)40(ements)]TJ T* 0.051 Tw [(under the go)39(v)40(e)1(r)-38(nment of Pr)20(e)1(s)1(i)1(d)1(e)1(n)1(t)1( )1(R)1(e)1(n)1<8E>1( )1(P)1(r)1<8E>1(v)30(a)1(l)1(,)]TJ T* 0.007 Tc 0.062 Tw [(who took office in 2006,)-347(noting pr)29(o)20(g)-30(r)20(ess in o)40(v)39(er-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.054 Tw [(coming the intense f)-24(act)-1(i)1(o)-1(n)1(ali)-1(s)1(m)-1( of Haitian poli)1(tics.)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0.064 Tw [(This pr)29(o)20(g)-30(r)19(ess has contin)15(ued as successful local and)]TJ T* 0.002 Tc 0.067 Tw [(m)15(unicipal elections took place in December 2006,)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.03 Tw [(the fir)-20(st in a decade)30(.)-229(Vir)-24(tually all panelists called for)]TJ T* 0.014 Tc 0.055 Tw [(g)-30(r)20(eater coor)19(dination among inter)-39(national donor)-19(s,)]TJ T* 0.009 Tc 0.06 Tw [(and for g)-29(r)20(eater collaboration with Haitian institu-)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.024 Tw [(tions.)-205(F)20(or ten)15(uous gains to be consolidated,)-254(panelists)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0 Tw (argued,)Tj 3.64237 0 TD 0.291 Tw (the inter)Tj 3.879 0 TD [(national comm)15(unity needs to)]TJ -7.52137 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc (r)Tj 0.33115 0 TD 0.018 Tc 0.051 Tw [(emain engaged o)39(v)40(er the long-ter)-44(m,)-348(while at the)]TJ -0.33115 -1.28572 TD 0.02 Tc 0.066 Tw (same time de)Tj 5.55081 0 TD [(v)40(eloping an exit strategy that lea)30(v)40(e)1(s)]TJ -5.55081 -1.28572 TD 0.004 Tc [(pr)-44(incipal r)19(esponsibility for the countr)-29<79D5>98(s w)39(elf)-25(ar)20(e in)]TJ ET 0 0 0 0 k 24 543.4999 23 13.5 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 33.2808 548.7808 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (2)Tj ET 8 w /CS0 CS 0.3 SCN -9 756 m 1233 756 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 193.1477 763.4465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (W)Tj 1.24585 0.00001 TD 0.037 Tw [(OODROW WILSON CENTER UPD)25(A)74(TE ON THE AMERICAS)]TJ ET 2 w /CS0 CS 1 SCN 46.0002 549.0002 m 46.0002 801.6142 l S /GS2 gs /CS0 cs 0.1 scn 45.25 47.749 494.5 239.161 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 59.5 264.6744 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.022 Tw (The Latin American Program)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F16 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 178.127 264.6744 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.022 Tw (serves as a bridge between the United States and Latin America, encouraging a free)Tj -11.8627 -1.25 TD [(flow of information and dialogue between the two regions. The Program also provides a nonpartisan for)-1(um for dis-)]TJ T* [(cussing Latin American and Caribbean issues in W)30(ashington, D.C., and for bringing these issues to the attention of)]TJ T* (opinion leaders and policy makers thr)Tj 15.10364 0.00001 TD (oughout the W)Tj 5.90304 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (ester)Tj 2.05444 0.00001 TD -0.0001 Tc (n)Tj 0.74407 0 Td 0 Tc (hemispher)Tj 4.22051 0.00001 TD 0.022 Tw (e. The Pr)Tj 3.59883 0.00001 TD (ogram sponsors major initiatives on)Tj -31.62453 -1.25003 TD [(Democratic Governance, Citizen Security)37(, Comparative Peace Processes, Creating Community in the Americas,)]TJ 0 -1.25 TD (U.S.-Brazilian relations and U.S.-Mexican relations. )Tj 0 -2.5 TD -0.009 Tc (The Latin American Program's Project on Creating Community in the Americas seeks to establish an effective security)Tj 0 -1.25 TD (community for the countries of the region and to foment strategic debate over matters of human, national, regional,)Tj T* [(and hemispheric security)37(. The project helps to facilitate a coherent response to the radical changes in the region\325)74(s)]TJ T* (security situation that have occur)Tj 13.17069 -0.00001 TD [(red since the end of the Cold W)30(ar and the accelerating advance of globalization.)]TJ -13.17069 -1.24999 TD 0 Tc (W)Tj 0.85026 0.00001 TD -0.009 Tc (e)Tj 0.72624 0 Td (are grateful to The Ford Foundation for its generous support of this initiative.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 59.5 102.1743 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn -0.013 Tc 0.022 Tw [(W)25(oodrow ˻ֱ International Center for Scholars)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F16 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 59.5 89.6743 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn -0.013 Tc 0.022 Tw [(One W)30(oodrow ˻ֱ Plaza, 1300 Pennsylvania A)25(venue, NW)49(, W)30(ashington, DC 20004-3027)]TJ 0 -1.25 TD (tel. (202) 691-4000, fax (202) 691-4001)Tj T* 0 Tw (www)Tj 2.08896 0.00001 TD (.wilsoncenter)Tj 5.19922 0.00001 TD (.org/lap)Tj ET 0.5 w 0 0 0 1 K 45.25 47.749 494.5 239.161 re s Q endstream endobj 10 0 obj << /BitsPerComponent 1 /Type/XObject /Subtype/Image /Height 718 /Decode[1 0] /ImageMask true /Length 79698 /Width 888 >> stream ??????????@_??_??????????<@????????????????C ???????????|???????????????@???????????????????@??????|???`??? ????????????????<?~????C??/?????0@~????8???????????????????????8{~?<?<?<?<?>??> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 73 729.9351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.004 Tw [(Haitian hands.)-486(The consensus w)30(as that Haiti w)39(ould)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD -0.028 Tw [(need some inter)-39(national pr)20(esence o)39(v)39(er the long haul)]TJ -0.0001 Tc (i)' 0.25992 -0.00001 TD (f)Tj 0.59954 0 Td 0 Tc 0.051 Tw [(stability and capab)15(le go)39(v)40(er)-40(nance w)40(er)19(e to be con-)]TJ -0.85946 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.157 Tw [(solidated.)-406(M)1(o)1(r)20(eo)40(v)40(e)1(r)40(,)-455(i)1(t)1( w)30(a)1(s)1( a)1(l)1(s)1(o)1( e)21(vident )-1(that )-1(an)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.055 Tw [(island-wide appr)29(oach to en)40(v)1(i)1(r)30(onmental and other)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.135 Tw [(i)1(s)1(s)1(u)1(e)1(s)1( )1(w)40(ould help impr)30(o)39(v)40(e)1( )1(r)21(elations with Haiti\325)98(s)]TJ T* 0.156 Tw [(neighbor)39(,)-452(the Dominican Repub)14(l)1(i)1(c)31(.)-404(A)1(s)1( )1(w)1(i)1(t)1(h)1( )1(a)1(l)1(l)]TJ T* 0.17 Tw [(effor)-24(t)1(s)1( t)1(o)1( r)20(eb)15(uild )-1(frag)-29(i)1(l)1(e)1( s)1(t)1(a)1(t)1(e)1(s)1(,)-467(member)-20(s )-1(of )-1(the)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.033 Tw [(inter)-39(national comm)15(unity incr)19(easingly r)20(eco)20(gnize that)]TJ T* -0.027 Tw [(goals m)15(ust be achie)20(v)39(ed and r)20(einfor)19(ced not only with)]TJ T* 0.058 Tw [(r)20(esour)20(ces,)-336(b)14(ut also with engagement of the citizens)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(of Haiti to ensur)20(e that gains ar)19(e endur)-44(ing.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F0 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 73 540.9351 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.037 Tc 0.256 Tw (Johanna Mendelson Forman)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 73 527.4351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.005 Tc 0.035 Tw [(discussed the potential for inter)-39(national assistance to)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.005 Tc 0.059 Tw [(mak)30(e a significant contr)-45(ib)15(ution to Haiti\325)98(s de)20(v)39(elop-)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc 0.039 Tw [(ment.)-262(She pointed to thr)19(ee f)-24(actor)-20(s that mak)30(e Haiti\325)98(s)]TJ T* 0.033 Tw [(situation especially unique)30(.)-257(One f)-25(actor is Haiti\325)98(s his-)]TJ T* 0.068 Tw [(tor)-44(ical context.)-292(Haiti did not benefit fr)29(om U)79(.S)39(.)-293(and)]TJ T* 0.005 Tw [(So)39(viet competition dur)-44(ing the Cold )30(W)127(ar)39(,)-278(she noted.)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.599 Tw [(Rather)39(,)-891(g)-29(r)-44(inding po)40(v)39(e)1(r)-23(ty)117(,)-891(r)20(epr)20(e)1(s)1(s)1(i)20(v)40(e militar)-29(y)]TJ T* -0.001 Tc 0.066 Tw [(r)20(eg)-29(imes,)-343(and a centur)-44(ies-old neglect of go)39(v)40(er)-39(nance)]TJ T* 0.003 Tc 0.061 Tw [(and justice ga)29(v)39(e w)30(a)29(y to a tidal w)29(a)29(v)39(e of immig)-29(rants)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc 0.008 Tw [(who sought a better life on U)79(.S)39(.)-232(shor)19(es.)-202(Thus,)-281(in the)]TJ T* -0.004 Tc 0.068 Tw [(absence of inter)-39(national competition,)-343(Haiti became)]TJ -0.0005 Tc (a)' 0.73795 0 Td -0.001 Tc 0.065 Tw [(U)79(.S)39(.)-294(secur)-44(ity concer)-39(n and a pr)29(o)-1(b)14(lem for inter)-39(n)-1(a)-1(-)]TJ -0.73795 -1.28571 TD -0.005 Tc -0.009 Tw [(tional action,)-264(Mendelson F)20(or)-45(man said.)-215(Although the)]TJ T* 0.008 Tc 0 Tw (countr)Tj 2.69512 0 TD 0.0085 Tc (y)Tj 0.82002 0 Td 0.009 Tc 0.056 Tw (became deluged b)Tj 7.37648 0 TD 0.0084 Tc (y)Tj 0.8199 0 Td 0.008 Tc [(for)20(eign assistance)29(,)-343(t)-1(h)-1(e)]TJ -11.71152 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc (r)Tj 0.3081 0 TD -0.005 Tc 0.037 Tw [(esults of such aid w)39(er)20(e limited.)-261(Cor)-39(r)-25(uption in go)40(v-)]TJ -0.3081 -1.28572 TD 0.011 Tc 0 Tw (er)Tj 0.83159 0 TD 0.054 Tw [(nment,)-342(poor de)19(v)40(elopment decisions,)-343(uncheck)30(ed)]TJ -0.83159 -1.28572 TD 0.015 Tc 0.068 Tw [(population g)-29(r)30(o)39(wth,)-361(and disease thw)30(a)1(r)-24(ted the best)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD -0.005 Tc 0.057 Tw [(intentions of donor)-20(s,)-330(both bilateral and m)15(ultilateral,)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(to r)-44(ight the wr)29(ongs of Haitian leader)-19(s,)-274(she argued.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.0089 Tc (A)Tj 1.0332 0 Td 0.009 Tc 0.06 Tw [(second pr)29(ob)15(lem,)-347(she said,)-348(w)30(as that Haiti w)29(as)]TJ -2.17835 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc -0.007 Tw [(not an example of a post-conflict state)29(,)-270(lik)30(e so man)19(y)]TJ T* -0.023 Tw [(other cases that confr)29(onted the w)40(orld comm)15(unity in)]TJ T* -0.014 Tw [(the w)29(ak)30(e of the Cold )30(W)127(ar)39(.)-185(While ther)19(e w)30(as conflict,)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.06 Tw [(violence)29(,)-347(and the disr)-24(uption of democratic r)-25(ule\321)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.039 Tw [(demonstrated b)25(y the coup that o)39(v)39(er)-24(thr)19(e)20(w the fr)20(eely-)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.099 Tw [(elected go)39(v)40(e)1(r)-38(nment of J)29(e)1(a)1(n)1( )1(B)1(e)1(r)-23(trand A)1(r)-44(i)1(s)1(t)1(i)1(d)1(e)1( )1(i)1(n)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.034 Tw [(1991\321Haiti appear)20(ed mor)19(e appr)30(opr)-44(iate as a case for)]TJ T* 0.016 Tw [(the Organization of Amer)-44(ican States to consider)-25(;)-195(in)]TJ T* 0.016 Tc 0.053 Tw [(1991 the O)39(AS declar)20(ed disr)-25(uptions of the demo-)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.024 Tw [(cratic pr)29(ocess as cause for r)20(eg)-29(ional inter)-25(v)40(ention.)-176(The)]TJ T* 0.013 Tw [(contin)15(ued deter)-44(ioration of human r)-44(ights conditions)]TJ T* -0.041 Tw [(in Haiti,)-237(the ongoing actions of death squads,)-237(and an)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.123 Tw [(O)40(AS-imposed embargo became sour)19(c)1(e)1(s)1( )1(o)1(f)1( )1(g)-28(r)21(eat)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.008 Tw [(human suffer)-44(ing and sent out an alar)-44(m that a str)29(ong)]TJ 22.19048 61.71428 TD -0.005 Tw [(inter)-39(national r)20(esponse to illeg)-30(itimate r)-24(ule w)29(as need-)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0 Tw [(ed,)-278(Mendelson F)20(or)-44(man asser)-25(ted.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.0032 Tc (I)Tj 0.33617 -0.00001 TD (n)Tj 0.86663 0 Td 0.003 Tc 0.061 Tw [(1994,)-343(a U)79(.S)39(.-led m)15(ulti-national for)20(ce)29(,)-343(ag)-29(r)20(eed)]TJ -2.34794 -1.28571 TD 0.0146 Tc (to)Tj 1.19246 0 Td 0.015 Tc 0.058 Tw [(b)25(y the UN Secur)-45(ity Council,)-350(enter)20(ed Haiti to)]TJ -1.19246 -1.28571 TD -0.005 Tc 0.056 Tw [(pr)29(otect its citizens and to r)20(estor)20(e leg)-30(itimate go)40(v)39(er)-39(n-)]TJ T* -0.016 Tw [(ment.)-178(The ar)-40(r)-43(i)20(v)29(al of mor)20(e than 25,000 tr)29(oops,)-257(most-)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.079 Tw [(ly U)79(.)1(S)40(.)1(,)-372(b)15(ut also)1( )-1(t)1(h)-1(ose of other par)-24(ticipating UN)]TJ T* 0.051 Tw [(states,)-344(mark)30(ed a shift in the w)29(a)30(y the inter)-39(national)]TJ T* 0.05 Tw [(comm)15(unity w)39(ould manage situations in countr)-44(i)1(e)1(s)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc -0.013 Tw [(no)39(w deemed \322f)-24(ailed states.)127-132(The extent to which the)]TJ T* 0.007 Tc 0.057 Tw [(inter)-39(national comm)15(unity has the leg)-30(itimacy under)]TJ T* 0.006 Tc 0.058 Tw [(inter)-39(n)-1(a)-1(t)-1(i)-1(o)-1(n)-1(a)-1(l)-1( )-1(l)-1(a)28(w to engage in Haiti is often ques-)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc -0.017 Tw [(tioned,)-256(she noted,)-256(g)-29(i)20(v)39(en that Haiti is not a post-con-)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.135 Tw [(flict state)29(,)-426(b)15(ut a \322)1(f)-24(ailed state in r)20(eco)39(v)40(e)1(r)-29(y mode)30(.)128]TJ T* -0.005 Tc -0.022 Tw [(Ho)39(w)40(e)19(v)40(er)39(,)-251(she str)19(essed that the inter)-39(national comm)15(u-)]TJ T* -0.002 Tc 0.066 Tw [(nity does ha)29(v)40(e a r)29(ole to pla)30(y in pr)29(omoting stability)118(,)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc 0 Tw [(sound go)39(v)40(er)-40(nance)30(,)-273(and economic pr)30(osper)-45(i)1(ty)117(.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.0002 Tc (A)Tj 0.93066 0 Td 0 Tc -0.024 Tw [(thir)20(d pr)29(ob)15(lem is that Haiti has been lock)29(ed in a)]TJ -2.0758 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.282 Tw [(long and confr)30(ontational r)19(elationship with the)]TJ T* 0.208 Tw [(Dominican )-1(Repub)15(l)1(i)1(c)30(,)-505(w)1(i)1(t)1(h)1( w)1(h)1(i)1(c)1(h)1( i)1(t)1( s)1(h)1(a)1(r)21(es )-2(the)]TJ T* 0.018 Tc 0.051 Tw [(island of Hispaniola.)-269(The tensions ha)30(v)39(e pr)29(oduced)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.067 Tw [(cr)29(oss-bor)20(der skir)-44(mishes and,)-345(in 1937,)-345(violence that)]TJ T* 0.008 Tw [(ended in a massacr)20(e of some 20,000 Haitians b)24(y the)]TJ T* -0.011 Tw [(Dominican ar)-44(m)29(y)118(.)-187(This violence against Haitians and)]TJ T* 0.05 Tw [(the policy of Pr)20(esident Raf)-25(ael )30(T)98(r)-24(ujillo (1930-1961))]TJ T* 0.032 Tw [(of \322Dominicanization\323)-212(of the bor)20(der only added to)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.054 Tw [(the tensions betw)39(een the tw)39(o countr)-44(ies.)-298(In 1994,)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.514 Tw [(r)20(elations betw)40(een Haiti and the Dominican)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (Repub)Tj 2.74585 0 TD 0.018 Tw (lic w)Tj 1.92348 0 TD [(er)20(e still tense dur)-45(ing the fir)-19(st UN inter-)]TJ -4.66932 -1.28572 TD (v)Tj 0.44362 0 TD 0.004 Tc 0.065 Tw [(ention.)-298(Conditions for an island-wide solution to)]TJ -0.44362 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (the ongoing Haitian disor)Tj 10.17822 0 TD [(der w)39(er)20(e not r)-44(ipe)29(.)]TJ -9.03308 -1.28572 TD 0.064 Tw [(Mendelson F)20(or)-44(man argued that finding r)19(eal and)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.01 Tw [(endur)-44(ing solutions to Haiti\325)98(s pr)29(ob)15(lems will r)20(equir)20(e a)]TJ T* 0.053 Tw [(ne)20(w set of ideas,)-331(diplomacy that engages an island-)]TJ T* 0.014 Tc 0.055 Tw [(wide appr)29(oach to solving the economic pr)30(ob)15(lems)]TJ T* 0.006 Tc 0.063 Tw [(that Haiti f)-24(aces,)-348(and a str)30(ong long-ter)-44(m economic)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.066 Tw [(i)1(n)40(v)40(o)1(l)1(v)40(ement of the m)15(ultinational finance institu-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.035 Tw [(tions that hold the k)29(e)20(y to r)20(esour)20(ces that ar)19(e needed)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.052 Tw [(to help b)15(uild a local and decentralized economic)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.024 Tw [(system.)-253(Ho)39(w)40(e)19(v)40(er)39(,)-302(she noted,)-302(in the v)30(acuum cr)19(eated)]TJ T* 0.002 Tw [(b)25(y the w)29(ar in Iraq,)-280(the United States has been mor)20(e)]TJ T* 0.017 Tc 0.052 Tw [(disengaged than e)20(v)39(er in w)39(orking out solutions to)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.119 Tw [(this long-standing pr)30(ob)14(lem of de)20(v)40(elopment.)-367(She)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.051 Tw [(noted the impor)-24(tant r)29(ole that nations of this hemi-)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.05 Tw [(spher)20(e w)39(er)19(e pla)30(ying to suppor)-25(t the r)20(estoration of)]TJ T* 0.008 Tc 0.062 Tw [(secur)-44(ity and de)20(v)39(elopment to Haiti.)-298(Brazil\325)98(s lead in)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.057 Tw [(the peace operations,)-335(coupled with the str)29(ong sup-)]TJ T* -0.022 Tw [(por)-25(t of man)20(y of the r)20(eg)-29(ion\325)98(s larger go)39(v)39(er)-39(nments,)-256(has)]TJ T* 0.01 Tw [(mark)29(ed a v)40(er)-30(y differ)20(ent and positi)19(v)40(e engagement b)25(y)]TJ ET 0 0 0 0 k 567 543.4999 23 13.5 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 576.2808 548.7808 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (3)Tj ET 8 w /CS0 CS 0.3 SCN -621 756 m 621 756 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 216.0445 763.4465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 Tc (G)Tj 0.96183 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0.037 Tw [(O)30(VERNANCE AND SECURITY IN HAITI)]TJ ET 2 w /CS0 CS 1 SCN 566.9997 548.3858 m 566.9997 800.9998 l S /GS2 gs q 106.5557 0 0 86.15651 504.864 -0.2155 cm /CS0 cs 0.1 scn /Im2 Do Q Q endstream endobj 12 0 obj << /Length 10332 >> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 91 729.9351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(r)20(eg)-29(ional actor)-20(s in Haiti\325)98(s futur)20(e)29(.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.008 Tc 0.062 Tw [(F)20(o)1(r)-23(tunately)117(,)-346(s)1(h)1(e)1( )1(s)1(a)1(i)1(d)1(,)-347(the g)-29(r)30(o)40(wth of democratic)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc (g)Tj 0.46899 -0.00001 TD 0.056 Tw [(o)39(v)40(er)-39(nance and impr)29(o)39(v)40(ed ci)19(vil-militar)-29(y r)20(elations in)]TJ -0.46899 -1.28571 TD 0.005 Tc 0.065 Tw [(Latin Amer)-44(ica ha)29(v)40(e enab)15(led man)20(y go)39(v)40(er)-40(nments to)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.055 Tw [(tak)30(e str)29(ong stands in suppor)-25(t of peace operations.)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.02 Tw [(Nine Latin Amer)-44(ican countr)-44(ies ha)29(v)40(e tr)29(oops par)-24(tici)-1(-)]TJ T* 0.069 Tw [(pating in the secur)-44(ity of Haiti thr)29(ough UN peace-)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(k)30(eeping operations while hemispher)-44(ic defense min)-1(-)]TJ T* -0.024 Tw [(ister)-20(s contin)15(ue to w)39(ork to)20(gether in helping to estab-)]TJ T* 0.002 Tw [(lish a safe and secur)20(e en)39(vir)29(onment.)-231(Concer)-39(ned with)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.131 Tw [(the ongoing r)30(ole of Haiti as a nar)19(c)1(o)1(t)1(i)1(c)1(s)1( )1(t)1(r)1(a)1(n)1(s)1(f)1(e)1(r)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.016 Tw [(point in the Car)-44(ibbean,)-294(and r)20(eco)20(gnizing the poten-)]TJ T* -0.021 Tw [(tial for f)-25(ailed states to pr)30(o)39(vide an opening for ter)-39(r)30(or-)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.142 Tw [(i)1(s)1(t)1(s)1(,)-438(U)79(.)1(S)40(.)-389(policymak)29(e)1(r)-19(s)1( )1(a)1(r)21(e no)39(w becoming mor)20(e)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(engaged in the countr)-29(y)117(.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.156 Tw [(Mendelson F)20(o)1(r)-43(man highlighted se)19(v)40(e)1(r)1(a)1(l)1( )1(b)1(r)31(oad)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.007 Tc 0.063 Tw [(questions that need to be consider)20(ed in e)19(v)31(aluating)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(the r)29(ole of the inter)-39(national comm)15(unity in Haiti:)]TJ 1.14514 -2.57143 TD /CS0 cs 1 scn Tj 1.16438 0 Td 0 0 0 1 k 0.012 Tc 0.057 Tw [(Ar)19(e inter)-39(national organizations the ne)20(w vil-)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.102 Tw [(lains of dependency or ar)20(e the)20(y pla)29(ying an)]TJ T* 0.66 Tw [(i)1(m)1(p)1(o)1(r)-24(tant r)30(ole in jump-star)-24(ting f)-25(ailed)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(r)20(eg)-29(imes?)]TJ -1.16438 -1.28571 TD /CS0 cs 1 scn Tj 1.16438 0 Td 0 0 0 1 k -0.012 Tc 0.008 Tw [(A)1(r)20(e the types of thr)20(eats that poor countr)-44(ies lik)29(e)]TJ T* 0.007 Tc 0.058 Tw [(Haiti f)-25(ace best managed thr)30(ough m)15(ultilateral)]TJ T* 0.094 Tw [(organizations? F)20(or example)29(,)-379(ar)20(e the transna-)]TJ T* 0.006 Tc 0.051 Tw [(tional thr)20(eats that no)39(w plague so man)20(y w)39(eak)]TJ T* -0.012 Tc 0.064 Tw [(states possib)15(le to solv)39(e only thr)29(ough a par)-24(tner-)]TJ T* 0.003 Tc 0.054 Tw (ship betw)Tj 3.87084 0 TD (een the emerg)Tj 5.84815 0 TD [(ing go)39(v)40(er)-39(nments and)]TJ -9.71899 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc (m)Tj 0.76486 0 TD -0.012 Tc 0 Tw (ultilateral institutions?)Tj -1.92924 -1.28572 TD /CS0 cs 1 scn 0 Tc Tj 1.16438 0 TD 0 0 0 1 k [(What r)29(ole can diplomacy pla)30(y in foster)-44(ing the)]TJ 0 -1.28572 TD 0.02 Tc 0.328 Tw [(a)30(w)30(a)1(r)20(eness that Haiti and the Dominican)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.187 Tw [(Repub)15(l)1(i)1(c)1( h)1(a)30(v)40(e)1( a)1( s)1(h)1(a)1(r)21(ed )-1(f)-25(ate)30(,)-485(and )-1(that )-1(the)]TJ T* 0.059 Tw [(island as a whole is not sustainab)15(le without)]TJ T* 0.205 Tw [(some alter)-39(nati)20(v)40(e)1( )1(f)1(o)1(r)-43(m of energy de)19(v)40(elop-)]TJ T* 0.086 Tw [(m)1(e)1(n)1(t)1(?)1( )1(I)1(s)1( )1(i)1(t)1( )1(p)1(o)1(s)1(s)1(i)1(b)16(le to b)15(uild peace thr)29(ough)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(shar)20(ed collaboration on energy secur)-44(ity?)]TJ -1.16438 -1.28571 TD /CS0 cs 1 scn Tj 1.16438 0 Td 0 0 0 1 k 0.012 Tw [(What can be done no)39(w to fur)-24(ther b)15(uild secu)-1(-)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.106 Tw [(r)-44(ity )1(in )1(Haiti? )1(Insecur)-44(i)-1(t)-1(y)-1( i)-1(s)-1( a)-1( s)-1(y)-1(m)-1(p)-1(t)-1(o)-1(m)-1( o)-1(f)-1( a)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.014 Tw [(larger pr)29(ob)15(lem,)-291(and the only w)29(a)30(y to r)19(eb)15(uild it)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.107 Tw [(i)1(s)1( )1(t)1(o)1( )1(p)1(r)30(o)40(v)1(i)1(d)1(e)1( )1(y)40(oung men and w)40(omen with)]TJ T* 0.017 Tc 0.053 Tw [(hope for a futur)20(e)30(.)