
A panoramic shot of the city of Kuala Lumpur at night, seen from the water.

About the Indo-Pacific Program

The Indo-Pacific Program provides a forum in the nation's capital for enhancing deeper understanding of, and policy debate about, Asia. It seeks to furnish an intellectual link between the world of ideas and the world of policy on issues relating to Asia and US interests in Asia. The Program organizes dozens of conferences and other meetings and produces several major publications every year, each featuring the work of Asia specialists ranging from distinguished scholars and prominent policymakers to journalists, entrepreneurs, and grassroots activists. 

Among the priorities of the Program are:

  • human development, resource constraints, and environmental security in Pakistan and India
  • domestic and foreign policies of Japan, and the US-Japan partnership
  • social, political, and economic affairs in Taiwan
  • the rise of new Asian power centers in China and India
  • the threat to the region and to American interests posed by terrorism and extremism
  • US policies in Asia

In recent years, the Program has sponsored annual competitions for visiting scholars from Pakistan, Japan, South Korea, and Australia, but welcomes applications from scholars throughout the region.  In addition, the Program organizes events and produces publications that address cross-regional and global comparative topics, including climate change, demographics, and energy security.

Directors of the Asia Program

  • George R. Packard, Founder, 1977-1979
  • Harry Harding, Program Secretary, 1979-1980
  • Ronald A. Morse, Program Secretary, 1980-1987
  • David Shambaugh, Acting Program Secretary, 1987-1988
  • Mary Brown Bullock, Program Secretary, 1988-1995
  • Warren I. Cohen, Consulting Director, 1995-1998
  • Robert M. Hathaway, Director, 1999-2014
  • Abraham M. Denmark, Director, 2017-2021
  • Shihoko Goto, Acting Director, 2021-2022
  • Sue Mi Terry, Director, 2022-2023
  • Shihoko Goto, Director, 2023-Present

For more information, contact us at IndoPacific@wilsoncenter.org or (202) 691-4000.