
Lecciones de liderazgo de Churchill y Napole贸n: Sir Andrew Roberts en Tres Respuestas con Iv谩n Duque

Este episodio

Nadie sabe m谩s sobre la vida de Winston Churchill y Napole贸n que el invitado de esta semana, el historiador brit谩nico Sir Andrew Roberts. En esta conversaci贸n con el presidente Iv谩n Duque, Roberts explora c贸mo el conocimiento de la historia contribuy贸 a forjar a estos dos grandes l铆deres europeos que transformaron el mundo.

Citas selectas de Andrew Roberts

"Words are the things that [Churchill and Napoleon] can leave behind, that no one can take away.  They are the ultimate monument."

"[Churchill] said to his wife, I should have made nothing if I had not made mistakes.  Many of his failures were his own fault, were things that he had started or he had been the key person behind that later turned out to be terrible...but the great thing was he learned from all of them."

"[Churchill] was able to use his knowledge of the past, this study of history, to recognize a danger--a hegemonic danger to the European continent--and that was primarily through his historical knowledge and understanding."


Headshot of Andrew Roberts
Andrew Roberts
Member, House of Lords of the United Kingdom; Bonnie and Tom McCloskey Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University; Visiting Professor, War Studies Department, King鈥檚 College, London聽