-298(No)39(w)118(,)-347(with the economic)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.002 Tw [(oppor)-24(tunities limited,)-277(insecur)-44(ity will r)20(emain a)]TJ T* 0.057 Tw [(constant thr)20(eat to go)39(v)40(er)-40(nance)30(.)-286(Can the inter-)]TJ T* 0.006 Tc 0.064 Tw [(national comm)15(unity assist in b)14(uilding a r)-24(ural)]TJ T* 0.013 Tc 0.056 Tw (Haiti that is decentralized and self-sufficient)Tj T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(thr)29(ough alter)-39(nati)20(v)40(e for)-45(ms of technolo)20(gy?)]TJ -1.16438 -1.28571 TD /CS0 cs 1 scn Tj 1.16438 0 Td 0 0 0 1 k -0.015 Tc 0.037 Tw [(W)15(ill the democracies of Latin Amer)-44(ica contin)-1(-)]TJ T* 0.048 Tw [(ue to pr)29(o)39(vide suppor)-24(t for Haiti? )29(What capacity)]TJ 22.19048 61.71428 TD 0.047 Tw [(will the)20(y ha)29(v)39(e to sustain what is clearly a long-)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0 Tw [(ter)-44(m mission in the r)20(eg)-30(ion?)]TJ -1.16438 -2.57143 TD 0.02 Tc 0.064 Tw [(She concluded that Haiti\325)98(s)1( )1(f)1(u)1(t)1(u)1(r)21(e and the w)29(a)30(y)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.004 Tc 0.066 Tw [(that it is vie)20(w)39(ed b)25(y Latin Amer)-45(ican countr)-44(ies ma)30(y)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.016 Tw [(signal a ne)20(w era of r)19(eg)-29(ional r)20(elations that could sub-)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.081 Tw [(o)1(r)21(dinate U)78(.)1(S)40(.)-329(i)1(n)1(t)1(e)1(r)21(ests to those of other r)20(eg)-30(ional)]TJ T* 0.141 Tw [(a)1(c)1(t)1(o)1(r)-19(s)1(.)-827(I)1(t)1( )1(i)1(s)1( )1(i)1(m)1(p)1(o)1(r)-24(tant that Haiti and its futur)20(e)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.02 Tw [(de)20(v)39(elopment become a central par)-24(t of a wider effor)-25(t)]TJ T* 0.009 Tc 0.06 Tw [(of all countr)-44(ies inter)20(ested in peace and secur)-45(ity at)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(the thir)20(d U)78(.S)39(.)-228(bor)19(der)40(,)-278(the Car)-44(ibbean.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F0 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 324 554.4351 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.037 Tc 0.655 Tw (Assistant Secretary-General)Tj 0 -0.96429 TD 0.081 Tw (Albert Ramdin )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 439.1905 540.9351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.02 Tc 0.076 Tw (of the Organization of)Tj -10.97052 -1.28571 TD 0.186 Tw [(A)1(m)1(e)1(r)-43(i)1(c)1(a)1(n)1( )1(S)1(t)1(a)1(t)1(e)1(s)1( )1(\()1(O)40(AS\) noted that the political)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.059 Tw [(landscape in the )29(W)127(ester)-39(n hemispher)20(e has changed)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.032 Tw [(tr)20(emendously o)39(v)39(er the past 12 to 15 months.)-261(Man)20(y)]TJ T* 0.001 Tc 0.068 Tw [(countr)-44(ies held elections in 2006;)-249(almost tw)39(o-thir)20(ds)]TJ T* 0.008 Tc 0.062 Tw [(of the population of the Amer)-44(icas no)39(w has a ne)20(w)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.015 Tw [(go)39(v)40(er)-39(nment or has r)19(ene)20(w)39(ed the mandate for the sit-)]TJ T* 0.017 Tc 0.052 Tw [(ting go)39(v)40(er)-40(nm)1(ent.)-299(Ensur)-44(ing fr)20(ee and f)-25(air elections)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.065 Tw [(and democracy ha)29(v)40(e been k)29(e)20(y focal points of O)39(AS)]TJ T* 0.004 Tc [(in)39(v)39(olv)39(ement in the r)20(e)-1(g)-30(ion dur)-45(ing this time)30(.)-269(While)]TJ T* 0.011 Tc 0.058 Tw [(the O)39(AS has been pleased with the quality of the)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.181 Tw [(elections and the str)20(ength of democracy in the)]TJ T* 0.002 Tc 0.067 Tw [(r)20(eg)-29(ion,)-348(Ramdin added that ne)20(w or sitting go)39(v)40(er)-40(n-)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.266 Tw [(ments,)-563(including Haiti\325)98(s,)-564(f)-25(a)-1(c)-1(e)-1( )-1(m)-1(a)-1(n)19(y economic)29(,)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (social,)Tj 2.68812 0 TD 0.005 Tw (and political challenges,)Tj 9.65274 0 TD [(as w)39(ell as issues con-)]TJ -12.34087 -1.28572 TD 0 Tw (cer)Tj 1.23657 0 TD (ning indigenous peoples.)Tj -0.09143 -1.28572 TD -0.01 Tc 0.069 Tw (One positi)Tj 4.14878 0 TD [(v)39(e de)20(v)39(elopment,)-338(Ramdin said,)-337(is ther)19(e)]TJ -5.29392 -1.28572 TD -0.015 Tw [(is g)-29(r)19(eater political suppor)-24(t in the )29(W)128(ester)-40(n hemispher)20(e)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD -0.001 Tc 0.061 Tw [(for cooperation and engagement in Haiti.)-259(The for-)]TJ T* 0.002 Tc 0.058 Tw (mation of the UN Stabilization Mission \(MINUS-)Tj T* -0.01 Tc 0.036 Tw [(T)74(AH\),)-304(which in)39(v)39(olv)40(es a n)14(umber of South Amer)-44(ican)]TJ T* 0.016 Tw [(countr)-44(ies,)-284(is an example of this political momentum.)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.229 Tw [(Ramdin urged countr)-44(ies to sustain the political)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc 0 Tw [(momentum aimed at addr)20(essing Haiti\325)98(s needs.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.144 Tw [(I)1(n)1( )1(d)1(i)1(s)1(c)1(u)1(s)1(s)1(i)1(n)1(g)1( )1(H)1(a)1(i)1(t)1(i)1(,)-440(Ramdin argued that it is)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc -0.026 Tw [(impor)-25(tant to a)30(v)40(oid using labels)-1( )1(l)-1(i)1(k)29(e f)-25(ailed state)30(,)-251(non-)]TJ T* 0.002 Tc 0.068 Tw [(f)-24(ailed state)29(,)-347(or fledgling democracy)118(.)-298(Such labels ar)19(e)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.107 Tw [(d)-1(i)-1(f)-1(f)-1(i)-1(c)-1(u)-1(l)-1(t)-1( )-1(t)-1(o)-1( )-1(d)-1(e)-1(f)-1(i)-1(n)-1(e)29(,)-405(he said,)-404(par)-25(ticularly since so-)]TJ T* 0.016 Tc 0.053 Tw [(called de)20(v)39(eloped states also f)-25(ace man)20(y challenges.)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.201 Tw [(F)1(u)1(r)-24(ther)-44(m)1(o)1(r)21(e)30(,)-498(Ramdin argued both the Haitian)]TJ T* 0.38 Tw [(go)39(v)40(e)1(r)-38(nment and the inter)-39(national comm)15(unity)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.009 Tw [(should focus on Haiti\325)98(s par)-25(ticular needs)1( )-1(with r)20(espect)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.294 Tw [(to )1(r)20(esour)19(ces,)-590(assistance)29(,)-590(a)-1(n)-1(d)-1( t)-1(e)-1(c)-1(h)-1(n)-1(i)-1(c)-1(a)-1(l)-1( s)-1(u)-1(p)-1(p)-1(o)-1(r)-25(t.)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.033 Tw [(Ramdin noted that Haitian Pr)20(esident Ren\216 Pr\216v)29(al is)]TJ T* 0.007 Tc 0.062 Tw [(committed to this appr)29(oach\321dur)-44(ing a visit to the)]TJ ET 0 0 0 0 k 24 543.4999 23 13.5 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 33.2808 548.7808 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (4)Tj ET 8 w /CS0 CS 0.3 SCN -9 756 m 1233 756 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 193.1477 763.4465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (W)Tj 1.24585 0.00001 TD 0.037 Tw [(OODROW WILSON CENTER UPD)25(A)74(TE ON THE AMERICAS)]TJ ET 2 w /CS0 CS 1 SCN 46.0002 549.0002 m 46.0002 801.6142 l S Q endstream endobj 13 0 obj << /Length 10910 >> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 73 729.9351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.002 Tc 0.068 Tw [(O)39(AS in Mar)20(ch of 2006,)-347(Pr\216v)29(al made clear that his)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(policies w)39(ould be based on Haiti\325)98(s inter)20(ests.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.0195 Tc (E)Tj 0.61349 -0.00001 TD 0.02 Tc 0.256 Tw [(m)1(p)1(h)1(a)1(s)1(i)1(z)1(i)1(n)1(g)1( p)1(o)1(s)1(i)1(t)1(i)21(v)40(e )-1(de)19(v)40(elopments,)-554(Ramdin)]TJ -1.75863 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc -0.034 Tw [(noted that Haiti has succeeded in estab)15(lishing a tr)-25(uly)]TJ T* 0.016 Tc 0.053 Tw [(r)20(epr)19(esentati)20(v)39(e go)39(v)39(er)-39(nment,)-347(with all par)-25(ties r)20(epr)19(e-)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.025 Tw [(sented in parliament and the cabinet.)-203(Estab)14(lishing an)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.101 Tw [(i)1(n)1(c)1(l)1(u)1(s)1(i)21(v)40(e)30(,)-399(unified go)40(v)40(e)1(r)-39(nment that has a positi)20(v)40(e)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.017 Tw [(outlook and is committed to impr)29(o)40(ving the countr)-30(y)]TJ T* 0.004 Tc 0.065 Tw [(is a g)-29(r)19(eat achie)20(v)39(ement and is the star)-24(ting point for)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.026 Tw [(an)20(y engagement with the inter)-39(national comm)14(unity)118(,)]TJ T* 0 Tw (Ramdin said.)Tj 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.262 Tw [(R)1(a)1(m)1(d)1(i)1(n)1( s)1(t)1(r)21(e)1(s)1(s)1(e)1(d)1(,)-560(ho)40(w)39(e)21(v)40(e)1(r)40(,)-560(that )-1(expectations)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.002 Tc 0.067 Tw [(r)20(egar)20(ding what can be achie)19(v)40(ed should be lo)39(w)39(er)20(ed)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.044 Tw [(in or)20(der to a)29(v)40(oid disappointment and ensur)19(e steady)]TJ T* -0.001 Tw [(pr)29(o)20(g)-29(r)20(ess,)-278(par)-24(ticularly g)-30(i)20(v)40(en the v)29(ast n)15(umber of chal-)]TJ T* 0.062 Tw [(lenges Haiti f)-25(aces.)-260(These include w)39(eak institutional)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.056 Tw [(c)1(a)1(p)1(a)1(c)1(i)1(t)1(y)119(,)-353(a)1( )1(h)1(i)1(s)1(t)1(o)1(r)-28(y of political instability)117(,)-352(a)1( )1(d)1(i)1(s)1(e)1(n)1(-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.049 Tw [(gaged ci)20(vil society)117(,)-326(and massi)19(v)40(e unemplo)39(yment and)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.166 Tw [(po)39(v)40(e)1(r)-23(ty)117(.)-413(Such challenges r)20(e)1(q)1(u)1(i)1(r)20(e)1( )1(a)1(n)1( )1(i)1(n)1(c)1(r)21(emental)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.053 Tw [(appr)29(oach thr)30(ough which each pr)29(ob)15(lem is addr)20(essed)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(step b)25(y step)58(,)-277(he said.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.001 Tc 0.061 Tw [(Noting that the Haitian people ha)30(v)40(e s)-1(u)1(ffer)19(ed f)-24(a)1(r)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.01 Tc 0.069 Tw [(too long,)-338(Ramdin said that the Haitian go)40(v)39(er)-39(nment)]TJ T* -0.008 Tc 0.068 Tw [(should focus on demonstrating shor)-24(t-ter)-44(m)-1( r)20(esults in)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.1 Tw [(or)20(der to estab)14(lish and maintain confidence in the)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc 0.011 Tw [(political pr)29(ocess.)-230(He w)30(ar)-40(ned that without shor)-24(t-ter)-44(m)]TJ T* 0.062 Tw [(r)20(esults,)-331(social unr)20(est is lik)30(ely to mount,)-331(which could)]TJ T* 0.009 Tc 0.05 Tw [(lead to fur)-24(ther political instability and damage the)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc 0 Tw (go)Tj 0.9311 0 TD 0 Tc (v)Tj 0.42966 0 TD -0.01 Tc 0.041 Tw [(er)-39(nmental unity that has been achie)20(v)39(ed.)-260(Some of)]TJ -1.36075 -1.28572 TD 0.004 Tc 0.056 Tw (the main challenges in the shor)Tj 12.73202 0 TD [(t-ter)-44(m,)-338(he said,)-337(ar)19(e)]TJ -12.73202 -1.28572 TD 0.006 Tc 0.054 Tw (maintaining a peaceful en)Tj 10.37097 0 TD [(v)1(i)1(r)30(onment and pr)30(o)39(viding)]TJ -10.37097 -1.28572 TD -0.001 Tc 0.061 Tw [(oppor)-24(tunities for income generation.)-289(One example)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.01 Tc 0.441 Tw [(of a shor)-25(t-ter)-44(m pr)30(oject is the P)29(an-Amer)-44(ican)]TJ T* -0.007 Tc 0.066 Tw [(D)1(e)21(v)39(elopment )-1(F)20(oundation\325)98(s)1( i)1(n)1(i)1(t)1(i)1(a)1(t)1(i)21(v)40(e)1( t)1(o)1( c)1(r)20(eate )-1(1,500)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc 0.014 Tw [(jobs for str)20(eet cleaner)-20(s.)-233(Ramdin cautioned that while)]TJ T* -0.008 Tw [(focusing on cr)20(eating shor)-25(t-ter)-44(m oppor)-24(tunities should)]TJ T* -0.003 Tc 0.063 Tw [(be a pr)-44(ior)-44(ity)117(,)-337(the go)39(v)40(er)-39(nment and the inter)-39(national)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc -0.017 Tw [(comm)15(unity should not lose sight of long-ter)-44(m strate-)]TJ T* 0.006 Tw [(g)-29(ic plans and goals,)-275(including the str)-24(uctural impr)29(o)39(v)40(e-)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0.055 Tw [(ment of the econom)30(y and go)39(v)40(e)1(r)-39(n)1(m)1(e)1(n)1(t)1( )1(i)1(n)1(s)1(t)1(i)1(t)1(u)1(t)1(i)1(o)1(n)1(s)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc 0 Tw [(and the str)20(engthening of the social system.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.0195 Tc (A)Tj 1.09482 0 Td 0.019 Tc 0.101 Tw [(major challenge is secur)-44(ity)118(,)-399(R)-1(a)-1(m)-1(d)-1(i)-1(n)-1( )-1(s)-1(t)-1(a)-1(t)-1(e)-1(d)-1(.)]TJ -2.23997 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.337 Tw [(C)1(o)1(n)1(f)1(r)30(onting this challenge in)40(v)40(o)1(l)1(v)40(e)1(s)1( )1(p)1(r)30(otecting)]TJ T* 0.009 Tc 0.06 Tw [(human r)-44(ights,)-347(ensur)-45(ing f)-24(air judicial pr)29(ocesses,)-347(and)]TJ T* 0.018 Tc 0.052 Tw [(str)20(engthening the Haitian National P)49(olice)29(.)-298(It also)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.061 Tw [(i)1(n)40(v)40(o)1(l)1(v)40(e)1(s)1( )1(i)1(n)1(t)1(e)1(r)-38(national cooperation and assistance)30(.)]TJ T* 0.344 Tw [(One instance wher)20(e)1( )1(i)1(n)1(t)1(e)1(r)-38(national cooperation)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.058 Tw [(w)39(ould be useful is in the training of Haitian police)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.083 Tw [(o)1(f)1(f)1(i)1(c)1(e)1(r)-19(s)1(.)-330(He suggested that the training of police)]TJ 22.19048 61.71428 TD 0.006 Tc 0.063 Tw [(officer)-20(s tak)30(e place outside Haiti;)-250(an exchange pr)30(o-)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0.04 Tw [(g)-29(ram with C)10(ARICOM nations could train Haitian)]TJ 0.0195 Tc (p)' 0.51949 -0.00001 TD 0.019 Tc 0.228 Tw [(olice officer)-20(s in a calmer en)40(vir)29(o)-1(n)-1(m)-1(e)-1(n)-1(t)-1( )-1(b)-1(e)-1(f)-1(o)-1(r)19(e)]TJ -0.51949 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(r)20(etur)-39(ning them to w)39(ork in Haiti.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.005 Tc -0.029 Tw [(While secur)-44(ity is a k)29(e)20(y concer)-39(n,)-244(Ramdin said that)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.015 Tc 0.081 Tw [(mor)20(e attention should be paid to the pr)29(ob)15(lem of)]TJ T* 0.006 Tc 0.058 Tw [(po)39(v)40(er)-25(ty)118(,)-343(as it is closely link)30(ed to the secur)-44(ity chal-)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.303 Tw [(lenge)30(.)-547(Noting that it will tak)30(e man)19(y y)40(ear)-20(s to)]TJ T* 0.011 Tc 0.054 Tw [(str)20(engthen the Haitian National P)49(olice)29(,)-342(he argued)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc 0 Tw [(that focusing on po)39(v)40(er)-25(ty alle)20(viation and other de)20(v)39(el-)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.204 Tw [(opment challenges will lessen secur)-44(ity concer)-39(n)1(s)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc -0.034 Tw [(indir)20(ectly in the shor)-25(t ter)-44(m.)-190(Gi)19(v)40(en the length of time)]TJ T* 0.069 Tw [(needed to str)20(engthen the police for)19(ce and the need)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.108 Tw [(for immediate de)20(v)39(elopment assistance)30(,)-400(he argued)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc 0.034 Tw [(that MINUST)74(AH should r)19(emain in the countr)-29(y for)]TJ T* 0.002 Tc 0.062 Tw [(an extended per)-44(iod of time while slo)39(wly chang)-29(ing)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc -0.036 Tw [(its mandate to focus mor)20(e on de)19(v)40(elopment issues and)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(institutional suppor)-24(t other than secur)-44(ity)117(.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.01 Tc -0.037 Tw [(Gi)20(v)39(en the man)20(y challenges Haiti f)-25(aces,)-230(in 2006 the)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.017 Tw [(O)39(AS expanded its mandate to include the pr)30(omotion)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.081 Tw [(of economic and social de)20(v)39(elopment alongside its)]TJ T* 0.008 Tc 0.052 Tw [(or)-44(ig)-30(inal focus on str)20(engthening democratic go)39(v)40(er)-1(-)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc 0.065 Tw [(nance)29(.)-288(In connection with this br)30(oadened mandate)29(,)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc 0.003 Tw [(the manner in which the O)39(AS operates is also e)20(v)39(olv-)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.203 Tw [(ing.)-441(O)39(AS Secr)20(etar)-30(y-General J)30(os\216 Miguel Insulza)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc 0.063 Tw [(estab)15(lished a Haiti )29(T)108(ask F)20(or)19(ce aimed at coor)20(dinating)]TJ T* 0.033 Tw [(all O)39(AS acti)20(vities in Haiti.)-252(As chair of the Haiti )29(T)108(ask)]TJ T* 0.025 Tw [(F)20(or)19(ce)30(,)-293(Ramdin said that he is r)19(esponsib)15(le for str)20(eam-)]TJ T* -0.016 Tw (lining O)Tj 3.23782 0 TD (AS operations in Haiti in or)Tj 10.68068 0 TD [(der to str)20(engthen)]TJ -13.91849 -1.28572 TD -0.002 Tc 0.062 Tw (their effecti)Tj 4.53348 0 TD [(v)40(eness and better ser)-25(v)40(e Haitian author)-44(i-)]TJ -4.53348 -1.28572 TD -0.01 Tc 0 Tw (ties.)Tj 1.72834 0 TD 0.037 Tw [(Thus,)-305(the acti)20(vities of the thr)20(ee basic O)39(AS enti-)]TJ -1.72834 -1.28572 TD 0.069 Tw [(ties in Haiti\321the O)39(AS countr)-29(y office)29(,)-337(the Electoral)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.049 Tw [(T)152(echnical Assistance Pr)29(o)20(g)-29(ram \(ET)73(AP\),)-317(and the O)39(AS)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.196 Tw (Special Mission\321will all be managed under the)Tj T* -0.01 Tc 0 Tw [(heading of the O)39(AS countr)-29(y office)29(.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.015 Tc 0.053 Tw [(Ramdin added that better coor)20(dination within)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.205 Tw [(the inter)-39(national comm)15(unity)117(,)-497(par)-24(ticularly at the)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc 0.061 Tw [(technical and political le)20(v)39(els,)-334(is needed,)-334(as is g)-30(r)20(eater)]TJ T* 0.013 Tw [(cooperation betw)39(een donor aid organizations w)40(ork)-1(-)]TJ T* 0.001 Tc 0.064 Tw [(ing within Haiti.)-264(T)1(h)1(i)1(s)1( )1(i)1(n)40(v)40(olv)39(es 1\) making sur)20(e that)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc 0.033 Tw [(donor aid for technical suppor)-24(t tak)29(es account of the)]TJ T* -0.003 Tc 0.068 Tw [(political en)39(v)1(i)1(r)30(onment;)-244(2\) expanding member)-20(ship in)]TJ T* 0.003 Tc 0.061 Tw [(the extended frame)20(w)39(ork for cooperation on Haiti;)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.064 Tw [(and 3\) holding r)20(egular meetings on political de)19(v)40(el-)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.097 Tw [(opments.)-340(Such)-1( coor)20(dination among inter)-39(national)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc -0.021 Tw [(entities is lik)29(ely to incr)20(ease pr)30(o)19(g)-29(ram effecti)20(v)39(eness and)]TJ T* 0.009 Tc 0.056 Tw [(r)20(educe the r)-44(isk that if one element of the strategy)]TJ T* 0.004 Tc 0.06 Tw [(collapses,)-343(e)20(v)39(er)-30(ything f)-24(alls apar)-25(t.)-293(Mor)19(eo)40(v)39(er)39(,)-343(he said,)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.156 Tw [(the Haitian go)39(v)40(e)1(r)-38(nment needs to pr)29(ofessionali)-4(z)-4(e)]TJ ET 0 0 0 0 k 567 543.4999 23 13.5 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 576.2808 548.7808 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (5)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 216.0445 763.4465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 Tc (G)Tj 0.96183 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0.037 Tw [(O)30(VERNANCE AND SECURITY IN HAITI)]TJ ET /GS2 gs q 106.5557 0 0 86.15651 504.864 -0.2155 cm /CS0 cs 0.1 scn /Im2 Do Q /GS1 gs 8 w /CS0 CS 0.3 SCN -621 756 m 621 756 l S 2 w 1 SCN 566.9997 548.3858 m 566.9997 800.9998 l S Q endstream endobj 14 0 obj << /Length 10042 >> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 91 729.9351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.013 Tc 0.056 Tw [(donor aid coor)20(dination within Haiti.)-269(The O)39(AS is)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.076 Tw [(suppor)-24(ting institutional str)19(engthening within the)]TJ -0.0002 Tc (M)' 0.91684 -0.00001 TD 0 Tc -0.021 Tw [(inistr)-29(y of Planning,)-257(the institution officially desig-)]TJ -0.91684 -1.28571 TD 0 Tw (nated to deal with donor aid.)Tj 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.119 Tw [(W)15(ithin each of the thr)20(ee main ar)20(eas of focus)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.016 Tc 0.053 Tw [(under the extended mandate\321democratic go)39(v)40(er)-1(-)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.085 Tw [(nance)29(,)-382(de)19(v)40(elopment,)-383(a)1(n)1(d)1( s)1(e)1(c)1(u)1(r)-43(ity\321the )-1(O)39(A)1(S)1( h)1(a)1(s)]TJ T* 0.018 Tc 0.051 Tw [(designed a specific set of acti)20(vities.)-299(In the ar)20(ea of)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.014 Tw [(democracy and go)39(v)40(er)-40(nance)30(,)-292(Ramdin explained,)-292(the)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.189 Tw [(O)40(AS intends to contin)15(u)1(e)1( )1(t)1(h)1(e)1( )1(c)1(i)20(v)1(i)1(l)1( )1(r)21(eg)-29(i)1(s)1(t)1(r)-29(y and)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.05 Tw [(National ID Car)20(d pr)29(oject,)-347(which has successfully)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.173 Tw [(r)20(eg)-29(i)1(s)1(t)1(e)1(r)21(ed 3.5 million Haitians.)-422(Suppor)-24(t for the)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.051 Tw [(Haitian Electoral Council will also be contin)15(ued as)]TJ T* 0.039 Tw [(this body is transfor)-44(med into a per)-44(manent electoral)]TJ T* 0.006 Tc 0.063 Tw [(council.)-298(One challenge)29(,)-347(he highlighted,)-348(is the fr)20(e)-1(-)]TJ T* [(quency of elections in the countr)-29(y)117(.)-299(In the coming)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.005 Tw [(fi)20(v)39(e y)39(ear)-19(s,)-284(15 elections will be held in Haiti,)-282(costing)]TJ T* 0.068 Tw [(betw)39(een 15 and 20 million dollar)-19(s each.)-297(Gi)19(v)40(en the)]TJ T* 0.003 Tc 0.067 Tw [(g)-29(r)20(eat cost of holding such fr)20(equent elections\321150)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.081 Tw [(million dollar)-20(s)1( )1(o)41(v)40(er the next fi)19(v)40(e y)39(e)1(a)1(r)-18(s\321and the)]TJ T* 0.006 Tc 0.063 Tw [(limited amount of funding a)30(v)29(ailab)15(le)29(,)-347(Ramdin sug-)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.059 Tw [(gested that Haitian author)-44(ities r)19(e)20(visit the electoral)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.04 Tw [(pr)29(ocess and consider making constitutional changes)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(to addr)20(ess this pr)29(ob)15(lem.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.008 Tw [(Other issues in the ar)20(ea of democracy and go)39(v)39(er-)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.008 Tc 0.062 Tw [(nance which r)20(equir)19(e attention ar)20(e judicial r)20(efor)-44(m,)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.034 Tw [(capacity b)15(uilding,)-244(and suppor)-25(ting the P)30(arliament,)-244(he)]TJ T* 0.013 Tc 0.056 Tw [(stated.)-298(Reco)19(gnizing that the O)39(AS cannot tak)30(e on)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.053 Tw (the entir)Tj 3.58141 0 TD (ety of judicial r)Tj 6.48137 0 TD [(efor)-44(m)1(,)-349(he noted that the)]TJ -10.06278 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc (O)Tj 0.78369 0 TD 0 Tw [(AS can be of assistance in cer)-25(tain ar)20(eas such as the)]TJ -0.78369 -1.28572 TD 0.026 Tw (training of judges.)Tj 7.44518 0 TD [(In or)20(der to pr)29(omote institutional)]TJ -7.44518 -1.28572 TD 0.043 Tw [(str)20(engthening and capacity b)14(uilding in the past,)-321(the)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.01 Tw [(O)39(AS has pr)30(o)39(vided technical assistance)29(.)-238(Ho)39(w)40(e)19(v)40(er)39(,)-287(he)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0.065 Tw [(argued that capacity b)15(uilding should be mor)19(e per-)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.177 Tw [(manent.)-425(Rather than simply sending exper)-25(t)1(s)1( )1(t)1(o)]TJ T* 0.138 Tw [(H)1(a)1(i)1(t)1(i)1(,)-435(these exper)-24(ts should be tied to a Haitian)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.173 Tw [(c)-1(o)-1(u)-1(n)-1(t)-1(e)-1(r)-40(par)-25(t in or)20(der to train indi)20(viduals for an)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.16 Tw [(extended per)-44(iod of time)30(.)-408(F)21(or example)29(,)-456(h)1(e)1( )1(s)1(a)1(i)1(d)1(,)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.004 Tw [(Car)-44(ibbean countr)-44(ies can be especially useful in pr)29(o-)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(viding suppor)-25(t for the Haitian P)30(arliament.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.157 Tw [(W)15(ith its expanded mandate)30(,)-454(the O)39(A)1(S)1( )1(i)1(s)1( )1(a)1(l)1(s)1(o)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.176 Tw [(assisting the Haitian go)39(v)40(e)1(r)-38(nment in the ar)20(ea of)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.012 Tw [(de)20(v)39(elopment.)-240(As par)-25(t of a pr)29(o)20(g)-29(ram which will con-)]TJ T* -0.003 Tw [(tin)15(ue thr)29(oughout 2007,)-274(the O)39(AS has sent tw)39(o tech-)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.15 Tw (nical missions to assess conditions for expanded)Tj T* 0 Tc 0.039 Tw [(w)39(ork.)-238(The mission has also pr)29(o)40(vided strateg)-30(ic plan-)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.326 Tw [(ning and training in tour)-44(i)1(s)1(m)1(,)-623(including ag)-29(r)-44(i)1(-)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0.065 Tw [(tour)-44(ism,)-348(in collaboration with the Inter-Amer)-44(ican)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.335 Tw [(Institute for Ag)-30(r)-44(icultur)20(e)29(.)-584(R)-1(a)-1(m)-1(d)-1(i)-1(n)-1( )-1(a)-1(r)-1(g)-1(u)-1(e)-1(d)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(a)-1(t)]TJ 22.19048 46.31436 TD 0.004 Tc 0.066 Tw [(thr)29(ough tour)-44(ism,)-347(man)20(y shor)-25(t-ter)-44(m job oppor)-24(tuni-)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.254 Tw [(ties could be estab)15(l)1(i)1(s)1(h)1(e)1(d)1(,)-550(p)1(a)1(r)-24(ticularly with the)]TJ T* 0.001 Tc 0.069 Tw [(in)39(v)40(olv)39(ement of the pr)-44(i)20(v)30(ate sector and inter)-39(national)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.054 Tw [(institutions lik)29(e the Car)-44(i)-1(b)-1(b)-1(e)-1(a)-1(n)-1( )-1(H)-1(o)-1(t)-1(e)-1(l)-1( )-1(Association)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.034 Tw [(and the Car)-44(ibbean )29(T)153(our)-44(ism Organization.)-165(The O)39(AS)]TJ -0.0002 Tc (is)' 0.89498 0 Td 0 Tc 0.056 Tw [(alr)20(eady pr)29(o)39(viding technical assistance in de)20(v)40(elop-)]TJ -0.89498 -1.28571 TD 0.002 Tc 0.067 Tw [(ing the tour)-44(ism potential of se)20(v)39(eral ar)20(eas including)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw (La Gon)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.825 0 0 6.825 356.0939 477.2009 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (^)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 355.6162 473.7359 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(av)40(e and Cap Ha\225tien,)-278(he said.)]TJ -1.86593 -1.28571 TD 0.002 Tc 0.068 Tw [(Pr)29(omoting g)-29(r)20(eater trade with and in)39(v)40(estment in)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0.052 Tw [(Haiti will also contr)-44(ib)15(ute to the countr)-30<79D5>98(s de)20(v)39(elop-)]TJ T* 0.017 Tc [(ment.)-269(What is needed,)-347(Ramdin said,)-348(is a positi)20(v)39(e)]TJ T* 0.001 Tc 0.068 Tw (attitude that demonstrates the potential for specific)Tj T* 0.02 Tc 0.143 Tw [(economic and in)39(v)40(estment oppor)-24(t)1(u)1(n)1(i)1(t)1(i)1(e)1(s)1( )1(i)1(n)1( )1(a)1(r)20(e)1(a)1(s)]TJ T* 0.017 Tc 0.052 Tw [(such as in w)29(ater r)20(esour)20(ce management,)-348(r)20(efor)20(esta-)]TJ T* 0.008 Tc 0.061 Tw [(tion,)-347(natural disaster mitigation,)-348(por)-24(t secur)-45(ity)118(,)-347(and)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.063 Tw [(t)-1(r)-1(a)-1(d)-1(e)-1( )-1(f)-25(acilitation.)-283(T)152(o accomplish this,)-361(t)-1(h)-1(e)-1( )-1(O)38(AS is)]TJ T* 0.001 Tc 0.068 Tw [(organizing a trade mission and a b)15(usiness for)-25(um in)]TJ T* 0.004 Tc 0.065 Tw [(Haiti in October 2007.)-298(He ended b)24(y pointing out)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.004 Tw [(other O)39(AS pr)30(o)19(g)-29(rams that can assist in Haiti,)-274(includ-)]TJ T* -0.012 Tw [(ing those designed to combat illegal ar)-44(ms,)-266(nar)20(cotics,)]TJ T* 0 Tw (and human trafficking.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F0 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 324 257.7359 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.012 Tc -0.015 Tw (Ambassador Raymond Joseph,)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 324 244.2359 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.01 Tc 0.026 Tw [(Haitian ambassador to the United States,)-294(argued that)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.004 Tw [(Haiti\325)98(s cur)-39(r)20(ent situation should be consider)19(ed in light)]TJ T* 0.004 Tc 0.056 Tw [(of the histor)-44(ical legacy of colonialism and occupa-)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc -0.036 Tw [(tion.)-183(Man)20(y of Haiti\325)98(s pr)29(ob)15(lems,)-232(he said,)-231(stem fr)29(om the)]TJ T* 0.006 Tc 0.053 Tw [(f)-25(act that it w)30(as the second countr)-30(y in the )29(W)127(ester)-39(n)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc 0.065 Tw [(hemispher)20(e after the United States to achie)19(v)40(e inde-)]TJ T* [(pendence)29(.)-288(Gi)20(v)40(en the r)19(eluctance of the inter)-39(national)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc -0.006 Tw [(comm)15(unity\321and the United States in par)-25(ticular\321to)]TJ T* -0.031 Tw [(r)20(eco)19(gnize a state estab)15(lished b)25(y for)-44(mer sla)29(v)40(es who had)]TJ T* 0.056 Tw [(defeated a \322ci)19(vilized\323)-226(countr)-29(y)118(,)-324(France)29(,)-324(Haiti w)30(as not)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.061 Tw [(w)40(elcomed into the inter)-40(national comm)15(unity)118(.)-270(This)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc 0.068 Tw [(w)29(as despite the f)-24(act that Haiti\325)98(s independence bene-)]TJ T* 0.026 Tw [(fited the United States tr)20(emendously:)-196(France\325)98(s fear of)]TJ ET 0 0 0 0 k 24 543.4999 23 13.5 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 33.2808 548.7808 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (6)Tj ET 8 w /CS0 CS 0.3 SCN -9 756 m 1233 756 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 193.1477 763.4465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (W)Tj 1.24585 0.00001 TD 0.037 Tw [(OODROW WILSON CENTER UPD)25(A)74(TE ON THE AMERICAS)]TJ ET 2 w /CS0 CS 1 SCN 46.0002 549.0002 m 46.0002 801.6142 l S 0 0 0 0 k 324 587.301 216 150.699 re f 0.5 SCN 325 736 m 539 736 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 325 717 Tm /CS0 cs 0.8 scn [(Ramdin said tha)30(t the Haitian g)14(o)15(v)15(er)-25(nment)]TJ 0 -1.25 TD [(should f)15(ocus on demonstr)20(a)30(ting shor)-15(t-ter)-26(m)]TJ T* [(r)15(esults in or)5(der to estab)20(lish and maintain)]TJ T* [(confidence in the political pr)15(ocess)45(.)-178(He w)14(ar)-25(ned)]TJ T* [(tha)30(t without shor)-15(t-ter)-26(m r)15(esults)45(,)-178(social unr)15(est)]TJ T* [(is likel)25(y to mount,)-178(whic)-20(h could lead to fur)-15(ther)]TJ T* [(political instability and dama)15(g)15(e the g)14(o)15(v)15(er)-25(n)1(-)]TJ ET 2 w /CS0 CS 0.5 SCN 325 599 m 539 599 l S BT /F17 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 325 612 Tm [(mental unity tha)30(t has been ac)-20(hiev)15(ed.)]TJ ET Q endstream endobj 15 0 obj << /Length 10997 >> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f q /GS1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 567 543.4999 23 13.5 re f Q /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 576.2808 548.7808 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (7)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 216.0445 763.4465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 Tc (G)Tj 0.96183 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0.037 Tw [(O)30(VERNANCE AND SECURITY IN HAITI)]TJ ET /GS2 gs q 106.5557 0 0 86.15651 504.864 -0.2155 cm /CS0 cs 0.1 scn /Im2 Do Q Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 73 729.9351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.01 Tc 0.018 Tw [(losing its r)-44(ichest colon)20(y)117(,)-286(he asser)-24(ted,)-286(spark)29(ed its deci-)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD -0.002 Tc 0.061 Tw [(sion to sell the Louisiana )29(T)152(er)-39(r)-44(itor)-29(y for $15 million,)]TJ 0.0097 Tc (p)' 0.50973 -0.00001 TD 0.01 Tc 0.108 Tw [(erhaps the g)-29(r)20(eatest r)19(eal estate bargain in histor)-29(y)118(.)]TJ -0.50973 -1.28571 TD -0.01 Tc -0.024 Tw [(Thus,)-245(the United States doub)15(led its landmass,)-244(gaining)]TJ T* 0.008 Tw [(the v)29(ast domain w)40(est of the Mississippi to the Rocky)]TJ T* -0.008 Tc 0.068 Tw [(Mountains,)-338(fr)30(om the Gulf of Mexico all the w)29(a)30(y to)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc 0 Tw [(the bor)20(der of Canada.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.235 Tw [(Despite the United States\325)-434(g)1(a)1(i)1(n)1( )1(f)1(r)30(o)1(m)1( )1(H)1(a)1(i)1(t)1(i)199(s)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0.019 Tw [(str)-25(uggle for independence)30(,)-296(the United States joined)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.25 Tw (France in imposing an embargo on Haiti that)Tj T* 0.112 Tw [(r)20(emained in place for 60 y)40(e)1(a)1(r)-19(s)1(,)-408(with de)19(v)30(astating)]TJ T* 0.003 Tc 0.067 Tw [(consequences for the countr)-29(y)118(.)-298(Mor)19(eo)40(v)39(er)40(,)-347(in r)19(etur)-39(n)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.064 Tw [(f)1(o)1(r)1( )1(r)21(e)1(c)1(o)20(g)1(n)1(i)1(t)1(i)1(o)1(n)1(,)-361(France demanded pa)30(yment fr)29(om)]TJ T* 0.004 Tc 0.065 Tw [(Haiti as compensation for its losses.)-298(Haiti w)29(as thus)]TJ T* 0.008 Tc 0.061 Tw [(fur)-25(ther saddled b)25(y the debt of pa)29(ying for its inde-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(pendence)30(,)-278(J)30(oseph said.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.024 Tw [(When the United States did become in)39(v)40(olv)39(ed in)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.005 Tc 0.065 Tw [(Haiti\321it occupied the countr)-29(y betw)39(een 1915 and)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.023 Tw [(1934\321it r)20(einfor)19(ced the old social str)-24(uctur)20(e imposed)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.502 Tw [(b)24(y the Fr)20(ench,)-800(per)-39(p)-1(e)-1(t)-1(u)-1(a)-1(t)-1(i)-1(n)-1(g)-1( )-1(s)-1(o)-1(c)-1(i)-1(a)-1(l)-1( )-1(d)-1(i)19(visions)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.059 Tw [(betw)39(een m)15(ulattos on top and b)15(lack masses on the)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.089 Tw [(bottom.)-308(T)1(h)1(u)1(s)1(,)-385(despite some in)39(v)40(estment in infra-)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.035 Tw [(str)-25(uctur)20(e including r)29(oads,)-242(schools and b)14(uildings dur-)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.094 Tw [(ing the U)79(.)1(S)40(.)-342(occupation,)-392(the U)78(.)1(S)40(.)-342(M)1(a)1(r)-43(ines allied)]TJ T* 0.004 Tc 0.066 Tw [(themselv)39(es with the bourgeoisie)30(,)-347(lea)29(ving the social)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(str)-25(uctur)20(e unchanged.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.015 Tc 0.054 Tw [(Haiti did not benefit fr)29(om the r)-44(i)20(v)29(alr)-29(y betw)39(een)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0.046 Tw [(the United States and the So)39(viet Union dur)-44(ing the)]TJ T* 0.006 Tc 0 Tw (Cold )Tj 2.33094 0 TD 0 Tc (W)Tj 0.87842 0 TD 0.006 Tc 0.064 Tw [(ar)39(,)-347(when those countr)-44(ies w)39(er)20(e fighting for)]TJ -3.20936 -1.28572 TD 0.005 Tc 0.065 Tw (allies and offer)Tj 5.9309 0 TD [(ing assistance to ne)20(wly independent)]TJ -5.9309 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (countr)Tj 2.65845 0 TD 0.039 Tw [(ies.)-238(The Cold )29(W)128(ar did,)-317(ho)39(w)40(e)20(v)39(er)39(,)-316(k)29(eep br)-24(utal)]TJ -2.65845 -1.28572 TD 0.019 Tc 0.222 Tw [(dictator )1(Fran\215ois )1(Duv)29(a)-1(l)-1(i)-1(e)-1(r)-1( \()-1(1)-1(9)-1(5)-1(7)-1(-)-1(7)-1(1)-1(\))-1( i)-1(n)-1( p)-1(o)39(w)38(er)40(,)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc -0.032 Tw [(because he w)29(as vie)20(w)39(ed as a b)15(ul)20(w)29(ark against comm)15(u-)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0 Tw (nism.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.825 0 0 6.825 96.4387 287.9001 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (4)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 103.527 284.4351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.02 Tc 0.076 Tw [(While Haiti w)29(as the second major tour)-43(i)1(s)1(t)]TJ -2.90733 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0.008 Tw [(destination in the Car)-44(ibbean behind Cuba fr)29(om the)]TJ T* 0.016 Tw [(1940s to the 1960s,)-294(after coming to po)39(w)40(er in 1957,)]TJ T* 0.064 Tw [(Duv)29(alier dr)30(o)39(v)40(e all the pr)29(ofessionals fr)29(om the coun-)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(tr)-30(y)118(,)-277(g)-30(r)20(eatly damag)-29(ing Haiti\325)98(s economic standing.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.014 Tw [(T)128(ur)-40(ning to the r)30(ole of the inter)-39(national comm)15(u-)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.102 Tw [(n)1(i)1(t)1(y)1( )1(i)1(n)1( )1(r)21(ecent y)39(e)1(a)1(r)-19(s)1(,)-399(J)31(oseph stated that assistance)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.025 Tw [(fr)29(om the inter)-39(national comm)15(unity is impor)-25(tant and)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.301 Tw [(effecti)20(v)40(e when pr)29(o)1(p)1(e)1(r)1(l)1(y)1( )1(d)1(i)1(r)21(e)1(c)1(t)1(e)1(d)1(.)-549(I)1(n)1(t)1(e)1(r)-38(national)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.005 Tw [(obser)-25(v)40(er)-20(s sent b)25(y the O)39(AS made the fir)-20(st democrat-)]TJ T* 0.055 Tw [(ic elections possib)15(le in 1990,)-333(he said.)-284(Although the)]TJ T* 0.008 Tc 0.061 Tw [(Haitian people ar)20(e v)39(er)-30(y accepting of for)20(eign assis-)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.012 Tw [(tance)29(,)-265(he w)30(ar)-40(ned that the pr)20(esence of for)20(eign tr)29(oops)]TJ T* 0.034 Tw [(for an extended per)-44(iod of time could spark Haitian)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(nationalism and a r)20(ejection of inter)-39(national in)39(v)39(olv)40(e-)]TJ T* 0.063 Tw [(ment in the countr)-29(y)117(.)-261(T)152(o pr)20(e)19(v)40(ent this fr)29(om happen-)]TJ 22.19048 61.71428 TD 0.001 Tc 0.069 Tw [(ing,)-347(he said,)-348(inter)-39(national assistance should be w)39(ell)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.082 Tw [(c)1(o)1(o)1(r)21(dinated and aim to achie)19(v)40(e sustainab)15(le solu-)]TJ -0.0001 Tc (t)' 0.29185 -0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0.028 Tw [(ions.)-257(Rather than claiming cr)20(edit for their indi)19(vid-)]TJ -0.29186 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.606 Tw [(ual contr)-44(i)1(b)16(u)1(t)1(i)1(o)1(n)1(s)1(,)-903(i)1(n)1(t)1(e)1(r)-38(national organizations)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.02 Tw [(should w)39(ork in cooperation with Haitians on de)20(v)39(el-)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.339 Tw [(opment initiati)20(v)40(e)1(s)1( )1(t)1(o)1( )1(s)1(t)1(r)20(engthen the countr)-29(y)199(s)]TJ T* 0.17 Tw [(human capital and capacity)118(.)-418(He highlighted the)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.052 Tw [(Inter-Amer)-44(ican De)20(v)39(elopment Bank\325)98(s fund to br)-44(ing)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.234 Tw [(Haitian pr)29(ofessionals li)20(ving abr)30(o)-1(a)-1(d)-1( )-1(b)-1(a)-1(c)-1(k)-1( )-1(t)-1(o)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(e)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(countr)-29(y as a successful example of this appr)29(oach.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.03 Tw [(J)30(oseph added that de)19(v)40(elopment initiati)20(v)39(es should)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.009 Tc 0.061 Tw [(not tr)-29(y to r)19(ein)39(v)40(ent the wheel,)-347(b)15(ut rather b)15(uild on)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.185 Tw [(p)1(r)21(e)20(v)1(i)1(o)1(u)1(s)1( )1(e)1(f)1(f)1(o)1(r)-24(t)1(s)1(.)-402(The dissolution of the Haitian)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.012 Tw [(ar)-44(med for)20(ces after the r)19(eestab)15(lishment of democracy)]TJ T* 0.011 Tc 0.058 Tw [(had de)20(v)29(astating consequences,)-347(he said.)-299(Destr)30(o)39(ying)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.01 Tw [(the ar)-44(med for)20(ces without a substitute in place cr)19(eat-)]TJ T* 0.009 Tc 0.06 Tw [(ed a huge v)29(acuum and made gaining contr)30(ol o)39(v)39(er)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.055 Tw [(the secur)-44(ity situation m)15(uch mor)19(e challeng)-29(ing.)-254(This)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.073 Tw [(lesson should be lear)-39(ned with r)20(efer)19(ence to other)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(countr)-44(ies,)-278(he concluded.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F0 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 306 432.9351 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.027 Tc 0.061 Tw (Ambassador Roberto \347lvarez,)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 306 419.4351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.015 Tc 0.054 Tw [(Mission of the Dominican Repub)15(lic to the O)39(AS)39(,)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.019 Tc 0.127 Tw [(discussed thr)20(ee pr)-44(incipal ar)19(eas of concer)-39(n)-1( )-1(a)-1(b)-1(o)-1(u)-1(t)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.09 Tw [(H)1(a)1(i)1(t)1(i)1( )1(f)1(r)30(om the Dominican per)-19(s)1(p)1(e)1(c)1(t)1(i)21(v)39(e)1(:)-288(d)1(r)-24(ug and)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(ar)-44(ms trafficking,)-278(HIV/AIDS)39(,)-278(and mig)-29(ration.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.015 Tc 0.041 Tw [(Quoting the 2006 State Depar)-24(tment Inter)-39(national)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.019 Tc 0 Tw (Nar)Tj 1.58076 0 TD 0.613 Tw (cotics Contr)Tj 5.71983 0 TD 0.02 Tc [(ol Strategy Repor)-24(t on the)]TJ -7.30059 -1.28572 TD 0.396 Tw (Dominican Repub)Tj 8.17092 0 TD [(l)1(i)1(c)30(,)-6931(l)1(v)31(a)1(r)20(ez noted that the)]TJ -8.17092 -1.28572 TD 0.235 Tw (Dominican Repub)Tj 8.00961 0 TD [(lic has been identified as \322)1(a)]TJ -8.00961 -1.28572 TD 0.136 Tw [(major dr)-24(ug transit countr)-30(y for illegal substances)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.218 Tw [(flo)39(w)1(i)1(n)1(g)1( )1(f)1(r)31(om South A)1(m)1(e)1(r)-43(i)1(c)1(a)1(,)128-417(and that dur)-44(i)1(n)1(g)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.038 Tw [(2005,)-239(the State Depar)-25(tment cr)20(edited the Dominican)]TJ T* -0.013 Tw [(Repub)15(lic with incr)19(easing the seizur)20(es of large quan-)]TJ T* 0.018 Tw [(tities of dr)-25(ugs,)-295(raising the n)15(umber of extraditions of)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.344 Tw [(suspects to the United States,)-642(and impr)30(o)40(v)1(i)1(n)1(g)]TJ T* 0.063 Tw [(domestic la)29(w enfor)20(cement capacity)118(.)-311(R)1(e)1(f)1(e)1(r)-38(r)-44(ing to)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.006 Tw [(Haiti,)-272(the same r)19(epor)-24(t notes,)-272(\322Haiti is a k)29(e)20(y conduit)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.084 Tw [(f)1(o)1(r)1( )1(d)1(r)-24(ug traffick)30(e)1(r)-19(s)1(.)128-2831(l)1(v)30(a)1(r)21(ez maintained that the)]TJ T* 0.011 Tc 0.058 Tw [(inter)-39(national comm)15(unity made a ter)-39(r)-45(ib)15(le decision)]TJ T* 0.004 Tc 0.066 Tw [(b)25(y dismantling Haitian ar)-44(med for)19(ces befor)20(e a ne)20(w)118(,)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.04 Tw [(non-politicized,)-238(effecti)20(v)39(e secur)-44(ity for)20(ce w)29(as in place)30(,)]TJ T* 0.011 Tw [(sa)29(ying that this decision has had a significant impact)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.445 Tw [(o)1(n)1( )1(d)1(r)-23(ug and ar)-44(m)1(s)1( )1(i)1(n)1(t)1(e)1(r)20(diction betw)39(een the)]TJ T* 0.17 Tw [(Dominican Repub)15(l)1(i)1(c)1( )1(a)1(n)1(d)1( )1(H)1(a)1(i)1(t)1(i)1(:)-368(the Dominican)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.032 Tw [(ar)-44(med for)20(ces no)39(w bear the b)14(ur)20(den of patr)30(olling)-1( the)]TJ T* 0.003 Tc 0.066 Tw [(Haitian bor)20(der)39(.)-269(The Dominican ar)-44(med for)20(ces no)39(w)]TJ T* 0.001 Tc 0.069 Tw [(lack an interlocutor on the Haitian side)30(,)-347(he added.)]TJ ET 8 w /CS0 CS 0.3 SCN -621 756 m 621 756 l S 2 w 1 SCN 566.9997 548.3858 m 566.9997 800.9998 l S Q endstream endobj 16 0 obj << /Length 10415 >> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 91 729.9351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.034 Tc 0.39 Tw [(The flo)39(w of dr)-24(ugs thr)29(ough the Dominican)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.441 Tw [(Repub)15(lic has had ser)-44(ious consequences for)]TJ 0.0342 Tc (D)' 0.79418 -0.00001 TD 0.034 Tc 0.237 Tw [(ominican society)118(,)-549(as not all dr)-25(ugs that pass)]TJ -0.79418 -1.28571 TD 0.015 Tc 0 Tw [(thr)29(ough the countr)-29(y lea)29(v)40(e)30(,)-292(he said.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0.027 Tw [(T)128(ur)-40(ning to health issues and focusing in par)-24(ticu-)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.056 Tw [(lar on the pr)30(ob)14(l)1(e)1(m)1( )1(o)1(f)1( )1(H)1(I)1(V)1(/)1(A)1(I)1(D)1(S)41(,)-3541(l)1(v)31(a)1(r)20(ez noted)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.011 Tw [(that the Car)-44(ibbean r)20(eg)-30(ion is the second most affect-)]TJ T* 0.058 Tw [(ed ar)20(ea in the w)39(orld after sub-Saharan Afr)-44(ica,)-337(with)]TJ T* 0.018 Tw (AIDS a leading cause of death in people aged 15 to)Tj T* 0.017 Tc 0.052 Tw [(44.)-298(Accor)19(ding to a r)20(epor)-25(t b)25(y the United Nations)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.016 Tw [(pr)29(o)20(g)-29(ram on HIV/AIDS)39(,)-261(of the Car)-44(ibbean\325)98(s 1.6 per)-1(-)]TJ T* 0.018 Tc 0.051 Tw [(cent pr)20(e)19(v)29(alence rate)30(,)-348(Haiti is the biggest cause of)]TJ T* 0.006 Tc 0.064 Tw [(concer)-39(n,)-348(with an adult pr)20(e)20(v)30(alence rate of 3.8 per-)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.052 Tw [(cent,)-348(c)-1(o)-1(m)-1(p)-1(a)-1(r)18(e)-1(d)-1( t)-1(o)-1( 1)-1(.)-1(7)-1( p)-1(e)-1(r)19(cent )1(in )1(the )1(Dominican)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.032 Tw [(Repub)15(lic)29(.)-167(The r)20(epor)-24(t also points out that Hispaniola)]TJ T* 0.012 Tc 0.057 Tw [(is the most affected island in the Car)-44(ibbean,)-348(with)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.223 Tw [(77.5 per)20(cent of the cases of 330,000 adults in)]TJ T* 0.125 Tw [(r)20(eg)-29(i)1(o)1(n)1(.)-373(Haiti alone has 57.5 per)20(c)1(e)1(n)1(t)1( )1(o)1(f)1( )1(r)21(eg)-30(ional)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.293 Tw [(cases,)-591(or 190,000 cases,)-590(w)-1(h)-1(i)-1(l)-1(e)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(e)-1( )-1(D)-1(o)-1(m)-1(i)-1(n)-1(i)-1(c)-1(a)-1(n)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(Repub)15(lic has 20 per)19(cent,)-277(or 66,000 cases.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.034 Tc 0.095 Tw [(W)15(ith r)19(egar)20(d to immig)-30(ration,)-407(\347lv)29(ar)20(ez argued)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.379 Tw [(that the str)-44(ict U)78(.S)39(.)-642(immig)-29(ration policy and)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.061 Tw [(i)1(n)1(c)1(r)21(eased vig)-30(ilance b)25(y the U)78(.)1(S)40(.)-303(Coast Guar)19(d ha)30(v)40(e)]TJ T* 0.034 Tc 0.115 Tw [(r)20(esulted in mor)19(e mig)-29(ration acr)29(oss the Haitian-)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc -0.006 Tw [(Dominican bor)20(der since the early 1990s,)-287(placing a)]TJ T* 0.032 Tc 0.052 Tw [(g)-30(r)20(eat strain on the Dominican Repub)15(lic)29(.)-283(While)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.065 Tw [(Pr)20(esident Bush r)19(ecently signed a la)29(w author)-44(izing)]TJ T* 0.034 Tc 0.093 Tw [(the constr)-25(uction of a w)30(all betw)39(een the United)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.058 Tw (States and Mexico)Tj 7.55227 0 TD 0 Tc (,)Tj 0.62529 0 TD 0.015 Tc [(what \347lv)29(a)1(r)21(ez called a \322)1(v)1(i)1(r)-24(tual)]TJ -8.17756 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc (w)Tj 0.72515 0 TD 0.015 Tc 0.018 Tw [(all\323)-213(has existed betw)39(een the island of Hispaniola)]TJ -0.72515 -1.28572 TD 0.029 Tc 0.055 Tw (and the United States since the mid 1990s.)Tj 18.78244 0 TD 0 Tw (The)Tj -18.78244 -1.28572 TD 0.032 Tc 0.052 Tw [(n)14(umber of inter)20(dictions of Haitians b)25(y the U)78(.S)39(.)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.015 Tc 0.064 Tw [(Coast Guar)20(d g)-30(r)21(eatly incr)19(eased in the early 1990s.)]TJ T* 0.026 Tc 0.058 Tw [(As a point of r)20(efer)19(ence)30(,)-362(in 1987,)-363(the U)79(.S)39(.)-313(Coast)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc -0.014 Tw [(Guar)20(d inter)19(dicted 3,541 Haitians on the high seas.)]TJ T* -0.039 Tw [(After the 1991 coup in Haiti,)-254(the n)15(umber of inter-)]TJ T* 0.025 Tc 0.059 Tw [(dictions jumped to 10,087,)-362(spiking to 25,069 in)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc -0.021 Tw [(1994.)-223(Using a ter)-44(m coined b)25(y Ber)-40(nar)20(do )30(V)127(ega,)-271(for)-1(-)]TJ T* 0.059 Tw (mer Dominican ambassador to the United States,)Tj T* 0.034 Tc 0.076 Tw [(\347lv)29(ar)20(ez commented that incr)20(eased vig)-30(ilance b)25(y)]TJ T* 0.063 Tw [(the U)79(.S)39(.)-326(Coast Guar)20(d in the )29(W)15(indw)29(ar)20(d P)29(assage)]TJ T* 0.025 Tc 0.059 Tw [(and the Mona Channel betw)39(een the Dominican)]TJ T* 0.034 Tc 0.067 Tw [(Repub)15(lic and Puer)-25(to Rico placed the island of)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0 Tw [(Hispaniola \322in brack)29(ets.)127]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.007 Tc 0.062 Tw [(Gi)20(v)39(en the difficulty of mig)-29(rating to the United)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.003 Tc 0.066 Tw [(States,)-347(the absence of a Haitian secur)-44(ity for)19(ce)30(,)-348(and)]TJ T* 0.002 Tc 0.068 Tw [(the lack of identity car)20(d)1(s)1(,)-347(Haitians mig)-29(rated to the)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.319 Tw [(D)-1(o)-1(m)-1(i)-1(n)-1(i)-1(c)-1(a)-1(n)-1( )-1(R)-1(e)-1(p)-1(u)-1(b)14(lic in dramatically incr)20(e)-1(a)-1(s)-1(e)-1(d)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.044 Tw [(n)15(umber)-20(s in the 1990s.)-273(Ackno)39(wledg)-29(ing the impetus)]TJ 22.19048 45.26653 TD 0.019 Tc 0.075 Tw [(for mig)-29(ration fr)29(om Haiti,)-372(\347lv)29(ar)20(e)-1(z)-1( )-1(n)-1(o)-1(t)-1(e)-1(d)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(a)-1(t)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(e)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (embargo imposed on Haiti in the 1990s had delete)Tj 20.08018 0.00001 TD (-)Tj -20.08018 -1.28572 TD (r)Tj 0.3767 0.00001 TD -0.04 Tw [(ious effects on the Haitian econom)29(y and exacerbat-)]TJ -0.3767 -1.28572 TD 0.014 Tc 0.056 Tw (ed po)Tj 2.32137 0.00001 TD 0.013 Tc [(v)39(er)-25(t)-1(y)117(.)-299(H)-1(o)39(w)38(e)20(v)39(er)39(,)-348(accor)20(ding to a r)19(e)-1(c)-1(e)-1(n)-1(t)-1( )-1(n)-1(e)-1(e)-1(d)-1(s)]TJ -2.32137 -1.28572 TD 0.019 Tc 0.474 Tw (assessment and cost analysis,)Tj 13.7815 0.00001 TD 0.02 Tc (the Dominican)Tj -13.7815 -1.28572 TD 0.005 Tc 0 Tw (Repub)Tj 2.77146 0 TD 0.064 Tw [(lic itself needs betw)39(een $29 and $30 billion)]TJ -2.77146 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc 0.062 Tw (to meet the Millennium De)Tj 11.26903 0 TD [(v)40(elopment Goals.)-291(\(The)]TJ -11.26903 -1.28572 TD -0.038 Tw [(countr)-29<79D5>98(s GDP is $21 billion.\) )29(Thus,)-240(\347lv)29(ar)20(ez str)19(essed)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.051 Tw [(that in tr)-29(ying to meet the Dominican Repub)15(l)1(i)1(c)199(s)]TJ T* 0.155 Tw [(o)40(wn de)19(v)40(elopment goals,)-452(i)1(n)1(c)1(l)1(u)1(d)1(i)1(n)1(g)1( )1(r)20(educing the)]TJ T* 0.006 Tc 0.063 Tw [(pr)20(e)19(v)30(alence of HIV/AIDS)39(,)-347(the Dominican go)40(v)39(er)-39(n-)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.008 Tw [(ment should not be expected to be ab)15(le to meet the)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(needs of Haitians li)20(ving within Dominican bor)19(der)-19(s.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.007 Tw [(\347lv)29(ar)20(ez ag)-30(r)20(eed with J)30(ohanna Mendelson F)20(or)-45(man)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.011 Tc 0.058 Tw [(that the inter)-39(national comm)15(unity should consider)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.05 Tw [(island-wide solutions or appr)29(oaches.)-268(T)107(aking issue)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.115 Tw [(with the comments of O)39(A)1(S)1( )1(A)1(s)1(s)1(i)1(s)1(t)1(a)1(n)1(t)1( )1(S)1(e)1(c)1(r)21(etar)-30(y-)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.025 Tw [(General Ramdin,)-252(\347lv)29(ar)19(ez argued that such solutions)]TJ T* 0.011 Tc 0.059 Tw (should not be slo)Tj 7.09149 0 TD 0.0106 Tc (w)Tj 1.0979 0 Td 0.011 Tc [(and incr)20(emental b)15(ut dramatic)29(.)]TJ -8.18939 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0 Tw (Unfor)Tj 2.56014 0 TD 0.019 Tc 0.249 Tw [(t)-1(u)-1(n)-1(a)-1(t)-1(e)-1(l)-1(y)117(,)-548(he said,)-547(initiati)20(v)39(es for dramatic)30(,)]TJ -2.56014 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0.007 Tw [(island-wide solutions ar)20(e not being pr)29(oposed b)25(y the)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.167 Tw [(i)1(n)1(t)1(e)1(r)-38(national )-1(comm)15(unity;)-367(i)1(t)1( h)1(a)1(s)1( n)1(o)1(t)1( v)1(i)1(e)20(w)40(ed )-1(the)]TJ T* 0.266 Tw [(i)1(m)1(m)1(i)1(g)-28(ration b)14(u)1(r)21(den placed on the Dominican)]TJ T* 0.131 Tw [(Repub)15(l)1(i)1(c)1( a)1(s)1( a)1( s)1(h)1(a)1(r)21(e)1(d)1( r)20(esponsibility )-1(and )-1(thus )-1(has)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(f)-24(ailed to addr)19(ess the pr)30(ob)15(lem.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.001 Tc 0.069 Tw [(\347lv)29(ar)20(ez concluded b)24(y indicating that polls sho)40(w)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0.036 Tw [(pub)15(lic opinion in the Dominican Repub)15(lic shifting)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.054 Tw [(to)39(w)30(ar)19(ds less acceptance of Haitian immig)-29(rants.)-299(In)]TJ T* 0.014 Tc 0.055 Tw [(1990,)-347(when ask)29(ed whether Haitians who illegally)]TJ T* 0.002 Tc 0.067 Tw [(immig)-29(rated to the Dominican Repub)14(lic should be)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.012 Tw [(r)20(etur)-39(ned to Haiti,)-266(44 per)20(cent of Dominican r)19(espon-)]TJ T* 0.058 Tw [(dents said the)20(y should be allo)39(w)39(ed to sta)30(y)117(.)-256(T)152(en y)39(ear)-19(s)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.241 Tw [(later)39(,)-538(only 17 per)20(c)1(e)1(n)1(t)1( )1(r)21(esponded that w)29(a)30(y)118(.)-488(He)]TJ T* 0.113 Tw [(w)30(a)1(r)-38(ned that unless the situation is vie)19(w)40(ed in an)]TJ T* 0.011 Tc 0.058 Tw [(island-wide context and dramatic measur)20(es\321such)]TJ T* 0.013 Tc 0.056 Tw [(as widespr)20(ead job cr)19(eation in Haiti\321ar)20(e adopted,)]TJ ET 0 0 0 0 k 24 543.4999 23 13.5 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 33.2808 548.7808 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (8)Tj ET 8 w /CS0 CS 0.3 SCN -9 756 m 1233 756 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 193.1477 763.4465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (W)Tj 1.24585 0.00001 TD 0.037 Tw [(OODROW WILSON CENTER UPD)25(A)74(TE ON THE AMERICAS)]TJ ET 2 w /CS0 CS 1 SCN 46.0002 549.0002 m 46.0002 801.6142 l S 0 0 0 0 k 324 576.299 216 161.701 re f 0.5 SCN 325 736 m 539 736 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 325 717 Tm /CS0 cs 0.8 scn 0.014 Tc [(Le Chev)25(allier identified thr)14(ee sim)15(ultaneous)]TJ 0 -1.25 TD [(tr)19(ansitions taking place in Haiti\321fr)15(om)]TJ T* [(ar)-25(med conflict to r)14(econcilia)30(tion and peace,)]TJ T* [(fr)15(om a non-democr)19(a)30(tic cultur)15(e to a)]TJ T* [(democr)20(a)30(tic society)119(,)-192(and fr)15(om a f)20(ailed sta)29(te to)]TJ 0.0138 Tc (a)' 0.76355 0 Td 0.014 Tc [(na)29(tion- sta)30(te.)-42(T)120(r)-15(ying to ad)15(dr)14(ess one of)]TJ -0.76355 -1.25 TD [(these tr)20(ansitions while ignor)-25(ing the other)]TJ T* [(tw)15(o is wha)29(t explains the past f)20(ailur)15(es of)]TJ ET 2 w /CS0 CS 0.5 SCN 325 584 m 539 584 l S BT /F17 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 325 597 Tm [(inter)-25(na)29(tional assistance.)]TJ ET Q endstream endobj 17 0 obj << /Length 11085 >> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 73 729.9351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.003 Tc 0.067 Tw [(the inter)-39(national comm)15(unity can expect v)39(er)-30(y ser)-44(i-)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(ous conflicts in the futur)20(e)29(.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F0 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 73 675.9351 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.043 Tc 0.751 Tw [(Gerardo Le Chevallier)92(,)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 270.7876 675.9351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.034 Tc (UN)Tj -18.83691 -1.28571 TD 0.015 Tc 0.032 Tw [(Stabilization Mission \(MINUST)74(A)1(H)1(\))1(,)-324(ag)-29(r)20(eed with)]TJ T* 0.001 Tw [(Assistant Secr)20(etar)-30(y-General Ramdin r)20(egar)19(ding the)]TJ T* 0.034 Tc 0.312 Tw [(need to maintain a positi)20(v)39(e outlook,)-625(noting)]TJ T* 0.104 Tw [(pr)29(o)20(g)-30(r)20(ess on a n)15(umber of fr)29(onts.)-367(On J)30(an)14(uar)-29(y 7,)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc -0.012 Tw [(2006,)-281(he said,)-281(MINUST)74(AH lost Brazilian General)]TJ T* 0.029 Tc 0.055 Tw [(Urano Bacellar)39(,)-362(F)20(or)20(ce Commander of MINUS-)]TJ T* 0.014 Tc 0 Tw [(T)73(AH.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.825 0 0 6.825 98.0986 584.9001 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (5)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 104.2602 581.4351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.015 Tc -0.034 Tw [(On J)29(an)15(uar)-29(y 9,)-259(a general str)-44(i)1(k)30(e organized b)25(y)]TJ -2.97716 -1.28571 TD 0.023 Tc 0.061 Tw [(the pr)-44(i)20(v)30(ate sector shut do)40(wn the whole of P)49(o)1(r)-24(t-)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.064 Tw [(au-Pr)-44(ince)29(,)-356(in a pr)29(otest o)39(v)40(er the secur)-44(ity situation)]TJ T* 0.024 Tc 0.06 Tw [(and a demand to postpone the pr)20(esidential elec)-1(-)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc -0.039 Tw [(tions.)-205(Despite these setbacks,)-254(on F)20(ebr)-25(uar)-29(y 7,)-254(2006,)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(Haiti held the best elections in its histor)-30(y)118(.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0.062 Tw [(The transition to democracy has y)39(et to succeed,)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.003 Tw [(ho)39(w)40(e)19(v)40(er)39(.)-202(The r)20(esults of the F)20(ebr)-25(uar)-29(y 2007 elections)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.061 Tw [(w)40(e)1(r)20(e not accepted b)25(y all of the par)-25(t)1(i)1(c)1(i)1(p)1(a)1(n)1(t)1(s)1(.)-279(T)1(h)1(e)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.005 Tw [(inter)-39(national comm)15(unity has been going in and out)]TJ T* -0.011 Tw [(of Haiti for se)20(v)39(eral y)39(ear)-19(s.)-218(MINUST)74(AH is on its se)19(v)1(-)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.06 Tw [(enth mission and man)20(y other inter)-39(national actor)-20(s)1(,)]TJ T* 0.016 Tc 0.053 Tw [(including the United States,)-347(France)29(,)-347(Canada,)-348(and)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.191 Tw [(the O)39(A)1(S)40(,)-487(ha)30(v)40(e left without m)14(u)1(c)1(h)1( )1(s)1(u)1(c)1(c)1(e)1(s)1(s)1(.)-408(T)1(h)1(e)]TJ T* 0.295 Tw [(image of the inter)-39(national comm)15(unity and of)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.239 Tw [(MINUST)74(AH has not impr)29(o)39(v)39(e)-1(d)-1( )-1(i)-1(n)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(e)-1( )-1(e)19(y)38(es of)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(Haitians due to the small n)15(umber of lasting r)20(esults.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.032 Tw (Le Che)Tj 2.96738 0 TD (v)Tj 0.44922 0 TD [(allier identified thr)20(ee sim)14(ultaneous tran-)]TJ -4.56174 -1.28572 TD 0.009 Tc 0.061 Tw (sitions taking place in Haiti\321fr)Tj 12.88492 0 TD [(om ar)-44(med conflict)]TJ -12.88492 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc 0.021 Tw (to r)Tj 1.42503 0 TD [(econciliation and peace)29(,)-298(fr)29(om a non-democratic)]TJ -1.42503 -1.28572 TD 0.016 Tc 0.053 Tw [(cultur)20(e to a democratic society)117(,)-347(and fr)29(om a f)-24(ailed)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.09 Tw [(state to a nation- state)30(.)-309(T)99(r)-29(ying to addr)20(ess one of)]TJ T* 0.082 Tw [(these transitions while ignor)-44(ing the other tw)39(o)1( )1(i)1(s)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.022 Tw [(what explains the past f)-24(a)-1(i)1(l)-1(u)1(r)19(es of inter)-39(national assis-)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(tance)29(,)-277(he argued.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.015 Tc 0.071 Tw [(W)15(ith r)20(egar)19(d to the political transfor)-44(mations in)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.067 Tw [(Haiti,)-359(Le Che)19(v)30(allier argued the k)30(e)20(y pla)29(y)40(er in this)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc 0.024 Tw [(pr)29(ocess is Pr)20(esident Pr\216v)29(al.)-247(F)20(or the fir)-20(st time)30(,)-297(a pop-)]TJ T* 0.016 Tw [(ular pr)20(esident w)29(as r)20(e-elected.)-211(The six major political)]TJ T* -0.026 Tw [(par)-25(ties par)-24(ticipated and ag)-29(r)20(eed to a one-y)39(ear political)]TJ T* -0.009 Tw [(tr)-25(uce)30(.)-215(Ho)39(w)40(e)19(v)40(er)39(,)-264(he said,)-264(Pr)19(esident Pr\216v)30(al\325)98(s health is a)]TJ T* -0.014 Tw [(matter of concer)-39(n.)-210(Ev)39(en though Pr)19(esident Pr\216v)30(al has)]TJ T* -0.033 Tw [(infor)-44(med the nation that his cancer has not r)20(etur)-39(ned,)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.082 Tw [(the psycholo)20(g)-29(ical implications of the f)-25(act that he)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc -0.016 Tw [(ma)30(y be ill ar)19(e extr)20(emely impor)-25(tant.)-207(Pr)-44(i)20(v)29(ate in)40(v)39(estor)-20(s,)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.07 Tw [(as w)39(ell as Haitian politicians who ar)20(e thinking of)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0.059 Tw [(r)20(eplacing the Pr)20(esident,)-343(might not necessar)-44(ily w)29(ait)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc -0.021 Tw [(for the end of this ter)-44(m,)-252(he said.)-203(He added,)-252(ho)39(w)40(e)19(v)40(er)39(,)]TJ 22.19048 61.71428 TD -0.032 Tw [(that ther)20(e ar)19(e no ob)40(vious choices for a successor)39(.)-163(The)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD -0.001 Tc 0.065 Tw [(contin)15(uity of the transition pr)29(ocess will become an)]TJ -0.005 Tc (i)' 0.25496 -0.00001 TD 0 Tw [(ssue as his ter)-44(m appr)29(oaches its end.)]TJ 0.89018 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.279 Tw [(The political transfor)-44(mation underw)30(a)29(y f)-24(a)1(c)1(e)1(s)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.01 Tc 0.059 Tw [(thr)20(ee mor)19(e challenges:)-249(the inefficiency of go)39(v)39(er)-39(n-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.002 Tw [(ment itself)-29(,)-280(the b)15(ur)20(den and cost of holding fr)19(equent)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.066 Tw [(e)1(l)1(e)1(c)1(t)1(i)1(o)1(n)1(s)1(,)-363(and the lack of str)30(ong political par)-25(t)1(i)1(e)1(s)1(.)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.032 Tw [(State institutions ar)20(e w)39(eak,)-310(slo)39(w)118(,)-310(often cor)-39(r)-24(upt,)-310(and)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.065 Tw [(complex,)-363(y)40(e)1(t)1( )1(a)1( )1(s)1(t)1(r)30(ong state is needed in or)20(der to)]TJ T* 0.012 Tc 0.058 Tw [(addr)20(e)1(s)1(s)1( )1(e)1(x)1(t)1(r)20(eme po)40(v)40(e)1(r)-24(ty and maintain stability)118(,)-347(he)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.184 Tw [(s)1(a)1(i)1(d)1(.)-402(T)1(h)1(e)1(r)21(e)1( )1(a)1(r)20(e man)20(y le)20(v)40(els of author)-44(ity in the)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.057 Tw [(Haitian go)39(v)40(er)-40(nment,)-335(he noted,)-335(and Haiti has mor)20(e)]TJ T* 0.009 Tc 0.06 Tw [(elected officials than P)49(er)-25(u,)-347(a m)15(uch r)-45(icher count)1(r)-30(y)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.054 Tw [(with mor)20(e than doub)14(le the population.)-298(Although)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.015 Tw [(the electoral cycle just ended,)-293(it will r)20(estar)-25(t again in)]TJ T* 0.063 Tw [(No)39(v)40(ember 2007 with senator)-44(ial elections to r)19(ene)20(w)]TJ T* -0.025 Tw [(one-thir)20(d of the Senate)29(.)-174(This in)40(v)39(olv)39(es in)39(v)40(esting $30-)]TJ T* -0.041 Tw [($32 million in or)20(der to elect ten senator)-20(s dur)-44(ing tw)39(o)]TJ T* 0.028 Tw [(electoral r)29(ounds in No)40(v)39(ember)39(.)-256(Appr)29(o)39(ximately $105)]TJ T* 0.023 Tw [(million will be needed to finance se)20(v)39(en elections in)]TJ T* 0.018 Tc 0.052 Tw [(the next four y)39(e)1(a)1(r)-18(s)1(.)-269(T)1(h)1(e)1( )1(s)1(t)1(r)-23(u)1(c)1(t)1(u)1(r)21(e of the go)39(v)40(e)1(r)-38(n-)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.079 Tw [(ment and political pr)30(o)1(c)1(e)1(s)1(s)1(e)1(s)1( )1(a)1(r)20(e)1( )1(w)1(r)-43(itten into the)]TJ T* 0.007 Tc 0.063 Tw [(Constitution,)-347(h)1(e)1( )1(s)1(a)1(i)1(d)1(,)-347(and the existing mechanism)]TJ T* 0.014 Tc 0.056 Tw [(for constitutional r)20(efor)-44(m tak)29(e)1(s)1( )1(f)1(i)21(v)40(e y)39(ear)-20(s)1(.)-298(P)50(olitical)]TJ T* 0.008 Tc 0.061 Tw [(par)-25(ty b)15(uilding is also needed to anchor the whole)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(political system and r)20(educe cor)-39(r)-25(uption,)-278(he argued.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.005 Tc 0.056 Tw [(Le Che)20(v)29(allier under)-19(scor)19(ed the f)-24(act that Haiti has)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.011 Tc 0.053 Tw [(not r)20(eco)39(v)39(er)20(ed fr)29(om the economic embargo of the)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc -0.015 Tw (1990s and the go)Tj 6.5917 0 TD 0 Tc (v)Tj 0.43456 0 TD -0.005 Tc [(er)-39(nment lacks r)19(e)20(v)40(en)14(ues to adv)30(ance)]TJ -7.02626 -1.28572 TD 0.015 Tc 0.139 Tw (the de)Tj 2.67401 0 TD [(v)40(elopment agenda.)-383(Lo)1(cal)-1( )1(tax)39(es only par)-25(tly)]TJ -2.67401 -1.28572 TD -0.003 Tc 0 Tw (co)Tj 0.90229 0 TD 0.068 Tw [(v)40(er go)39(v)39(er)-39(nment salar)-44(ies,)-343(lea)30(ving the inter)-39(national)]TJ -0.90229 -1.28572 TD -0.005 Tc -0.028 Tw [(comm)15(unity to finance all in)39(v)40(estments.)-196(Mor)19(eo)40(v)39(er)39(,)-245(the)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.009 Tc 0.055 Tw [(cooperation frame)20(w)39(ork ag)-30(r)20(eed to b)24(y inter)-39(n)-1(a)-1(t)-1(i)-1(o)-1(n)-1(a)-1(l)]TJ T* -0.002 Tc 0.066 Tw [(donor)-20(s has not deli)20(v)40(er)19(ed all the r)20(esults expected b)24(y)]TJ T* -0.003 Tc 0.068 Tw [(the go)39(v)40(er)-39(nment.)-294(Donor)-19(s ar)19(e cr)-44(iticized for a lack of)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc 0.017 Tw [(coor)20(dination and for being slo)39(w to disb)15(ur)-20(se pledges,)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.065 Tw [(b)15(ut the Haitian go)39(v)40(er)-40(nment\325)98(s absor)-39(pti)20(v)39(e capacity is)]TJ T* 0.064 Tw [(lo)39(w)118(.)-293(Ag)-30(r)20(eeing with Haitian Ambassador J)30(o)-1(seph,)-342(Le)]TJ T* 0.004 Tc 0.061 Tw [(C)1(h)1(e)21(v)30(allier stated that the inter)-40(national comm)15(unity)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc -0.037 Tw [(should help b)15(uild the capacity of the Haitian go)39(v)40(er)-40(n-)]TJ T* 0.006 Tw [(ment to spend the r)20(esour)19(ces that ha)30(v)39(e been pledged.)]TJ T* 0.017 Tw [(He noted that the UN countr)-29(y system has launched)]TJ (a)' 0.6726 0 Td 0.009 Tw [(transitional appeal for $98 million in or)20(der to con-)]TJ -0.6726 -1.28571 TD -0.023 Tw [(solidate and f)-24(acilitate the transfer of in)39(v)39(estment funds)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(o)39(v)40(er the shor)-25(t ter)-44(m.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.017 Tc 0.052 Tw [(T)128(ur)-40(ning to the transition to peace with which)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.005 Tc 0.064 Tw [(MINUST)74(AH is intimately in)39(v)39(olv)39(ed,)-347(Le Che)19(v)30(allier)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.05 Tw [(descr)-44(ibed thr)20(eats to secur)-45(ity as emanating fr)30(om a)]TJ T* 0.271 Tw [(r)-1(a)-1(n)-1(g)-1(e)-1( o)-1(f)-1( \322par)-25(tisans )1(of )1(chaos\323:)-469(dr)-24(u)-1(g)-1( t)-1(r)-1(a)-1(f)-1(f)-1(i)-1(c)-1(k)28(er)-20(s,)]TJ ET 0 0 0 0 k 567 543.4999 23 13.5 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 576.2808 548.7808 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (9)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 216.0445 763.4465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 Tc (G)Tj 0.96183 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0.037 Tw [(O)30(VERNANCE AND SECURITY IN HAITI)]TJ ET /GS2 gs q 106.5557 0 0 86.15651 504.864 -0.2155 cm /CS0 cs 0.1 scn /Im2 Do Q /GS1 gs 8 w /CS0 CS 0.3 SCN -621 756 m 621 756 l S 2 w 1 SCN 566.9997 548.3858 m 566.9997 800.9998 l S Q endstream endobj 18 0 obj << /Length 11601 >> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f q /GS1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 24 543.4999 23 13.5 re f Q /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 31.0615 548.7808 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (10)Tj ET 8 w /CS0 CS 0.3 SCN -9 756 m 1233 756 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 193.1477 763.4465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (W)Tj 1.24585 0.00001 TD 0.037 Tw [(OODROW WILSON CENTER UPD)25(A)74(TE ON THE AMERICAS)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 91 702.9372 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.018 Tc 0.051 Tw [(organized cr)-44(iminal r)-44(ings \(man)19(y of which include)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.101 Tw [(c)1(u)1(r)-38(r)20(ent police officer)-19(s)1(\))1(,)-398(c)1(r)-44(iminal and politically-)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.054 Tw [(moti)20(v)29(ated gangs,)-347(some member)-20(s of the oligar)20(ch)29(y)117(,)]TJ T* 0.013 Tc 0.057 Tw [(some for)-44(mer member)-20(s of the militar)-29(y and police)29(,)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(and radical suppor)-25(ter)-19(s of for)-44(mer Pr)19(esident Ar)-44(istide)29(.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.051 Tw [(S)1(t)1(r)21(essing that MINUST)73(A)1(H)1( )1(i)1(s)1( )1(s)1(t)1(r)-43(ictly a peace-)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.005 Tc 0.064 Tw [(k)29(eeping operation that is not in)40(v)39(olv)39(ed in de)20(v)39(elop-)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.013 Tw [(ment,)-265(Le Che)20(v)29(allier stated the goal of MINUST)74(AH)]TJ T* -0.012 Tw [(is to help stabilize the countr)-29(y b)24(y pr)30(o)39(viding a secur)20(e)]TJ T* 0.008 Tc 0.061 Tw [(and safe en)39(vir)29(onment,)-347(suppor)-25(ting r)20(efor)-44(ms to con-)]TJ T* 0.014 Tc 0.055 Tw [(solidate the r)-25(ule of la)30(w)117(,)-347(str)20(engthening democratic)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.066 Tw [(go)39(v)40(e)1(r)-38(nance and state institutions,)-363(and pr)29(omoting)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.042 Tw [(human r)-44(ights.)-271(He argued that MINUST)73(AH\325)98(s man-)]TJ T* -0.023 Tw [(date should be r)20(ene)19(w)40(ed and extended to at least one)]TJ T* -0.012 Tw [(y)39(ear be)20(y)39(ond the F)20(ebr)-25(uar)-29(y 15,)-266(2007,)-265(expiration date)29(,)]TJ T* 0.007 Tc 0.063 Tw [(g)-29(i)20(v)40(en the f)-25(act that man)20(y aspects of MINUST)73(AH\325)98(s)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.136 Tw [(mandate r)20(e)1(q)1(u)1(i)1(r)20(e a longer commitment.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 6.825 0 0 6.825 267.1957 490.4022 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (6)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 275.2197 486.9372 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.019 Tc (Longer)Tj -17.54473 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.187 Tw [(i)1(n)1(t)1(e)1(r)-38(national in)39(v)40(o)1(l)1(v)40(ement in a countr)-29(y is often)]TJ T* 0.004 Tc 0.065 Tw [(needed to maintain peace and ensur)20(e that national)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.013 Tw [(for)20(ces ar)19(e pr)20(epar)20(ed to tak)29(e o)39(v)40(er)39(,)-265(he argued,)-265(pointing)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(to the pr)20(esence of the UN in El Salv)29(ador for almost)]TJ T* 0.047 Tw [(ten y)39(ear)-19(s after the signing of the peace ag)-30(r)20(eements.)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.353 Tw [(H)1(e)1( )1(s)1(t)1(r)21(essed that the inter)-39(national comm)14(unity)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.028 Tw [(should mak)29(e good on its pr)30(omises of tr)29(oops,)-250(special-)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.17 Tw [(i)1(s)1(t)1(s)1(,)-467(and equipment.)-419(F)20(or example)30(,)-467(of the 7,200)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.003 Tw [(tr)29(oops pr)30(omised,)-276(only 6,662 ar)20(e in Haiti,)-275(and police)]TJ T* 0 Tw (officer)Tj 2.53979 0 TD -0.0002 Tc (s)Tj 0.57957 0 Td 0 Tc (ar)Tj 0.70901 0 TD -0.0001 Tc (e)Tj 0.71573 0 Td 0 Tc (shor)Tj 1.70101 0 TD -0.0001 Tc (t)Tj 0.56983 0 Td 0 Tc [(b)25(y about 200.)]TJ -5.6698 -1.28572 TD 0.023 Tc (MINUST)Tj 4.08407 0 TD 0.061 Tw (AH also needs to beg)Tj 9.18699 0 TD (in for)Tj 2.42506 0.00001 TD 0 Tw [(m)15(ulating)]TJ -16.84127 -1.28572 TD 0.0146 Tc (an)Tj 1.29116 0 Td 0.015 Tc 0.052 Tw (exit strategy)Tj 4.87383 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (,)Tj 0.61929 0 TD 0.015 Tc (he stated.)Tj 4.18182 0.00001 TD [(This in)39(v)40(olv)39(es estab)15(lish-)]TJ -10.9661 -1.28572 TD 0.034 Tc 0.287 Tw (ing benchmarks for success and deadlines to)Tj 0 -1.28571 TD 0 Tw (achie)Tj 2.19321 0.00001 TD 0.316 Tw [(v)39(e them.)-579(He added that donor)-20(s should)]TJ -2.19321 -1.28572 TD 0.015 Tc 0 Tw (impr)Tj 1.91378 0.00001 TD 0.008 Tw [(o)40(v)39(e cooperation with the go)40(v)39(e)1(r)-38(nment as w)39(ell)]TJ -1.91378 -1.28572 TD 0.019 Tw [(as MINUST)74(AH in or)19(der to a)30(v)39(oid duplication and)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0 Tw [(i)1(n)1(c)1(r)21(ease effecti)19(v)40(eness.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.007 Tc 0.062 Tw [(Commenting on man)20(y of MINUST)73(AH\325)98(s long-)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.004 Tc 0.065 Tw [(ter)-44(m concer)-39(ns,)-348(Le Che)20(v)29(allier stated that while the)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.069 Tw [(go)39(v)40(e)1(r)-38(nment does ha)29(v)40(e the political will to effect)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.115 Tw [(c)-1(h)-1(a)-1(n)-1(g)-1(e)28(,)-412(it lacks the r)19(esour)20(ces r)20(equir)19(e)-1(d)-1( )-1(t)-1(o)-1( )-1(d)-1(o)-1( )-1(s)-1(o)48(.)]TJ T* 0.018 Tc 0.051 Tw [(Donor)-20(s and the UN system do ha)30(v)39(e the political)]TJ T* 0.013 Tc 0.056 Tw [(will and r)20(esour)19(ces to engage in Haiti in the shor)-24(t)]TJ T* 0.012 Tc 0.058 Tw [(ter)-44(m)1(,)-347(Le Che)20(v)30(allier said.)-298(Ho)39(w)40(e)20(v)40(e)1(r)40(,)-347(he questioned)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.064 Tw [(ho)39(w long this commitment w)40(ould last.)-293(He w)29(ar)-39(ned)]TJ T* 0.069 Tw [(that lea)30(ving the countr)-30(y pr)20(ematur)19(ely)118(,)-347(as other mis-)]TJ T* -0.013 Tw [(sions ha)29(v)40(e done in the past,)-265(could lead to later cr)-44(ises)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(and the need for fur)-24(ther inter)-40(national inter)-24(v)39(ention.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F0 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 324 700.4831 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.037 Tc 0.321 Tw [(Achilles Zaluar)92(,)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 453.3781 700.4831 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.019 Tc 0.295 Tw (Embassy of Brazil,)Tj -12.32172 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0.002 Tw [(shar)20(ed ten lessons fr)29(om his exper)-44(ience as a diplomat)]TJ T* 0.012 Tc 0.057 Tw [(based at the Brazilian Embassy in P)49(or)-25(t)-1(-)-1(a)-1(u)-1(-)-1(P)-1(r)-45(ince)30(.)]TJ 0 -1.28572 TD 0.005 Tc 0.066 Tw [(T)5(h)5(e)5( )5(f)5(i)5(r)-15(s)5(t)5( )5(l)5(e)5(s)5(son,)-349(he said,)-349(is that national leader)-20(ship)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD -0.041 Tw [(m)15(ust be tak)29(en ser)-44(iously)118(.)-163(The often-quoted pr)-44(inciple)]TJ T* 0.007 Tc 0.068 Tw [(of national o)39(wner)-19(ship)58(,)-351(to which man)19(y donor)-19(s pa)29(y)]TJ T* 0.024 Tc 0.076 Tw [(lip ser)-25(vice)30(,)-379(is not sufficient.)-329(National o)39(wner)-20(ship)]TJ T* 0.014 Tc 0.06 Tw [(suggests that r)20(ecipient countr)-44(i)-1(e)1(s)-1( )1(r)19(ecei)20(v)39(e complete)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0.017 Tw [(packages of pr)29(ojects in the for)-44(m of a g)-29(ift,)-300(of which)]TJ T* 0.028 Tw [(the r)20(ecipient countr)-44(ies become o)39(wner)-20(s and for the)]TJ T* 0.05 Tw [(outcome of which the)20(y ar)19(e to be held r)20(esponsib)15(le)29(.)]TJ T* 0.024 Tc 0.11 Tw [(He added that no de)20(v)39(elopment plan,)-413(no matter)]TJ T* 0.013 Tc 0.061 Tw [(ho)39(w w)40(ell designed fr)29(om the technical standpoint,)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0.059 Tw [(will be r)20(ele)19(v)30(ant unless it is initiated and guided b)25(y)]TJ T* -0.003 Tw [(the national state)29(,)-279(national go)39(v)40(er)-39(nment and nation)-1(-)]TJ T* -0.033 Tw [(al society)118(.)-171(The r)29(ole of for)20(eign actor)-20(s)1(,)-249(such as bilater-)]TJ T* 0.067 Tw [(al cooperation agencies and inter)-39(national de)19(v)40(elop-)]TJ T* 0.021 Tc 0.054 Tw [(ment agencies,)-352(should be pur)19(ely an advisor)-29(y and)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0 Tw [(consulting one)29(.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.015 Tc 0.055 Tw [(Noting that the pr)-44(imar)-29(y cause of Haiti\325)98(s)1( )1(p)1(r)30(ob-)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0.033 Tw [(lems is the w)39(eak)30(ening of the Haitian state since the)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.238 Tw [(1)1(9)1(7)1(0)1(s)1(,)-534(Zaluar argued that the top pr)-44(i)1(o)1(r)-43(i)1(t)1(y)1( )1(f)1(o)1(r)]TJ T* 0.145 Tw [(donor)-20(s should be to str)20(engthen the state of the)]TJ T* 0.063 Tw [(r)20(e)1(c)1(i)1(p)1(i)1(e)1(n)1(t)1( )1(c)1(o)1(u)1(n)1(t)1(r)-28(y)118(.)-281(W)15(ithout a str)30(ong and effecti)20(v)40(e)]TJ T* 0.002 Tc 0.067 Tw [(state)29(,)-347(which pr)30(o)39(vides the f)-24(a)29(v)40(orab)15(le climate for sa)29(v)1(-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.052 Tw [(ings and in)39(v)40(estment,)-330(ther)20(e can be no de)19(v)40(elopment,)]TJ T* 0 Tw (he stated.)Tj 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.031 Tw (The second lesson he offer)Tj 10.67531 0 TD (ed is that cooperation)Tj -11.82045 -1.28572 TD 0.02 Tc 0.165 Tw (for de)Tj 2.60347 0 TD 0 Tc (v)Tj 0.45905 0 TD 0.02 Tc [(elopment should be demand-dr)-44(i)21(v)39(e)1(n)1(,)-461(not)]TJ -3.06251 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (supply-dr)Tj 3.80444 0.00001 TD (i)Tj 0.23998 0 TD 0.045 Tw [(v)40(en.)-244(While this is for)-45(mally r)20(eco)20(gnized b)24(y)]TJ -4.04443 -1.28572 TD 0.02 Tc 0.077 Tw [(man)20(y )-1(donor)-20(s)1(,)-374(h)1(e)1( s)1(a)1(i)1(d)1(,)-374(i)1(t)1( i)1(s)1( n)1(o)1(t)1( a)1(l)20(w)30(a)30(ys )-1(applied )-1(in)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.01 Tc 0.059 Tw [(practice)29(.)-298(Often donor)-20(s that ha)30(v)39(e some capacity to)]TJ T* 0.007 Tc 0 Tw (offer)Tj 1.83035 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (,)Tj 0.61425 0.00001 TD 0.007 Tc 0.062 Tw (such as technical assistance ser)Tj 12.31152 0.00001 TD 0 Tw [(vices,)-348(ag)-29(r)-44(icul-)]TJ -14.75612 -1.28573 TD 0.014 Tc 0.055 Tw (tural inputs,)Tj 5.30609 0.00001 TD (medical supplies,)Tj 7.30177 0.00001 TD (and office supplies,)Tj -12.60787 -1.28573 TD 0.02 Tc 0.11 Tw (will push this capacity on the r)Tj 13.42655 0.00001 TD 0.019 Tc 0 Tw (ecipient.)Tj 3.93011 0.00001 TD (Rather)Tj 2.85977 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (,)Tj -20.21643 -1.28573 TD (r)Tj 0.3153 0.00001 TD 0.002 Tc 0.067 Tw (ecipients should define their r)Tj 12.07752 0.00001 TD (eal needs befor)Tj 6.0403 0.00001 TD 0.0023 Tc (e)Tj 0.78767 0 Td 0.002 Tc 0 Tw (the)Tj -19.22078 -1.28573 TD 0 Tc (coor)Tj 1.78173 0.00001 TD -0.001 Tw (dination mechanisms of the UN system seek to)Tj -1.78173 -1.28572 TD 0 Tw (mobilize what is needed,)Tj 10.13281 0.00001 TD (he said.)Tj -8.98767 -1.28572 TD (Thir)Tj 1.7705 0.00001 TD (d,)Tj 1.04966 0.00001 TD 0.012 Tw (Zaluar argued that de)Tj 8.50809 0.00001 TD [(v)40(elopment coopera-)]TJ -12.4734 -1.28573 TD 0.012 Tc 0.057 Tw (tion m)Tj 2.78038 0.00001 TD (ust br)Tj 2.40099 0.00001 TD [(ing concr)20(ete benefits to the r)19(ecipient)]TJ -5.18137 -1.28573 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (countr)Tj 2.6438 0.00001 TD (y)Tj 0.35131 0.00001 TD -0.004 Tw [(,)-273(such as infrastr)-25(uctur)20(e impr)29(o)40(v)39(ements \(r)30(oads,)]TJ -2.99511 -1.28573 TD 0 Tw (por)Tj 1.37817 0.00001 TD (ts,)Tj 1.12482 0.00001 TD -0.007 Tw [(air)-39(por)-25(ts,)-271(electr)-44(ic po)39(w)39(er)39(,)-271(and sanitation\);)-173(social)]TJ -2.50299 -1.28572 TD 0 Tw (ser)Tj 1.09692 0.00001 TD 0.064 Tw (vices such as uni)Tj 6.68217 0.00001 TD [(v)40(er)-20(sal education and fr)19(ee health)]TJ -7.7791 -1.28573 TD 0.019 Tc 0 Tw (car)Tj 1.19453 0.00001 TD (e;)Tj 1.01795 0.00001 TD 0.02 Tc 0.082 Tw [(d)1(i)1(r)21(ect income suppor)-25(t for the poor to help)]TJ -2.21249 -1.28573 TD 0.01 Tc 0 Tw (jumpstar)Tj 3.49347 0.00001 TD 0.0104 Tc (t)Tj 0.64979 0 Td 0.01 Tc 0.059 Tw (the econom)Tj 4.88239 0.00001 TD [(y;)-249(and ag)-30(r)-44(icultural impr)30(o)38(v)40(e)-1(-)]TJ -9.02564 -1.28573 TD 0.001 Tc 0.068 Tw (ments \(fer)Tj 4.07198 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (tilizer)Tj 2.19809 0.00001 TD 0.068 Tw [(,)-347(seeds,)-348(pesticides,)-347(local r)29(oads,)-347(stor)-1(-)]TJ -6.27007 -1.28573 TD (age str)Tj 2.60891 0.00001 TD 0 Tw (uctur)Tj 2.08016 0.00001 TD 0.068 Tw [(es,)-348(and conser)-24(v)29(ation pr)30(otection\).)-269(These)]TJ ET 2 w /CS0 CS 1 SCN 46.0002 549.0002 m 46.0002 801.6142 l S Q endstream endobj 19 0 obj << /Length 10993 >> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f q /GS1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 567 543.4999 23 13.5 re f Q /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 574.0615 548.7808 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (11)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 216.0445 763.4465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 Tc (G)Tj 0.96183 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0.037 Tw [(O)30(VERNANCE AND SECURITY IN HAITI)]TJ ET /GS2 gs q 106.5557 0 0 86.15651 504.864 -0.2155 cm /CS0 cs 0.1 scn /Im2 Do Q /GS1 gs 8 w /CS0 CS 0.3 SCN -621 756 m 621 756 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 73 702.9372 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.007 Tw [(ar)20(e all things that countr)-44(ies themselv)39(es choose to do)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.008 Tc 0.062 Tw [(once the)20(y ha)29(v)40(e the r)20(esour)19(ces and contr)30(ol o)39(v)40(er the)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(de)20(v)39(elopment pr)30(ocess,)-278(he said.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.001 Tc 0.069 Tw [(Ho)39(w)40(e)20(v)40(e)1(r)40(,)-347(instead of doing concr)20(ete things,)-347(ma)29(y)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.252 Tw [(donor)-20(s)1( )1(s)1(p)1(e)1(n)1(d)1( )1(f)1(o)1(r)-23(tunes sending consultants and)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.088 Tw [(organizing seminar)-20(s on things lik)30(e \322)-1(g)-1(o)-1(o)-1(d)-1( )-1(g)-1(o)38(v)39(er-)]TJ T* 0.432 Tw [(n)-1(a)-1(n)-1(c)-1(e)28(,)128-632(\322capacity b)15(uilding,)127-631(\322anti-cor)-39(r)-25(u)-1(p)-1(t)-1(i)-1(o)-1(n)-1(,)126]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.051 Tw [(\322judicial r)20(efor)-44(m,)127-230(and human r)-44(ights;)-231(whate)20(v)40(er issue)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.273 Tw [(i)1(s)1( )1(f)-24(ashionab)15(le at the time in the inter)-39(national)]TJ T* 0.148 Tw [1(d)1(e)21(v)40(elopment comm)15(unity)117(.)128-317(While these abstract)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.197 Tw [(g)-1(o)-1(a)-1(l)-1(s)-1( )-1(a)-1(r)19(e impor)-25(t)-1(a)-1(n)-1(t)-1(,)-495(he said,)-494(their achie)19(v)39(e)-1(m)-1(e)-1(n)-1(t)]TJ T* 0.007 Tc 0.063 Tw [(depends almost exclusi)20(v)39(ely on local dynamics,)-347(not)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.031 Tw [(on donor agencies.)-198(Often,)-248(the only people that ben-)]TJ T* 0.007 Tc 0.063 Tw [(efit fr)29(om these effor)-24(ts ar)20(e the consultants and per)-1(-)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.05 Tw [(haps the hotel,)-347(r)20(estaurant,)-348(and con)40(v)39(ention center)]TJ T* 0.135 Tw [(industr)-44(ies of the r)20(ecipient countr)-44(ies,)-433(h)-1(e)-1( )-1(a)-1(r)-1(g)-1(u)-1(e)-1(d)-1(.)]TJ T* 0.198 Tw [(Mor)20(e)-1(o)38(v)39(er)39(,)-496(he said,)-496(in ag)-30(r)-44(icultur)20(e)29(,)-496(w)-1(h)-1(a)-1(t)-1( )-1(d)-1(o)-1(n)-1(o)-1(r)-21(s)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.034 Tw (sometimes do is dump subsidized excess food on the)Tj T* 0.03 Tw [(local mark)29(et either bilaterally or thr)30(ough the )29(W)128(orld)]TJ T* 0.012 Tc 0.057 Tw [(F)20(ood Pr)29(o)19(g)-29(ram,)-348(destr)30(o)39(ying local ag)-30(r)-44(icultur)20(e in the)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.038 Tw [(pr)29(ocess and tur)-39(ning r)20(ecipient countr)-44(ies into \322inter)-1(-)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(national beggar)-20(s.)127]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.015 Tc 0.21 Tw [(Lesson n)15(umber four is that pr)29(ojects m)15(ust be)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.005 Tc -0.03 Tw [(dra)29(wn on a national scale)30(,)-243(not on a pilot scale)29(,)-243(Zaluar)]TJ T* 0.027 Tw [(asser)-25(ted.)-221(The de)20(v)39(eloping w)39(orld is a v)30(ast cemeter)-30(y of)]TJ T* 0.004 Tw [(pilot pr)29(ojects,)-276(which w)39(ork)29(ed as long as the extent of)]TJ T* 0.054 Tw (funding contin)Tj 5.8524 0 TD (ued with no durab)Tj 7.46013 0 TD 0 Tw (le)Tj 0.63865 0 TD 0.054 Tw [(,)-327(positi)20(v)40(e effects,)]TJ -13.95118 -1.28572 TD 0.013 Tc 0.051 Tw (he stated.)Tj 4.19545 0 TD (Such pilot pr)Tj 5.40769 0 TD (ojects di)Tj 3.41966 0.00001 TD [(v)39(er)-25(t scar)20(ce human)]TJ -13.02279 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc (r)Tj 0.317 0 TD 0.004 Tc 0 Tw (esour)Tj 2.11476 0 TD 0.061 Tw (ces a)Tj 1.89138 0.00001 TD [(w)30(a)29(y fr)29(om the ministr)-44(ies in the r)20(ecipient)]TJ -4.32314 -1.28572 TD 0.015 Tc 0 Tw (countr)Tj 2.73199 0 TD 0.0146 Tc (y)Tj 0.84697 0 Td 0.015 Tc 0.071 Tw [(for the pur)-39(pose of \322)1(p)1(r)30(oject implementa-)]TJ -3.57896 -1.28572 TD -0.001 Tc 0 Tw (tion.)Tj 1.71998 0.00001 TD 0.066 Tw [-244(F)20(or small de)20(v)40(eloping countr)-44(ies such as Haiti,)]TJ -1.71998 -1.28572 TD 0.065 Tw (one of the most impor)Tj 9.21941 0.00001 TD [(tant constraints for de)20(v)39(elop-)]TJ -9.21941 -1.28572 TD 0.015 Tc 0.062 Tw [(ment is the a)29(v)30(ailability of competent officials and)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD -0.005 Tc 0.015 Tw [(technicians who ar)20(e willing to w)39(ork for the go)39(v)40(er)-40(n-)]TJ T* 0.055 Tw [(ment at the lo)39(w salar)-44(ies that ar)20(e offer)20(ed in the local)]TJ T* 0.016 Tw [(mark)29(et.)-210(T)152(o di)20(v)39(er)-24(t those technicians to w)39(ork on pilot)]TJ T* -0.037 Tw [(pr)29(ojects is counter)-39(pr)29(oducti)20(v)40(e)29(,)-236(he argued.)-157(Thus,)-236(if it is)]TJ T* -0.002 Tw [(impossib)15(le to achie)19(v)40(e r)19(esults on a national scale in all)]TJ T* 0.021 Tw [(ar)20(eas,)-294(it is better to define pr)-44(ior)-44(ities and concentrate)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(r)20(esour)20(ces in a smaller n)14(umber of ar)20(eas.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.019 Tc 0.107 Tw [(The fifth lesson is:)-306(d)-1(o)-1( )-1(n)-1(o)-1( )-1(h)-1(a)-1(r)-45(m.)-355(Inter)-39(n)-1(a)-1(t)-1(i)-1(o)-1(n)-1(a)-1(l)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.008 Tc 0.062 Tw [(cooperation for de)20(v)40(elopment,)-348(if not w)39(ell planned,)]TJ T* [(ma)30(y actually hur)-25(t de)20(v)39(elopment,)-347(Zaluar noted.)-298(F)20(or)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.021 Tw [(instance)29(,)-256(he said,)-257(inter)-39(national cooperation has been)]TJ T* 0.029 Tw [(kno)39(wn to stim)15(ulate the brain drain if the fe)20(w com-)]TJ T* 0.027 Tw [(petent technicians of the pub)15(lic sector ar)19(e siphoned)]TJ T* -0.007 Tw [(off to w)39(ork for the local offices of bilateral coopera-)]TJ 22.19048 59.14286 TD 0.036 Tw [(tion agencies,)-314(embassies,)-314(inter)-39(national de)20(v)39(elopment)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.012 Tc 0.058 Tw [(agencies,)-347(and,)-348(as it often happens,)-347(for NGOs that)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.327 Tw [(r)20(e)1(c)1(e)1(i)21(v)40(e)1( )1(i)1(n)1(t)1(e)1(r)-38(national monies for pr)29(o)1(j)1(e)1(c)1(t)1(s)1(.)-545(T)1(h)1(e)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.004 Tw [(Haitian state w)29(as practically dismantled in the 1980s)]TJ T* 0.009 Tc 0.061 Tw [(and 1990s in f)-24(a)29(v)40(or of NGOs,)-348(which ex)40(ecuted the)]TJ T* 0.008 Tc [(major shar)20(e of inter)-40(national aid.)-298(Fur)-25(ther)-44(mor)20(e)29(,)-347(the)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.031 Tw [(medical sector w)29(as destr)30(o)39(y)39(ed with the massi)20(v)40(e emi-)]TJ T* 0.012 Tc 0.057 Tw [(g)-29(ration of doctor)-20(s and n)15(ur)-20(ses to de)20(v)39(eloped coun-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.035 Tw [(tr)-44(ies.)-235(T)152(oda)30(y)118(,)-313(most of the fr)19(ee medical assistance that)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.051 Tw [(is a)29(v)30(ailab)15(le to 8.5 million Haitians is pr)29(o)40(vided b)24(y)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.026 Tw [(about 700 Cuban doctor)-20(s who par)-24(tially r)20(eplaced the)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(expor)-24(ted Haitians,)-278(he pointed out.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.016 Tw [(Sixth,)-262(Zaluar argued,)-261(the goal of the inter)-39(nation-)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.016 Tc 0.053 Tw [(al comm)15(unity)117(,)-347(the UN system,)-348(etc)30(.,)-348(should be to)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.034 Tw [(become mor)20(e effecti)19(v)40(e)29(,)-311(not mor)20(e efficient.)-263(If inter-)]TJ T* 0.014 Tc 0.056 Tw [(national cooperation is ineffecti)20(v)40(e or counter)-40(p)1(r)31(o-)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.005 Tw [(ducti)20(v)39(e)30(,)-273(effor)-25(ts to r)20(ender it mor)20(e efficient ar)19(e ir)-39(r)20(ele-)]TJ T* 0.007 Tc 0.062 Tw [(v)29(ant and e)20(v)39(en har)-44(mful.)-298(Regar)19(dless of whether the)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.037 Tw [(donor spends less or better)39(,)-314(he said,)-315(practical r)20(esults)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.15 Tw [(on the g)-29(r)30(ound will be nil.)-399(Ho)40(w)39(e)21(v)39(e)1(r)41(,)-447(too m)14(u)1(c)1(h)]TJ T* 0.008 Tc 0.061 Tw [(debate about inter)-39(national cooperation focuses on)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(efficiency instead of effecti)20(v)39(eness.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.004 Tc 0.065 Tw [(Lesson n)15(umber se)19(v)40(en is that \322lack of absor)-39(pti)19(v)40(e)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.009 Tc 0.06 Tw [(capacity\323)-249(is a f)-25(alse pr)30(ob)15(lem.)-299(Donor)-19(s often use this)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.193 Tw [(claim to shift the b)15(lame to Haitians and e)20(v)30(ade)]TJ T* 0.011 Tc 0.058 Tw [(r)20(esponsibility for poor perfor)-44(mance)29(,)-347(he argued.)-298(A)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.239 Tw (donor b)Tj 3.53501 0 TD (laming a r)Tj 4.61665 0 TD 0.019 Tc (ecipient countr)Tj 6.58998 0 TD 0.0195 Tc (y)Tj 1.02517 0 Td 0.02 Tc (for lack of)Tj -15.76681 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (absor)Tj 2.07592 0 TD (ti)Tj 0.53199 0 TD (v)Tj 0.43945 0 TD -0.0001 Tc (e)Tj 0.76389 0 Td 0 Tc 0.048 Tw [(capacity is lik)29(e a doctor b)15(laming a patient)]TJ -3.81125 -1.28572 TD 0 Tw (for )Tj 1.43325 0.00001 TD 0.031 Tw (\322lack of healing capacity)Tj 9.65229 0 TD (.)Tj 0.13232 0 TD [-210(If he could heal him-)]TJ -11.21787 -1.28572 TD 0 Tw (self)Tj 1.28003 0 TD -0.017 Tw [(,)-260(he w)39(ould not need a doctor)39(.)-211(In contrast,)-260(Zaluar)]TJ -1.28003 -1.28572 TD -0.023 Tw (suggested that )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 366.2904 297.9372 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (donors)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 392.8237 297.9372 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (ha)Tj 0.88745 0.00001 TD -0.023 Tw [(v)40(e a lo)39(w capacity to plan and)]TJ -9.15637 -1.28572 TD 0 Tw (ex)Tj 0.88867 0.00001 TD -0.039 Tw [(ecute cooperation effecti)20(v)39(ely)118(,)-239(in a w)30(a)29(y that attends)]TJ -0.88867 -1.28572 TD 0.002 Tc 0.067 Tw [(to the needs of the r)20(ecipient countr)-30(y)118(,)-348(while coun-)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0.006 Tw [(tr)-44(ies such as Haiti suffer fr)29(om an )]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 443.1687 257.4372 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (excess)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 467.7019 257.4372 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.006 Tw [(of absor)-39(pti)20(v)39(e)]TJ ET /GS2 gs 0 0 0 0 k 306 73 261 169.5 re f /GS1 gs 2 w /CS0 CS 0.5 SCN 307 226.25 m 566 226.25 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 307 207.2498 Tm /CS0 cs 0.8 scn [(In the ar)15(ea of dev)15(elopment,)-179(doz)20(ens of independent)]TJ 0 -1.25 TD [(a)15(g)15(encies)45(,)-178(the UNDP)200(,)-178(inter)-25(na)29(tional financial institu-)]TJ T* [(tions)45(,)-178(the Eur)15(opean Union,)-179(bila)30(ter)20(al cooper)19(a)30(tion)]TJ T* [(a)15(g)15(encies)45(,)-178(humanitar)-25(ian bodies)45(,)-178(and major NGOs)45(,)-178(all)]TJ T* [(w)15(orking on their o)15(wn,)-178(make coor)4(dina)30(tion impossib)20(le\311)]TJ T* [(If the inter)-25(na)29(tional comm)15(unity tr)-25(ied to r)-20(un peace-)]TJ T* [(keeping oper)20(a)30(tions in the same w)15(a)30(y tha)29(t dev)15(elopment is)]TJ ET 2 w /CS0 CS 0.5 SCN 307 89.2499 m 566 89.2499 l S BT /F17 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 307 102.2498 Tm (car)Tj 1.14819 0 TD (r)Tj 0.35767 0 TD (ied out\311 the r)Tj 5.69287 0 TD (esult w)Tj 2.72167 0 TD [(ould be c)-20(haos)45(.)]TJ ET 1 SCN 566.9997 548.3858 m 566.9997 800.9998 l S Q endstream endobj 20 0 obj << /Length 10176 >> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f q /GS1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 24 543.4999 23 13.5 re f Q /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 31.0615 548.7808 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (12)Tj ET 8 w /CS0 CS 0.3 SCN -9 756 m 1233 756 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 193.1477 763.4465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (W)Tj 1.24585 0.00001 TD 0.037 Tw [(OODROW WILSON CENTER UPD)25(A)74(TE ON THE AMERICAS)]TJ ET 2 w /CS0 CS 1 SCN 46.0002 549.0002 m 46.0002 801.6142 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 91 729.9351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.016 Tw [(capacity)118(.)-245(Someho)39(w)118(,)-295(he said,)-294(these countr)-44(ies ar)20(e ab)14(le)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.029 Tw [(to manage hundr)20(eds of micr)29(o pr)30(ojects,)-307(with dozens)]TJ -0.0001 Tc (o)' 0.52092 -0.00001 TD (f)Tj 0.51553 0 Td 0 Tc -0.033 Tw [(differ)20(ent bilateral,)-245(m)15(ultilateral NGO donor)-20(s,)-245(each)]TJ -1.03645 -1.28571 TD -0.04 Tw [(with their o)39(wn b)15(ur)20(densome r)19(epor)-24(ting r)19(equir)20(ements;)]TJ T* 0.002 Tw [(e)20(v)39(en as their \322de)20(v)39(elopment par)-24(tner)-20<73D3>-182(steal their best)]TJ T* 0.013 Tc 0.056 Tw [(technicians with salar)-44(ies se)20(v)39(eral times higher than)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(those paid locally)118(.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.015 Tc -0.014 Tw [(Lesson n)15(umber eight)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F4 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 186.5318 635.4351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (,)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 192.0525 635.4351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.015 Tc -0.014 Tw [(he said,)-249(is that an)20(y coor)19(dina-)]TJ -9.62405 -1.28571 TD -0.007 Tw [(tion effor)-24(t m)14(ust fully engage the Br)20(etton )30(W)127(oods insti-)]TJ T* -0.011 Tc 0.065 Tw [(tutions and r)20(eg)-30(ional de)20(v)39(elopment banks,)-332(such as the)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0.096 Tw [(Inter-Amer)-44(ican De)20(v)39(elopment Bank,)-379(that ha)30(v)40(e the)]TJ T* 0.11 Tw [(r)20(esour)20(ces to mak)29(e a positi)20(v)39(e impact.)-343(Ho)39(w)39(e)20(v)40(er)39(,)-392(he)]TJ T* -0.015 Tc -0.028 Tw [(added,)-235(coor)19(dination betw)39(een the UN system,)-235(Br)19(etton)]TJ T* 0.013 Tw [(W)127(oods institutions,)-276(r)20(eg)-29(ional mechanisms,)-277(and bilater-)]TJ T* -0.027 Tw [(al donor)-20(s is impossib)15(le unless the national go)40(v)39(er)-39(nment)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(of the r)20(ecipient countr)-30(y tak)30(es a leader)-20(ship r)30(ole)29(.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0.063 Tw [(Lesson n)15(umber nine is that the United Nations,)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.002 Tw [(which alr)20(eady kno)39(ws ho)39(w to conduct peacek)30(eeping)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.221 Tw [(operations,)-519(m)16(ust lear)-40(n to ex)40(ecute de)19(v)40(elopment)]TJ T* 0.002 Tc 0.068 Tw [(operations,)-347(he argued.)-299(In the ar)20(ea of de)20(v)39(elopment,)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.065 Tw [(dozens of independent agencies,)-343(the UNDP)177(,)-343(inter-)]TJ T* 0.025 Tw [(national financial institutions,)-303(the Eur)29(opean Union,)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(bilateral cooperation agencies,)-278(humanitar)-44(ian bodies,)]TJ T* 0.055 Tw [(and major NGOs,)-333(all w)39(orking on their o)39(wn,)-333(mak)29(e)]TJ T* -0.014 Tw [(coor)20(dination impossib)14(le)30(,)-264(he said.)-215(If the inter)-39(national)]TJ T* -0.001 Tw [(comm)15(unity tr)-44(ied to r)-25(un peacek)30(eeping operations in)]TJ T* 0.024 Tw [(the same w)29(a)30(y that de)20(v)39(elopment is car)-39(r)-44(ied out,)-301(with)]TJ T* 0.004 Tc 0.065 Tw [(dozens of autonomous ar)-44(med for)20(ces,)-348(each with its)]TJ 0 Tc (o)' 0.49467 0 TD 0.013 Tc 0.056 Tw (wn doctr)Tj 3.81559 0 TD [(ine)29(,)-347(capability)118(,)-347(and pr)-44(ior)-44(ities,)-348(the r)20(esult)]TJ -4.31026 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc (w)Tj 0.70069 0 TD 0 Tw [(ould be chaos,)-278(he said.)]TJ 0.44446 -1.28572 TD 0.02 Tc 0.241 Tw (Rather than simply impr)Tj 10.93699 0 TD 0.24 Tw [(o)40(v)1(i)1(n)1(g)1( c)1(o)1(o)1(r)20(dination,)]TJ -12.08213 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc -0.008 Tw [(what is needed is a mor)20(e radical r)19(ethinking of inter-)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.004 Tc 0.065 Tw [(national cooperation for de)20(v)39(elopment,)-347(he said.)-299(He)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.353 Tw [(suggested a model similar to the r)20(elationship)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.054 Tw [(betw)39(een the Secur)-44(ity Council,)-331(the United Nations)]TJ T* 0.055 Tw [(Depar)-25(tment of P)49(eacek)30(eeping Operations,)-333(and con-)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.142 Tw [(t)1(r)-43(i)1(b)15(uting countr)-44(i)1(e)1(s)1(,)-438(with unity of command.)-391(I)1(n)]TJ T* 0.164 Tw [(de)20(v)40(elopment operations,)-462(a ne)20(w United Nations)]TJ T* 0.018 Tc 0.051 Tw [(P)49(eaceb)14(uilding Commission is needed,)-347(he argued,)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.192 Tw [(w)1(h)1(i)1(c)1(h)1( )1(w)40(ould pla)30(y)1( )1(a)1( )1(r)30(ole similar to that of the)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.094 Tw [(Secur)-44(ity Council in peacek)29(e)-1(e)-1(p)-1(i)-1(n)-1(g)-1( )-1(o)-1(p)-1(e)-1(r)-1(a)-1(t)-1(i)-1(o)-1(n)-1(s)-1(.)-343(In)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.069 Tw [(countr)-44(ies lik)29(e Haiti,)-347(such a de)20(v)39(elopment operation)]TJ T* 0.034 Tw [(should star)-25(t functioning y)40(ear)-20(s befor)20(e the end of the)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(peacek)29(eeping operation,)-277(he added.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.007 Tc 0.062 Tw [(The last lesson,)-347(he said,)-348(is that all major actor)-19(s,)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.014 Tc 0.055 Tw [(including donor countr)-44(ies,)-347(ne)19(w donor)-19(s,)-348(r)20(ecipient)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.069 Tw [(countr)-44(ies,)-348(the United Nations,)-347(inter)-39(national finan-)]TJ T* 0.03 Tw [(cial institutions,)-308(humanitar)-44(ian agencies,)-307(etc)29(.,)-308(should)]TJ T* 0.04 Tw [(stop)-381(the b)15(lame-shifting game)30(.)-239(The tr)-25(uth,)-318(he said,)-318(is)]TJ 22.19048 61.71428 TD 0.055 Tw [(that all actor)-20(s ha)30(v)39(e been accomplices in de)20(v)40(eloping)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.277 Tw [(t)1(h)1(e)1( )1(c)1(u)1(r)-38(r)20(ent system for de)20(v)40(elopment assistance)29(.)]TJ 0.0111 Tc (U)' 0.80312 -0.00001 TD 0.011 Tc 0.058 Tw [(nfor)-24(tunately)117(,)-347(he noted,)-347(ther)19(e is little cor)-39(r)20(elation)]TJ -0.80312 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.144 Tw [(betw)39(e)1(e)1(n)1( )1(r)21(e)1(c)1(e)1(i)21(v)1(i)1(n)1(g)1( )1(d)1(e)20(v)40(elopment aid and making)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.062 Tw [(pr)29(o)20(g)-29(r)20(ess to)39(w)30(ar)19(ds de)20(v)39(elopment.)-291(Nobody has figur)20(ed)]TJ T* 0.044 Tw [(out ho)39(w to pr)30(omote de)19(v)40(elopment in an)20(y par)-25(ticular)]TJ T* -0.036 Tw [(case)29(,)-242(he said,)-242(because de)20(v)39(elopment is a complex cul-)]TJ T* 0.044 Tw [(tural and social pr)29(ocess.)-273(He concluded that the fir)-19(st)]TJ T* -0.038 Tw [(step is to cr)20(eate some political and institutional space)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(wher)20(e all actor)-20(s can talk,)-278(w)39(ork,)-278(and lear)-39(n to)20(gether)39(.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.051 Tw [(I)1(n)1( )1(s)1(h)1(o)1(r)-24(t)1(,)-347(the ten lessons on peaceb)15(uilding and)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(de)20(v)39(elopment cooperation ar)20(e:)]TJ 0 -2.57142 TD [(1\) )-645(Be guided b)25(y national leader)-20(ship)59(,)-278(not \322national)]TJ 1.71429 -1.28571 TD [(o)39(wner)-19(ship;\323)]TJ -1.71429 -1.28571 TD [(2\) )-645(Cooperation m)15(ust be demand-dr)-44(i)20(v)39(en,)-278(no)1(t sup)-1(-)]TJ 1.71429 -1.28571 TD [(ply-dr)-44(i)20(v)40(en;)]TJ -1.71429 -1.28571 TD [(3\) )-645(Br)-44(ing concr)19(ete benefits;)]TJ T* [(4\) )-645(Think on a national scale)30(,)-278(not pilot scale;)]TJ T* [(5\) )-645(Do no har)-44(m \(don\325)74(t plunder the human)]TJ 1.71429 -1.28571 TD [(r)20(esour)20(ces of the countr)-30(y nor destr)30(o)39(y the food-)]TJ T* [(pr)29(oduction capacity of the countr)-29(y y)39(ou ar)20(e)]TJ T* [(tr)-30(ying to help\);)]TJ -1.71429 -1.28571 TD [(6\) )-645(Str)-44(i)20(v)40(e to become mor)19(e effecti)20(v)40(e)29(,)-278(not mor)20(e effi-)]TJ 1.71429 -1.28571 TD (cient;)Tj -1.71429 -1.28571 TD [(7\) )-645(Lack of absor)-39(pti)20(v)39(e capacity\323)-180(is a f)-24(alse pr)29(ob)15(lem;)]TJ T* [(8\) )-645(Engage the Br)20(etton )29(W)128(oods institutions and)]TJ 1.71429 -1.28571 TD [(r)20(eg)-29(ional de)19(v)40(elopment banks;)]TJ -1.71429 -1.28571 TD (9\) )Tj 1.71429 0 TD (Lear)Tj 1.75757 0 TD -0.0001 Tc (n)Tj 0.79887 0 Td 0 Tc [(to ex)39(ecute de)20(v)40(elopment operations lik)29(e)]TJ -2.55644 -1.28572 TD (w)Tj 0.70069 0 TD -0.0001 Tc (e)Tj 0.71583 0 Td 0 Tc [(lear)-39(ned to ex)39(ecute peacek)30(eeping opera-)]TJ -1.41651 -1.28572 TD (tions;)Tj 2.33496 0 TD (and)Tj -4.04925 -1.28572 TD [(10\) )-155(Stop the b)15(lame-shifting game and cr)20(eate some)]TJ 1.71429 -1.28571 TD [(political and institutional space wher)20(e all actor)-20(s)]TJ T* [(can talk,)-278(w)39(ork,)-278(and lear)-39(n to)20(gether)39(.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F0 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 324 243.9351 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.012 Tc -0.031 Tw [(Caroline Anstey)111(,)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 441.369 243.9351 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.058 Tw [(The W)128(orld )-29(Bank,)-249(high-)]TJ -11.178 -1.28571 TD 0.017 Tw [(lighted Haiti\325)98(s significant pr)29(o)20(g)-29(r)20(ess on the democrat-)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.105 Tw [(i)1(c)1( )1(a)1(n)1(d)1( )1(e)1(c)1(o)1(n)1(o)1(m)1(i)1(c)1( )1(g)1(o)40(v)40(e)1(r)-38(nance fr)29(onts o)40(v)40(er the last)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.067 Tw [(thr)20(e)-1(e)-1( y)38(ear)-20(s.)-314(I)-1(n)-1( a)-1(d)-1(d)-1(i)-1(t)-1(i)-1(o)-1(n)-1( t)-1(o)-1( h)-1(a)28(ving )1(held )1(successful)]TJ T* 0.001 Tc 0.069 Tw [(elections at the national and local le)20(v)40(els,)-348(economic)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.064 Tw [(management has also g)-29(r)20(eatly impr)30(o)39(v)40(e)1(d)1(.)-312(H)1(a)1(i)1(t)1(i)1( )1(h)1(a)1(s)]TJ T* 0.017 Tc 0.052 Tw [(qualified for the Hea)30(vily-Indebted P)49(oor Countr)-30(y)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.012 Tw [((HIPC) debt r)20(elief pr)29(o)20(g)-29(ram and is on track to qual)-1(-)]TJ T* -0.02 Tw [(ify for m)15(ultilateral debt r)20(elief thr)29(ough a G7 initiati)20(v)39(e)]TJ T* 0.038 Tw [(that will br)-44(ing half a billion dollar)-20(s of debt r)20(elief to)]TJ T* 0.008 Tw [(the countr)-29(y)117(.)-237(Haiti has also pr)30(oduced its fir)-20(st Inter)-44(im)]TJ T* 0.067 Tw [(Cooperation Frame)20(w)39(ork\321a coor)20(dinated,)-345(national-)]TJ T* 0.015 Tw [(ly-o)39(wned frame)20(w)39(ork\321and has pr)20(epar)20(ed an Inter)-44(im)]TJ ET Q endstream endobj 21 0 obj << /Length 10649 >> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f q /GS1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 567 543.4999 23 13.5 re f Q /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 574.0615 548.7808 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (13)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 216.0445 763.4465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 Tc (G)Tj 0.96183 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0.037 Tw [(O)30(VERNANCE AND SECURITY IN HAITI)]TJ ET /GS2 gs q 106.5557 0 0 86.15651 504.864 -0.2155 cm /CS0 cs 0.1 scn /Im2 Do Q /GS1 gs 8 w /CS0 CS 0.3 SCN -621 756 m 621 756 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 73 541.3884 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.049 Tw [(P)49(o)39(v)40(er)-25(ty Reduction Strategy)118(.)-278(Haiti has submitted its)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.32 Tw [(b)15(udget on time o)40(v)40(er the past tw)39(o y)39(e)1(a)1(r)-19(s)1(,)-616(h)1(a)1(s)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.054 Tw [(incr)20(eased the transpar)19(ency of and par)-24(ticipation in)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.048 Tw [(the b)15(udget pr)29(ocess,)-326(and has r)20(educed the amount of)]TJ T* -0.001 Tw [(discr)20(etionar)-30(y accounts fr)30(om about 60 per)19(cent of the)]TJ T* 0.029 Tw [(b)15(udget to less than 10 per)20(cent.)-258(Fur)-25(ther)-44(mor)20(e)29(,)-306(a ci)19(vil)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.06 Tw [(s)1(o)1(c)1(i)1(e)1(t)1(y)1( )1(m)1(o)1(n)1(i)1(t)1(o)1(r)-43(ing mechanism has been set up to)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.194 Tw [(track economic go)39(v)40(e)1(r)-38(n)1(a)1(n)1(c)1(e)1( )1(r)21(efor)-44(m)1(s)1(,)-491(something)]TJ T* 0.304 Tw [(be)20(y)39(ond what man)20(y other go)40(v)39(e)1(r)-38(nments in the)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.06 Tw [(Car)-44(ibbean ha)29(v)40(e achie)20(v)39(ed.)-289(Haiti has also intr)30(oduced)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.4 Tw [(p)1(r)30(o)1(c)1(u)1(r)21(ement r)20(efor)-44(m)1(,)-697(has conducted pub)14(l)1(i)1(c)1(l)1(y)1(-)]TJ T* 0.009 Tc 0.061 Tw [(r)20(eleased audits of the fi)20(v)40(e main pub)15(l)1(i)1(c)1( )1(e)1(n)1(t)1(e)1(r)-38(p)1(r)-43(i)1(s)1(e)1(s)1(,)]TJ T* 0.007 Tc 0.062 Tw [(and has ag)-29(r)19(eed to implement ann)15(ual asset declara-)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(tions b)25(y pub)14(lic officials.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.003 Tc (In)Tj 1.18078 0 Td 0.058 Tw [(addition to these management impr)29(o)40(v)39(ements,)]TJ -2.32593 -1.28571 TD -0.006 Tc 0.06 Tw [(she said that economic perfor)-44(mance has also sho)39(wn)]TJ T* -0.015 Tc 0.056 Tw [(signs of pr)29(o)20(g)-30(r)20(ess.)-270(In 2004,)-320(g)-29(r)29(o)39(wth w)30(as appr)29(o)39(ximately)]TJ T* -0.017 Tw [(negati)20(v)39(e 3.5 per)20(cent.)-197(In 2005 it w)29(as a positi)20(v)39(e 1.5 per-)]TJ T* 0 Tw (cent.)Tj 2.10304 0.00001 TD 0.025 Tw (In 2006,)Tj 3.5468 0.00001 TD [(she pr)20(edicted,)-289(g)-29(r)29(o)39(wth will pr)30(obab)15(ly be)]TJ -5.64984 -1.28573 TD 0 Tw (ar)Tj 0.66982 0.00001 TD 0.025 Tw (ound 2.5 per)Tj 4.98303 0.00001 TD [(cent.)-239(Inflation is do)39(wn and the macr)30(o)-1(-)]TJ -5.65285 -1.28572 TD -0.002 Tw [(economic indicator)-20(s ar)20(e stab)15(le)29(.)-212(In addition,)-261(Haiti no)39(w)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD -0.014 Tc 0.069 Tw [(has a po)39(v)40(er)-25(ty r)20(eduction and g)-30(r)30(o)39(wth f)-24(acility fr)29(om the)]TJ T* -0.015 Tc -0.009 Tw [(IMF)176(.)-175(These impr)29(o)39(v)39(ements send an impor)-24(tant signal to)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0.115 Tw [(the inter)-39(national comm)15(unity and ar)19(e considerab)15(le)]TJ T* 0.226 Tw [(feats for a go)39(v)40(er)-39(nment with such o)39(v)39(erwhelming)]TJ T* -0.015 Tc 0 Tw [(capacity constraints,)-263(Anste)20(y argued.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.019 Tc 0.224 Tw [(Despite this pr)29(o)20(g)-30(r)19(ess,)-521(t)-1(h)-1(e)-1(r)19(e is still r)29(o)-1(o)-1(m)-1( )-1(f)-1(o)-1(r)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.167 Tw [(i)1(m)1(p)1(r)30(o)40(v)40(ement,)-465(A)1(n)1(s)1(t)1(e)21(y argued.)-416(A)1(t)1( )1(a)1(n)1( )1(A)1(p)1(r)-43(il 2004)]TJ T* 0.013 Tc 0.057 Tw [(w)40(orkshop in P)48(or)-24(t-au-Pr)-44(ince follo)39(wing the depar-)]TJ T* 0.012 Tc 0.058 Tw [(tur)20(e of A)1(r)-44(istide)30(,)-347(a n)15(umber of donor organizations)]TJ T* 0.015 Tc 0.054 Tw [(and Haitian r)20(epr)19(esentati)20(v)39(es pledged to lear)-39(n fr)30(om)]TJ T* 0.004 Tc 0.066 Tw [(the past exper)-44(ience of donor in)39(v)40(o)1(l)1(v)40(ement in Haiti)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.029 Tw [(and impr)29(o)40(v)39(e the aid pr)30(ocess,)-307(she said.)-257(At this meet)-1(-)]TJ T* -0.019 Tw [(ing,)-259(donor)-20(s ag)-29(r)20(eed that ther)19(e had been f)-24(ar too man)20(y)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.082 Tw [(\322feel-good pr)30(ojects draped in national flags\323)-282(and)]TJ 22.19048 61.67111 TD 0.006 Tc 0.064 Tw [(committed to better coor)20(dinate pr)29(ojects and mak)30(e)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.011 Tc 0.059 Tw [(sur)20(e such pr)29(ojects w)39(er)20(e car)-40(r)-43(ied out under Haitian)]TJ 0.0195 Tc (l)' 0.25955 -0.00001 TD 0.02 Tc 0.126 Tw [(eader)-20(s)1(h)1(i)1(p)60(.)-373(D)1(o)1(n)1(o)1(r)-19(s also committed to engage in)]TJ -0.25955 -1.28571 TD 0.204 Tw [(H)1(a)1(i)1(t)1(i)1( )1(o)40(v)40(er the long r)-24(u)1(n)1(,)-501(and to channel funds)]TJ T* 0.151 Tw [(d)1(i)1(r)21(ectly thr)29(ough the Haitian b)15(udget rather than)]TJ T* 0.078 Tw [(t)1(h)1(r)30(ough NGOs.)-326(On the Haitian side)29(,)-375(author)-44(i)1(t)1(i)1(e)1(s)]TJ T* 0.117 Tw [(committed to put in place coor)20(dination mecha-)]TJ T* 0.421 Tw [(n)1(i)1(s)1(m)1(s)1(,)-718(maintain sound economic go)40(v)40(e)1(r)-39(nance)30(,)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.069 Tw [(a)-1(d)-1(d)-1(r)19(ess issues of fraud and cor)-39(r)-25(u)-1(p)-1(t)-1(i)-1(o)-1(n)-1(,)-368(a)-1(n)-1(d)-1( )-1(w)39(ork)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0 Tw [(with donor)-20(s as a united g)-29(r)30(oup)59(,)-278(she said.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.001 Tc 0.068 Tw [(While a coor)20(dinated de)19(v)39(elopment strategy\321the)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.141 Tw [(I)1(n)1(t)1(e)1(r)-43(im Cooperation Frame)20(w)39(ork\321has been put)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.031 Tw [(into place and donor)-20(s ha)30(v)39(e committed to suppor)-24(t a)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.129 Tw [(Haitian-led strategy)118(,)-426(donor)-20(s still do not channel)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.023 Tw [(enough mone)20(y thr)29(ough the Haitian b)15(udget,)-301(Anste)20(y)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.086 Tw [(a)1(s)1(s)1(e)1(r)-24(ted.)-334(H)1(a)1(i)1(t)1(i)199(s)1( )1(b)15(udget for a population of eight)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.02 Tw [(million people is r)29(oughly the same size as the oper-)]TJ T* 0.01 Tw [(ating b)15(udget of a medium-sized U)78(.S)39(.)-238(uni)20(v)39(er)-19(sity)117(,)-287(and)]TJ T* -0.014 Tw [(smaller than the operating b)15(udget of the humanitar-)]TJ T* 0.004 Tc 0.065 Tw [(ian organization,)-347(C)10(ARE.)-269(T)152(o fur)-24(ther pr)29(omote eco-)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.093 Tw [(n)1(o)1(m)1(i)1(c)1( )1(g)-28(r)30(o)40(wth in the countr)-30(y)118(,)-389(the b)15(udget has to)]TJ T* 0.011 Tc 0.058 Tw [(expand,)-347(she argued.)-299(Donor)-19(s often cite Haiti\325)98(s lo)39(w)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.755 Tw [(ranking on the )29(T)99(r)1(a)1(n)1(s)1(p)1(a)1(r)21(e)1(n)1(c)1(y)1( )1(I)1(n)1(t)1(e)1(r)-38(national)]TJ T* 0.07 Tw [(C)1(o)1(r)-38(r)-24(uption P)49(e)1(r)21(c)1(e)1(p)1(t)1(i)1(o)1(n)1( )1(In)2(de)1(x)2( a)1(s)2( a)1( )1(r)21(eason for not)]TJ T* 0.014 Tc 0.056 Tw [(channeling r)20(e)1(s)1(o)1(u)1(r)20(c)1(e)1(s)1( )1(t)1(h)1(r)31(ough the Haitian b)15(udget.)]TJ T* 0.001 Tc 0.069 Tw [(But without bolster)-44(ing Haitian institutions,)-347(Anste)19(y)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.262 Tw [(emphasized,)-560(the viability of the state will not)]TJ T* 0.076 Tw [(i)1(m)1(p)1(r)30(o)40(v)40(e)30(.)-324(Indeed,)-374(s)1(h)1(e)1( s)1(a)1(i)1(d)1(,)-373(donor)-20(s)1( a)1(r)21(e )-1(themselv)39(e)1(s)]TJ T* 0 Tw (culpab)Tj 2.68643 0 TD 0.135 Tw (le of contr)Tj 4.64777 0 TD [(i)1(b)16(uting to the w)39(eakness of the)]TJ -7.3342 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc 0.045 Tw (Haitian state b)Tj 5.75772 0 TD -0.0002 Tc (y)Tj 0.79183 0 Td 0 Tc [(r)20(efusing to w)39(ork thr)29(ough the state)30(,)]TJ -6.54955 -1.28572 TD (b)Tj 0.49493 0 TD 0.0195 Tc (y)Tj 0.91551 0 Td 0.02 Tc 0.129 Tw [(setting up parallel organizations,)-427(and,)-427(all too)]TJ -1.41044 -1.28572 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(often,)-278(b)25(y pulling out their r)19(esour)20(ces.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.042 Tw [(In the futur)20(e)29(,)-319(she argued,)-320(it is impor)-25(tant to raise)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.011 Tc 0.058 Tw [(the confidence of donor)-20(s about ho)40(w their mone)19(y)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.037 Tw [(will be used so the)20(y ar)19(e mor)20(e willing to send funds)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.061 Tw [(d)1(i)1(r)21(ectly thr)29(ough the Haitian b)15(udget.)-280(T)1(h)1(i)1(s)1( )1(c)1(a)1(n)1( )1(b)1(e)]TJ T* 0.013 Tc 0.057 Tw [(a)1(c)1(h)1(i)1(e)21(v)40(ed b)24(y obtaining a str)30(ong commitment fr)29(om)]TJ T* [(the Haitian go)39(v)40(e)1(r)-38(nment to deepen its pr)29(o)20(g)-29(ram of)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.414 Tw [(economic go)39(v)40(e)1(r)-38(n)1(a)1(n)1(c)1(e)1( )1(r)21(efor)-44(m)1(.)-632(T)153(o)1( )1(r)20(educe the)]TJ T* 0.014 Tc 0.055 Tw [(administrati)20(v)39(e b)15(ur)20(den on the state)29(,)-347(donor)-20(s should)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.044 Tw [(consider pooling r)20(esour)19(ces into a m)15(ulti-donor tr)-24(ust)]TJ T* 0.015 Tw [(fund,)-293(which w)39(ould disb)15(ur)-20(se funds accor)20(ding to one)]TJ T* 0.047 Tw [(set of r)20(equir)19(ements,)-325(one set of conditionalities,)-325(and)]TJ T* 0.068 Tw [(one r)20(epor)-25(ting mechanism.)-268(This has been done and)]TJ T* [(has been successful in places such as Iraq,)-346(the )30(W)127(est)]TJ T* -0.01 Tw [(Bank and Gaza Str)-44(ip)59(,)-268(K)30(oso)39(v)39(o)49(,)-267(East )29(Timor)39(,)-267(Bur)-25(undi,)]TJ T* 0.044 Tw [(and Afghanistan.)-273(Ev)39(en if some donor)-19(s ar)19(e not will-)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.097 Tw [(ing to put their mone)20(y into a m)15(ulti-donor tr)-25(u)1(s)1(t)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.059 Tw [(fund,)-347(the)19(y can still better coor)20(dinate missions and)]TJ ET 2 w /CS0 CS 1 SCN 566.9997 548.3858 m 566.9997 800.9998 l S 0 0 0 0 k 72 560.453 216 177.547 re f 0.5 SCN 73 736 m 287 736 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F17 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 73 717 Tm /CS0 cs 0.8 scn [(Ther)15(e ar)14(e gr)20(av)15(e misperceptions in the inter)-1(-)]TJ 0 -1.25 TD [(na)29(tional comm)15(unity tha)30(t Haiti as a na)29(tion is)]TJ T* [(insecur)15(e.)-28(The v)24(ast major)-25(ity of Haiti,)-178(r)15(oughl)25(y)]TJ T* [(thr)15(ee-quar)-15(ters of the countr)-15(y)120(,)-178(is peaceful.)-178(In)]TJ T* [(f)20(act,)-178(a number of dev)14(elopment pr)15(ojects ar)15(e)]TJ T* [(underw)15(a)30(y in r)-20(ur)19(al ar)15(eas of the countr)-15(y)120(,)]TJ T* [(inc)-20(luding infr)20(astr)-20(uctur)14(e pr)15(o)15(gr)20(ams to b)14(uild)]TJ T* [(r)15(oads)45(,)-178(w)15(a)30(ter and sanita)30(tion pr)14(ojects)45(,)-178(sc)-20(hool)]TJ T* [(constr)-20(uction,)-178(and comm)15(unity-)-141(dr)-25(i)9(v)16(en )]TJ ET 2 w /CS0 CS 0.5 SCN 73 569 m 287 569 l S BT /F17 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 73 582 Tm [(dev)15(elopment pr)15(o)14(gr)20(ams)45(.)]TJ ET Q endstream endobj 22 0 obj << /Length 8639 >> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 91 702.9337 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.016 Tc 0.054 Tw [(w)39(ork thr)30(ough the go)39(v)40(er)-40(nment to bolster go)40(v)39(er)-39(n-)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw [(ment capacity)118(,)-278(she said.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.008 Tc 0.063 Tw [(T)128(ur)-39(ning to the r)19(elationship betw)39(een secur)-44(ity and)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.015 Tc 0.069 Tw [(de)20(v)39(elopment,)-332(Anste)19(y argued that secur)-44(ity and de)20(v)39(el-)]TJ T* -0.005 Tc 0.06 Tw [(opment m)15(ust go hand in hand.)-284(Insecur)-44(ity has often)]TJ T* -0.015 Tc -0.035 Tw [(pr)20(e)19(v)39(ented de)20(v)39(elopment w)40(ork)29(er)-20(s fr)30(om r)19(eaching cer)-24(tain)]TJ T* -0.022 Tw [(ar)20(eas of the countr)-30(y)118(,)-242(including ar)20(eas of P)49(or)-25(t-au-Pr)-44(ince)]TJ T* -0.008 Tc 0.062 Tw [(such as)-401(Cit\216 Soleil and Bel Air)39(.)-284(She ag)-29(r)19(eed with Le)]TJ T* -0.002 Tc 0.057 Tw [(Che)20(v)29(allier that secur)-44(ity pr)30(ob)15(lems stem in par)-25(t fr)29(om)]TJ T* -0.015 Tc 0.033 Tw [(the f)-24(act that the n)14(umber of UN peacek)30(eeping for)20(ces,)]TJ T* 0.016 Tw [(inter)-39(national police for)20(ces,)-280(SW)98(A)74(T team exper)-24(ts,)-280(anti-)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(gang exper)-24(ts,)-264(etc)30(.,)-264(has not been sufficient.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.054 Tw [(At the same time)30(,)-351(s)1(h)1(e)1( )1(i)1(n)1(s)1(i)1(s)1(t)1(e)1(d)1(,)-350(ther)20(e)1( )1(a)1(r)20(e g)-29(r)1(a)30(v)40(e)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0.016 Tw [(misper)20(ceptions in the inter)-40(national comm)15(unity that)]TJ T* 0.014 Tc 0.055 Tw [(Haiti as a nation is insecur)20(e)29(.)-269(The v)29(ast major)-44(ity of)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.195 Tw [(H)1(a)1(i)1(t)1(i)1(,)-491(r)30(oughly thr)20(ee-quar)-25(t)1(e)1(r)-19(s of the countr)-29(y)118(,)-491(i)1(s)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.008 Tw [(peaceful,)-270(she said.)-220(In f)-25(act,)-269(a n)15(umber of de)19(v)40(elopment)]TJ T* 0.056 Tw [(pr)29(ojects ar)20(e underw)29(a)30(y in r)-25(ural ar)20(eas of the countr)-29(y)117(,)]TJ T* 0.019 Tc 0.092 Tw [(including infrastr)-24(uctur)19(e pr)30(o)19(g)-30(rams to b)15(uild r)29(oads,)]TJ T* 0.008 Tc 0.062 Tw [(w)30(ater and sanitation pr)29(ojects,)-347(school constr)-25(uction,)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.316 Tw [(and comm)15(unity-dr)-44(i)20(v)40(en de)20(v)40(elopment pr)29(o)21(g)-29(r)1(a)1(m)1(s)1(.)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.069 Tw [(Recent pub)15(lic opinion polls indicate that while 58)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.064 Tw [(p)1(e)1(r)21(c)1(e)1(n)1(t)1( )1(o)1(f)1( )1(r)20(esidents in the metr)30(opolitan ar)20(ea feel)]TJ 22.19048 28.28571 TD 0 Tc -0.005 Tw [(unsafe often or most of the time)29(,)-272(only 15 per)20(cent in)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0 Tw [(r)-24(ural ar)19(eas feel unsafe)30(.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.003 Tc 0.063 Tw [(In or)20(der to impr)29(o)39(v)40(e the situation in urban ar)20(eas,)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD -0.01 Tc 0.065 Tw [(Anste)20(y r)19(eiterated that secur)-44(ity and de)20(v)39(elopment ini-)]TJ T* -0.007 Tc 0.066 Tw [(tiati)20(v)39(es should go hand in hand;)-240(de)20(v)39(elopment agen-)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.104 Tw [(cies should w)39(ork within political cycles,)-391(enab)14(ling)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc -0.031 Tw [(political leader)-20(s to capitalize on de)20(v)40(elopment pr)29(o)20(g)-30(r)20(ess)]TJ T* -0.042 Tw [(and push forw)30(ar)19(d mor)20(e substantial r)19(efor)-44(ms.)-177(It w)29(as also)]TJ T* -0.033 Tw [(imperati)20(v)39(e to be ab)15(le to pr)29(oduce quick,)-234(visib)14(le r)20(esults.)]TJ T* -0.002 Tc 0.062 Tw [(She suggested estab)15(lishing a better di)20(vision of labor)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc -0.014 Tw [(betw)39(een those agencies that can deli)20(v)40(er quick-impact)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.107 Tw [(pr)29(o)20(g)-29(rams of job cr)20(eation and those that w)39(ork on)]TJ T* -0.01 Tc 0 Tw [(medium- to longer-ter)-44(m r)20(efor)-44(m.)]TJ 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0 Tc 0.005 Tw [(Anste)20(y concluded b)24(y challeng)-29(ing the notion that)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.012 Tw [(the secur)-44(ity situation in ar)20(eas lik)29(e Cit\216 Soleil had to)]TJ T* 0.001 Tc 0.068 Tw [(be addr)20(essed and settled befor)19(e de)20(v)39(elopment could)]TJ T* 0.01 Tc 0.06 Tw [(tak)30(e place)29(.)-298(Man)20(y countr)-44(ies in Latin Amer)-44(ica ha)29(v)40(e)]TJ T* 0.017 Tc 0.053 Tw [(insecur)20(e urban ar)19(eas,)-347(including S\213o P)29(aulo)49(,)-347(Brazil,)]TJ T* 0.016 Tc [(and Kingston,)-347(J)29(amaica,)-347(y)39(et the amount of mone)19(y)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.041 Tw [(pour)-44(ing into those countr)-44(ies fr)29(om for)20(eign in)39(v)40(estor)-20(s)]TJ T* 0.016 Tw [(is substantial.)-215(While it is impor)-24(tant to w)39(ork to)39(w)30(ar)19(ds)]TJ T* 0.039 Tw [(achie)20(ving secur)-44(ity in pr)29(ob)15(lem ar)20(eas,)-318(she said,)-317(it w)29(as)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.171 Tw [(w)1(r)30(ong to mak)30(e)1( )1(t)1(h)1(e)1( )1(r)21(est of Haiti dependent on)]TJ ET 0 0 0 0 k 24 543.4999 23 13.5 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 31.0615 548.7808 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (14)Tj ET 8 w /CS0 CS 0.3 SCN -9 756 m 1233 756 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 193.1477 763.4465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (W)Tj 1.24585 0.00001 TD 0.037 Tw [(OODROW WILSON CENTER UPD)25(A)74(TE ON THE AMERICAS)]TJ ET 2 w /CS0 CS 1 SCN 46.0002 549.0002 m 46.0002 801.6142 l S /GS2 gs /CS0 cs 0.2 scn 90.5 58.33 449 326.834 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F0 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 104.5 361.6445 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.012 Tc (Conference Participants:)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 104.5 334.6445 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(J)30(ohanna Mendelson F)19(or)-44(man)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 239.8029 334.6445 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(is a Senior Associate at the Center for Strateg)-30(ic and Inter)-39(national)]TJ -11.74085 -1.28571 TD (Studies.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 104.5 294.1444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(Alber)-25(t Ramdin)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 178.5537 294.1444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(is Assistant Secr)19(etar)-29(y-General of the Organization of Amer)-44(ican States.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 104.5 267.1444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(Ra)30(ymond J)29(oseph)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 187.1798 267.1444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(is Haiti\325)98(s Ambassador to the United States.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 104.5 240.1444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(Rober)-25(to \347lv)30(ar)19(ez )]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 185.8212 240.1444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(is the Dominican Repub)15(lic\325)98(s )-1(Ambassador to the Organization of Amer)-44(ican States.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 104.5 213.1444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(Gerar)20(do LeChe)19(v)30(allier)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 207.298 213.1444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(is Dir)20(ector of P)48(olitical Aff)-24(air)-20(s and Planning at the United Nations)]TJ -8.64514 -1.28571 TD [(Stabilization Mission in Haiti \(MINUST)74(AH\).)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 104.5 172.6444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (Achilles Zaluar)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 178.4076 172.6444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(is P)49(olitical Advisor at the Brazilian Embassy in )29(W)128(ashington,)-278(DC)29(,)-278(and a pr)20(e)20(vious)]TJ -5.89367 -1.28571 TD (Assistant to the Brazilian Ambassador to Haiti.)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 104.5 132.1444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.079 Tw [(Car)20(oline Anste)20(y)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 181.4171 132.1444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(is Countr)-29(y Dir)19(ector for the Car)-44(ibbean in the Latin Amer)-44(ica and the Car)-44(ibbean)]TJ -6.18029 -1.28571 TD [(Reg)-29(ion pr)29(o)20(g)-30(ram at the )30(W)127(orld Bank.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 104.5 91.6444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(Cynthia J)40(.)-153(Ar)-40(nson)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 190.2047 91.6444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(is Dir)20(ector of th)-1(e)1( La)-1(t)1(in )-1(Amer)-44(ican Pr)30(o)19(g)-29(ram at the )30(W)127(oodr)30(o)39(w )29(W)15(ilson Center)-24(;)]TJ -7.01721 -1.28571 TD (J)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 119.5381 78.1444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.015 Tc [(os\216 Ra\234l P)50(erales)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 196.0162 78.1444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.015 Tc [(is Senior Pr)29(o)20(g)-30(ram Associate;)-165(and )]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 328.3893 78.1444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.015 Tc [(Eliza)15(beth Br)-30(y)30(an )]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 404.3425 78.1444 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.015 Tc [(is for)-44(mer Pr)29(o)20(g)-30(ram Assistant.)]TJ ET 1 w /CS0 CS 1 SCN 90.5 58.33 449 326.834 re s Q endstream endobj 23 0 obj << /Length 5966 >> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 73 702.9337 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.013 Tc 0.056 Tw [(impr)29(o)40(v)39(ements in the urban ar)20(eas.)-299(She argued that)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.02 Tc 0.275 Tw [(donor)-20(s should be mor)20(e)1( )1(c)1(r)21(eati)19(v)40(e)1( )1(i)1(n)1( )1(m)1(o)1(b)1(i)1(l)1(i)1(z)1(i)1(n)1(g)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.026 Tw [(in)39(v)40(estment fr)29(om the Haitian Diaspora and channel-)]TJ T* 0 Tw [(ing it for de)20(v)39(elopment.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F0 1 Tf 14 0 0 14 73 635.4337 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn 0.037 Tc (Conclusion:)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 10.5 0 0 10.5 164.5353 635.4337 Tm 0 0 0 1 k 0.02 Tc 0.216 Tw [(Since taking office in Ma)30(y)]TJ -8.71765 -1.28571 TD 0.13 Tw [(2006,)-428(P)1(r)21(e)1(s)1(i)1(d)1(e)1(n)1(t)1( )1(P)1(r)1<8E>1(v)30(al has managed to k)30(e)1(e)1(p)1( )1(h)1(i)1(s)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.022 Tw [(coalition go)39(v)40(er)-40(nment to)20(gether)39(.)-462(P)49(or)-25(t au Pr)-44(ince is f)-24(ar)]TJ T* 0.019 Tw [(mor)20(e secur)19(e)30(,)-297(in par)-24(t because of agg)-29(r)20(essi)19(v)40(e effor)-25(ts b)25(y)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.082 Tw [(M)1(I)1(N)1(U)1(S)1(T)75(A)1(H)1(,)-379(in collaboration with the national)]TJ T* 0 Tc 0.03 Tw [(go)39(v)40(er)-39(nment,)-308(to go after gangs that w)39(er)19(e ter)-39(r)30(or)-44(izing)]TJ T* 0.018 Tc 0.052 Tw [(c)1(i)20(v)1(i)1(l)1(i)1(a)1(n)1(s)1(.)-297(Impr)29(o)40(v)40(ements in secur)-44(ity ha)29(v)40(e attracted)]TJ T* 0.02 Tc 0.109 Tw [(the attention of potential in)39(v)40(e)1(s)1(t)1(o)1(r)-18(s)1(,)-407(especially in)]TJ T* 0 Tc -0.017 Tw [(light of trade leg)-29(islation passed b)24(y the U)79(.S)39(.)-212(Cong)-29(r)20(ess)]TJ -0.0001 Tc (in)' 1.11516 0 Td 0 Tc 0.056 Tw [(late 2006 to expand the expor)-24(t of man)14(uf)-24(actur)20(ed)]TJ -1.11516 -1.28571 TD 0 Tw (goods into the United States.)Tj 1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.024 Tc 0.115 Tw [(Lik)29(e an)20(y frag)-29(ile go)39(v)39(er)-39(nment,)-418(Haiti will need)]TJ -1.14514 -1.28571 TD 0.019 Tc 0.055 Tw [(contin)15(ued assistance to b)15(uild capacity in its min-)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc -0.032 Tw [(istr)-44(ies,)-252(and to find a w)30(a)29(y to demonstrate to or)20(dinar)-29(y)]TJ T* 0.063 Tw [(Haitians that pr)29(o)20(g)-29(r)20(ess is being made in their com-)]TJ T* -0.012 Tw [(m)15(unities.)-192(This is the challenge that Pr)19(esident Pr\216v)30(al)]TJ T* 0.001 Tw [(f)-24(aces on a daily basis.)-235(It is a challenge that ma)30(y w)39(ell)]TJ T* 0.06 Tw [(k)30(eep his coalition to)19(gether)40(.)-293(No one w)29(ants another)]TJ T* -0.04 Tw [(inter)-39(national peace operation for Haiti.)-194(And y)39(et it is)]TJ T* 0.013 Tc 0.061 Tw [(c)-1(l)-1(e)-1(a)-1(r)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(a)-1(t)-1( )-1(t)-1(h)-1(e)-1( )-1(c)-1(u)-1(r)-40(r)19(ent mission will be in Haiti for)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc -0.017 Tw [(the long haul,)-266(something that will ensur)20(e that,)-265(with)]TJ T* 0.024 Tc 0 Tw (appr)Tj 1.79719 0 TD 0.275 Tw [(opr)-44(iate leader)-20(ship and adequate r)20(esour)20(ces,)]TJ -1.79719 -1.28572 TD 0.283 Tw [(Haiti will be ab)15(le to join the comm)15(unity of)]TJ 0 -1.28571 TD 0.016 Tc 0.058 Tw [(Car)-44(ibbean states and contr)-44(ib)15(ute to the peace and)]TJ T* 0.005 Tc 0 Tw [(w)39(ell-being of the r)20(eg)-29(ion.)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 11.5 0 0 11.5 306 702.2721 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn (N)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F5 1 Tf 8.625 0 0 8.625 315.3494 702.2721 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn (O)Tj 0.79907 0.00001 TD (TES)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F3 1 Tf 9 0 0 9 318.024 677.272 Tm 0 0 0 1 k [(1.)-199(T)152(ext,)-278(United Nations Secur)-44(ity Council Resolution)]TJ -1.336 -1.27777 TD [(1542 of 30 Apr)-44(il 2004,)-278(estab)15(lishing the United Nations)]TJ 0 -1.27778 TD -0.0001 Tc (S)Tj 0.48989 0.00001 TD 0 Tc (tabilization Mission in Haiti.)Tj 0.84611 -1.27779 TD [(2.)-229(UN and O)39(AS missions to and operations in Haiti)]TJ -1.336 -1.27777 TD [(since 1990 include the United Nations Obser)-24(v)39(er Gr)29(oup for)]TJ 0 -1.27778 TD [(the )29(V)128(er)-44(ification of the Elections in Haiti (ONUVEH);)-180(the)]TJ T* [(Inter)-39(national Ci)19(vil)1(ia)-1(n Mi)1(s)-1(s)1(io)-1(n i)1(n Ha)-1(iti)1( \()-1(MIC)1(IVIH\);)-180(the)]TJ 0 -1.27777 TD [(United Nations Mission in Haiti (UNMIH);)-180(the United)]TJ 0 -1.27778 TD [(Nations Suppor)-24(t Mission in Hait)-1(i \(UN)1(S)-1(MIH\);)-179(the United)]TJ T* [(Nations )29(T)99(ransition Mission in Haiti (UNTMIH);)-180(and the)]TJ 0 -1.27777 TD [(United Nations Ci)20(vilian P)49(olice Mission in Haiti)]TJ 0 -1.27778 TD ((MINOPUH).)Tj 1.336 -1.27778 TD -0.015 Tc [(3)-15(.)-214(United Nations Secur)-44(ity Council,)-263(\322Repor)-25(t of the)]TJ -1.336 -1.27778 TD [(Secr)20(etar)-30(y-General on Haiti,)128-165(S/2004/300,)-264(16 Apr)-44(il 2004,)-263(p)58(.)-214(2.)]TJ 1.336 -1.27778 TD 0 Tc [(4.)-229(Fran\215ois Duv)29(alier w)30(as succeeded in po)39(w)39(er b)25(y his)]TJ -1.336 -1.27779 TD [(nineteen-y)39(ear-old son J)30(ean-Claude)29(,)-277(who w)29(as ultimately)]TJ 0 -1.27777 TD [(for)20(ced into exile in 1986.)-229([Ed.])]TJ 1.336 -1.27779 TD [(5.)-199(The Brazilian go)39(v)39(er)-39(nment and the UN deemed)]TJ -1.336 -1.27778 TD (Urano Bacellar\325)Tj 6.10645 0 TD -0.0001 Tc (s)Tj 0.57978 0 Td 0 Tc (death a suicide)Tj 5.77592 0 TD (.)Tj 0.48852 0 TD ([Ed.])Tj -11.61468 -1.27779 TD [(6.)-229(On F)20(ebr)-25(uar)-29(y 15,)-278(2007,)-278(the UN extended the mission)]TJ -1.336 -1.27778 TD (until October 2007,)Tj 8.22045 0 TD [(less than the one y)39(ear r)20(equested.)]TJ ET 0 0 0 0 k 567 543.4999 23 13.5 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 574.0615 548.7808 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (15)Tj ET 8 w /CS0 CS 0.3 SCN -621 756 m 621 756 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 216.0445 763.4465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.0002 Tc (G)Tj 0.96183 0.00001 TD 0 Tc 0.037 Tw [(O)30(VERNANCE AND SECURITY IN HAITI)]TJ ET 2 w /CS0 CS 1 SCN 566.9997 548.3858 m 566.9997 800.9998 l S /GS2 gs q 106.5557 0 0 86.15651 504.864 -0.2155 cm /CS0 cs 0.1 scn /Im2 Do Q Q endstream endobj 24 0 obj << /Length 25286 >> stream /GS0 gs 1 g 0 792 0 0 re f q /GS1 gs 0 0 0 0 k 24 543.4999 23 13.5 re f Q /GS1 gs q BT /F1 1 Tf 10 0 0 10 31.0615 548.7808 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (16)Tj ET 8 w /CS0 CS 0.3 SCN -9 756 m 1233 756 l S Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F2 1 Tf 7 0 0 7 193.1477 763.4465 Tm 0 0 0 1 k (W)Tj 1.24585 0.00001 TD 0.037 Tw [(OODROW WILSON CENTER UPD)25(A)74(TE ON THE AMERICAS)]TJ ET 2 w /CS0 CS 1 SCN 46.0002 549.0002 m 46.0002 801.6142 l S /GS2 gs /CS0 cs 0.1 scn 90.25 431.251 450.833 290.242 re f Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 99.5 662.5103 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn -0.017 Tc 0.028 Tw (BOARD OF TRUSTEES)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F19 1 Tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 99.5 650.5103 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.028 Tc 0.028 Tw (Joseph B. Gildenhorn, Chair)Tj 0 -1.41176 TD [(David A. Metzner)74(, V)18(ice Chair)]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 99.5 614.5103 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn -0.028 Tc 0.028 Tw (Public Members:)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F19 1 Tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 166.0711 614.5103 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.028 Tc 0.028 Tw (James H. Billington, Librarian of)Tj -7.83189 -1.41176 TD [(Congress; Bruce Cole, Chair)74(, National Endowment for)]TJ T* [(the Humanities; Michael O. Leavitt, Secretary)55(, U.S.)]TJ T* [(Department of Health and Human Services; T)103(amala L.)]TJ T* [(Longaberger)74(, designated appointee within the Federal)]TJ -0.0279 Tc (G)' 0.75006 -0.00001 TD -0.028 Tc [(overnment; Condoleezza Rice, Secretary)54(, U.S.)]TJ -0.75006 -1.41176 TD [(Department of State; Cristi\207n Samper)74(, Acting)]TJ T* [(Secretary)55(, Smithsonian Institution; Mar)-1(garet)]TJ T* [(Spellings, Secretary)55(, U.S. Depar)-1(tment of Education;)]TJ T* [(Allen W)37(einstein, Archivist of the United States )]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 99.5 482.5103 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn -0.028 Tc 0.028 Tw (Private Citizen Members: )Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F19 1 Tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 198.2001 482.5103 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.028 Tc 0.028 Tw (Robert B. Cook, Donald E.)Tj -11.61178 -1.41176 TD 0 Tw (Gar)Tj 1.63929 0 TD 0.028 Tw (cia, Br)Tj 2.77856 0 TD (uce S. Gelb, Sander Gerber)Tj 12.20553 0 TD -0.0279 Tc (,)Tj 0.52796 0 Td -0.028 Tc (Charles L.)Tj -17.15135 -1.41178 TD [(Glazer)74(, Susan Hutchison, Ignacio E. Sanchez )]TJ ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F18 1 Tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 324.6667 662.5103 Tm /CS0 cs 1 scn -0.028 Tc 0.028 Tw (ABOUT THE WOODROW WILSON CENTER)Tj ET Q /GS2 gs /GS1 gs q BT /F19 1 Tf 8.5 0 0 8.5 324.6667 650.5103 Tm 0 0 0 1 k -0.028 Tc 0.028 Tw [(The W)37(oodrow W)-1(ilson Center is one of W)37(ashington\325)74(s)]TJ 0 -1.41176 TD (most respected institutions of policy research and)Tj -0.0279 Tc (p)' 0.58307 -0.00001 TD -0.028 Tc (ublic dialogue. Created by an act of Congress in)Tj -0.58307 -1.41176 TD (1966, the Center is a living memorial to President)Tj T* [(W)37(oodr)-1(ow ˻ֱ and his ideals of a more informed)]TJ T* [(public policy community in W)37(ashington. It supports)]TJ T* [(research on international policy issues; organizes con)-1(-)]TJ T* (ferences, seminars, and working groups; and offers)Tj 0 Tc (r)' 0.36112 -0.00001 TD -0.028 Tc (esidential fellowships for scholars, journalists and)Tj -0.36112 -1.41176 TD (policymakers. Center director Lee H. Hamilton is a)Tj T* (widely respected former member of Congress who)Tj T* (chaired the House International Relations Committee.)Tj T* (The Latin American Program focuses attention on)Tj T* (U.S.-Latin American relations and important issues in)Tj T* (the region, including democratic governance, citizen)Tj T* 0 Tw (security)Tj 3.44492 0 TD -0.0279 Tc (,)Tj 0.52795 0 Td -0.028 Tc 0.028 Tw (peace pr)Tj 3.86155 0 TD (ocesses, dr)Tj 5.00019 0 TD (ug policy)Tj 4.05551 0 TD -0.0279 Tc (,)Tj 0.52793 0 Td -0.028 Tc 0 Tw (decentraliza-)Tj -17.41805 -1.41178 TD 0.028 Tw [(tion, and economic development and equality)55(.)]TJ ET 0.5 w 0 0 0 1 K 90.25 431.251 450.833 290.242 re s /GS2 gs q 91.083 252.3939 151.832 108.79 re W n q 91.083 326.504 133.3575 34.6797 re W n 0 0 0 1 k 151.1915 361.1837 m 152.837 361.1837 l 154.022 356.0782 l 154.041 356.0782 l 155.1315 361.1837 l 156.523 361.1837 l 154.7925 354.3946 l 153.1755 354.3946 l 151.953 359.5665 l 151.9345 359.5665 l 150.618 354.3946 l 148.963 354.3946 l 147.308 361.1837 l 148.8125 361.1837 l 149.8565 356.0782 l 149.875 356.0782 l f 161.958 356.7549 m 161.958 358.2408 161.036 359.2559 159.494 359.2559 c 157.9525 359.2559 157.031 358.2408 157.031 356.7549 c 157.031 355.2696 157.9525 354.254 159.494 354.254 c 161.036 354.254 161.958 355.2696 161.958 356.7549 c h 158.488 356.7549 m 158.488 357.5069 158.63 358.316 159.494 358.316 c 160.3595 358.316 160.501 357.5069 160.501 356.7549 c 160.501 356.003 160.3595 355.1944 159.494 355.1944 c 158.63 355.1944 158.488 356.003 158.488 356.7549 c f 167.703 356.7549 m 167.703 358.2408 166.781 359.2559 165.2395 359.2559 c 163.6975 359.2559 162.7765 358.2408 162.7765 356.7549 c 162.7765 355.2696 163.6975 354.254 165.2395 354.254 c 166.781 354.254 167.703 355.2696 167.703 356.7549 c h 164.2335 356.7549 m 164.2335 357.5069 164.375 358.316 165.2395 358.316 c 166.1045 358.316 166.246 357.5069 166.246 356.7549 c 166.246 356.003 166.1045 355.1944 165.2395 355.1944 c 164.375 355.1944 164.2335 356.003 164.2335 356.7549 c f 171.9715 358.5699 m 171.953 358.5699 l 171.6905 358.9649 171.1825 359.2559 170.6935 359.2559 c 169.2265 359.2559 168.4835 358.0245 168.4835 356.7549 c 168.4835 355.5421 169.133 354.254 170.5145 354.254 c 171.126 354.254 171.6525 354.5079 171.963 355.0626 c 171.9815 355.0626 l 171.9815 354.837 172 354.6202 172.0195 354.3946 c 173.4295 354.3946 l 173.411 354.7052 173.383 355.025 173.383 355.335 c 173.383 361.1837 l 171.9715 361.1837 l 171.9715 358.5699 l h 169.9415 356.7549 m 169.9415 357.4791 170.0535 358.316 170.957 358.316 c 171.718 358.316 171.9715 357.4039 171.9715 356.7549 c 171.9715 356.1065 171.718 355.1944 170.957 355.1944 c 170.0535 355.1944 169.9415 356.0313 169.9415 356.7549 c f 175.6385 359.1153 m 175.667 358.2598 l 175.6865 358.2598 l 175.9875 359.002 176.589 359.1905 177.294 359.1715 c 177.294 357.921 l 176.6825 357.921 l 176.448 357.9024 176.1375 357.7706 175.996 357.5733 c 175.8455 357.3097 175.8175 357.0464 175.8085 356.7364 c 175.8085 354.3946 l 174.407 354.3946 l 174.3975 358.1749 l 174.3975 358.3721 174.37 358.7672 174.3505 359.1153 c f 182.8515 356.7549 m 182.8515 358.2408 181.9295 359.2559 180.3875 359.2559 c 178.8455 359.2559 177.924 358.2408 177.924 356.7549 c 177.924 355.2696 178.8455 354.254 180.3875 354.254 c 181.9295 354.254 182.8515 355.2696 182.8515 356.7549 c h 179.382 356.7549 m 179.382 357.5069 179.5225 358.316 180.3875 358.316 c 181.253 358.316 181.3935 357.5069 181.3935 356.7549 c 181.3935 356.003 181.253 355.1944 180.3875 355.1944 c 179.5225 355.1944 179.382 356.003 179.382 356.7549 c f 189.217 355.5606 m 189.2355 355.5606 l 190.157 359.1153 l 191.539 359.1153 l 189.913 354.3946 l 188.3985 354.3946 l 187.4305 357.9117 l 187.411 357.9117 l 186.424 354.3946 l 184.8915 354.3946 l 183.34 359.1153 l 184.8165 359.1153 l 185.6815 355.5606 l 185.7 355.5606 l 186.6975 359.1153 l 188.2295 359.1153 l f 198.206 361.1837 m 199.8515 361.1837 l 201.036 356.0782 l 201.0545 356.0782 l 202.1455 361.1837 l 203.537 361.1837 l 201.8075 354.3946 l 200.1905 354.3946 l 198.968 359.5665 l 198.949 359.5665 l 197.633 354.3946 l 195.9775 354.3946 l 194.3225 361.1837 l 195.827 361.1837 l 196.871 356.0782 l 196.8895 356.0782 l f 205.6905 361.1837 m 205.6905 359.9708 l 204.1865 359.9708 l 204.1865 361.1837 l 205.6905 361.1837 l h 205.6435 359.1153 m 205.6435 354.3946 l 204.2335 354.3946 l 204.2335 359.1153 l f 206.8475 354.3946 1.4105 6.7891 re f 211.8495 357.855 m 211.831 358.1749 211.5305 358.316 211.21 358.316 c 210.825 358.316 210.6465 358.2032 210.6465 357.8927 c 210.6465 357.15 213.3445 357.5733 213.3445 355.8053 c 213.3445 354.7711 212.085 354.254 211.21 354.254 c 210.1105 354.254 209.1515 354.6866 209.132 355.7677 c 210.4395 355.7677 l 210.468 355.401 210.797 355.1944 211.21 355.1944 c 211.5955 355.1944 211.8875 355.3541 211.8875 355.7208 c 211.8875 356.0968 211.21 356.2569 210.9275 356.3224 c 210.0255 356.5386 209.1885 356.7364 209.1885 357.836 c 209.1885 358.8233 210.383 359.2559 211.21 359.2559 c 212.207 359.2559 213.0535 358.899 213.119 357.855 c f 218.9025 356.7549 m 218.9025 358.2408 217.9805 359.2559 216.4385 359.2559 c 214.8965 359.2559 213.9745 358.2408 213.9745 356.7549 c 213.9745 355.2696 214.8965 354.254 216.4385 354.254 c 217.9805 354.254 218.9025 355.2696 218.9025 356.7549 c h 215.4325 356.7549 m 215.4325 357.5069 215.573 358.316 216.4385 358.316 c 217.3035 358.316 217.4445 357.5069 217.4445 356.7549 c 217.4445 356.003 217.3035 355.1944 216.4385 355.1944 c 215.573 355.1944 215.4325 356.003 215.4325 356.7549 c f 221.328 358.5699 m 221.3465 358.5416 l 221.6375 358.9742 222.08 359.2559 222.795 359.2559 c 223.2645 359.2559 224.177 358.9083 224.3455 358.2217 c 224.421 357.9308 224.4405 357.6295 224.4405 357.4698 c 224.4405 354.3946 l 223.0295 354.3946 l 223.0295 357.2344 l 223.0205 357.7422 222.879 358.316 222.1835 358.316 c 221.741 358.316 221.3565 357.921 221.337 357.2344 c 221.337 354.3946 l 219.927 354.3946 l 219.927 359.1153 l 221.328 359.1153 l f 147.797 345.1446 1.4575 6.7891 re f 151.85 349.3199 m 151.869 349.2916 l 152.16 349.7242 152.6025 350.0059 153.3165 350.0059 c 153.787 350.0059 154.699 349.6583 154.868 348.9718 c 154.943 348.6807 154.962 348.3795 154.962 348.2198 c 154.962 345.1446 l 153.5515 345.1446 l 153.5515 347.9845 l 153.542 348.4922 153.401 349.066 152.7055 349.066 c 152.2635 349.066 151.8775 348.671 151.859 347.9845 c 151.859 345.1446 l 150.4485 345.1446 l 150.4485 349.8653 l 151.85 349.8653 l f 156.5325 349.8653 m 156.5325 350.796 l 157.943 351.3038 l 157.943 349.8653 l 159.006 349.8653 l 159.006 348.9249 l 157.943 348.9249 l 157.943 346.734 l 157.943 346.1133 158.037 345.9444 158.526 345.9444 c 158.677 345.9444 158.827 345.963 158.9775 345.9722 c 158.9775 345.1446 l 158.8175 345.0694 158.065 345.004 157.868 345.004 c 156.7675 345.004 156.5325 345.5772 156.5325 346.6026 c 156.5325 348.9249 l 155.583 348.9249 l 155.583 349.8653 l f 164.177 347.129 m 164.177 347.4395 164.177 347.7403 164.1395 348.0313 c 164.1015 348.3321 164.036 348.6143 163.9045 348.878 c 163.51 349.7052 162.7765 350.0059 161.8925 350.0059 c 160.453 350.0059 159.626 348.9151 159.626 347.4957 c 159.626 345.9161 160.2745 345.004 161.8925 345.004 c 162.992 345.004 163.9045 345.3892 164.0265 346.5553 c 162.757 346.5553 l 162.626 346.1231 162.381 345.9444 161.8925 345.9444 c 161.168 345.9444 161.083 346.5177 161.083 347.129 c 164.177 347.129 l h 161.083 348.0694 m 161.1025 348.586 161.243 349.066 161.8925 349.066 c 162.578 349.066 162.7195 348.586 162.7195 348.0694 c f 166.246 349.8653 m 166.2735 349.0098 l 166.293 349.0098 l 166.5935 349.752 167.1955 349.9405 167.9005 349.9215 c 167.9005 348.671 l 167.289 348.671 l 167.0545 348.6524 166.744 348.5206 166.6025 348.3233 c 166.452 348.0597 166.424 347.7964 166.415 347.4864 c 166.415 345.1446 l 165.0135 345.1446 l 165.005 348.9249 l 165.005 349.1222 164.9765 349.5172 164.957 349.8653 c f 170.1385 349.3199 m 170.157 349.2916 l 170.448 349.7242 170.8905 350.0059 171.6055 350.0059 c 172.075 350.0059 172.9875 349.6583 173.157 348.9718 c 173.2325 348.6807 173.251 348.3795 173.251 348.2198 c 173.251 345.1446 l 171.841 345.1446 l 171.841 347.9845 l 171.831 348.4922 171.6895 349.066 170.994 349.066 c 170.552 349.066 170.167 348.671 170.1475 347.9845 c 170.1475 345.1446 l 168.7375 345.1446 l 168.7375 349.8653 l 170.1385 349.8653 l f 175.8175 348.5299 m 175.799 348.7462 175.959 349.2071 176.4475 349.2071 c 176.9465 349.2071 177.0965 348.8214 177.0965 348.6241 c 177.0965 348.1817 l 176.532 348.2007 175.8175 348.1729 175.254 347.9278 c 174.3975 347.5616 174.247 346.7623 174.247 346.4332 c 174.247 345.5118 174.9055 345.004 175.789 345.004 c 176.4285 345.004 176.918 345.2296 177.2375 345.775 c 177.257 345.775 l 177.257 345.5772 177.2755 345.3614 177.3035 345.1446 c 178.573 345.1446 l 178.5535 345.2862 178.5165 345.4268 178.507 345.6622 c 178.507 348.2384 l 178.507 349.6583 177.4445 350.0059 176.495 350.0059 c 175.9875 350.0059 175.4885 349.9307 175.1035 349.7052 c 174.7265 349.4893 174.4725 349.1222 174.464 348.5299 c 175.8175 348.5299 l h 177.0965 347.3639 m 177.0965 346.8091 177.0685 345.9444 176.288 345.9444 c 175.8925 345.9444 175.6015 346.2262 175.6015 346.6212 c 175.6015 347.3829 176.6075 347.3731 177.0965 347.3639 c f 180.049 349.8653 m 180.049 350.796 l 181.46 351.3038 l 181.46 349.8653 l 182.5225 349.8653 l 182.5225 348.9249 l 181.46 348.9249 l 181.46 346.734 l 181.46 346.1133 181.5535 345.9444 182.042 345.9444 c 182.1935 345.9444 182.3435 345.963 182.494 345.9722 c 182.494 345.1446 l 182.334 345.0694 181.582 345.004 181.384 345.004 c 180.284 345.004 180.049 345.5772 180.049 346.6026 c 180.049 348.9249 l 179.0995 348.9249 l 179.0995 349.8653 l f 184.8065 351.9337 m 184.8065 350.7208 l 183.3025 350.7208 l 183.3025 351.9337 l 184.8065 351.9337 l h 184.76 349.8653 m 184.76 345.1446 l 183.3495 345.1446 l 183.3495 349.8653 l f 190.702 347.5049 m 190.702 348.9908 189.781 350.0059 188.2395 350.0059 c 186.6975 350.0059 185.7755 348.9908 185.7755 347.5049 c 185.7755 346.0196 186.6975 345.004 188.2395 345.004 c 189.781 345.004 190.702 346.0196 190.702 347.5049 c h 187.2325 347.5049 m 187.2325 348.2569 187.374 349.066 188.2395 349.066 c 189.1045 349.066 189.245 348.2569 189.245 347.5049 c 189.245 346.753 189.1045 345.9444 188.2395 345.9444 c 187.374 345.9444 187.2325 346.753 187.2325 347.5049 c f 193.128 349.3199 m 193.1475 349.2916 l 193.4385 349.7242 193.881 350.0059 194.5955 350.0059 c 195.0655 350.0059 195.9775 349.6583 196.1465 348.9718 c 196.2215 348.6807 196.241 348.3795 196.241 348.2198 c 196.241 345.1446 l 194.83 345.1446 l 194.83 347.9845 l 194.8215 348.4922 194.6795 349.066 193.9845 349.066 c 193.542 349.066 193.156 348.671 193.1375 347.9845 c 193.1375 345.1446 l 191.7275 345.1446 l 191.7275 349.8653 l 193.128 349.8653 l f 198.8075 348.5299 m 198.789 348.7462 198.949 349.2071 199.4375 349.2071 c 199.9365 349.2071 200.087 348.8214 200.087 348.6241 c 200.087 348.1817 l 199.5225 348.2007 198.8075 348.1729 198.243 347.9278 c 197.3875 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All Rights Reserved.Clarendon is a trademark of Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries.Clarendonw+kԋ endstream endobj 52 0 obj << /CapHeight 605 /FontName/MNPNTM+Clarendon /StemH 0 /XHeight 683 /StemV 0 /FontBBox[-167 -212 1000 919] /ItalicAngle 0 /FontFile3 51 0 R /Ascent 663 /Type/FontDescriptor /Flags 34 /Descent -212 >> endobj 53 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1 /Type/Font /LastChar 32 /Widths[305] /Name/F6 /BaseFont/MNPNTM+Clarendon /FirstChar 32 /FontDescriptor 52 0 R /Encoding 50 0 R >> endobj 54 0 obj << /BaseEncoding/MacRomanEncoding /Type/Encoding /Differences[32/space 39/quotesingle/parenleft/parenright 44/comma/hyphen/period/slash/zero/one/two/three/four 54/six/seven 57/nine 65/A/B/C/D 70/F/G 76/L/M/N/O/P 83/S/T/U 87/W 97/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/j/k/l/m/n/o/p 114/r/s/t/u/v/w/x/y/z 213/quoteright] >> endobj 55 0 obj << /Subtype/Type1C /Length 4064 /Length1 4064 >> stream MVLBNB+Univers-Condensed@:u|q   {zCopyright (c) 1987 Adobe Systems Incorporated. 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