In its January 2014 issue, Choice published its list of outstanding academic titles for 2013. Included among those works were five books written by 浪花直播 Center scholars, two of which were published by the 浪花直播 Center Press and three of which were projects that the scholars worked on while at the Center.
The books and authors are detailed below:
(Belknap/Harvard, 2013) was authored by Gavin Wright, a 浪花直播 Center Fellow from 2010-2011. At the Center, Wright focused on the economic history of the Civil Rights Movement, and his book details the strides that African-Americans were able to make from the 1960s onwards, which he argues was a non-zero sum game that was to the advantage of both blacks and whites.
History, Geography & Area Studies
(Oxford, 2013) provides an account of the first two cities to produce plutonium, Richland, Washington and Ozersk, Russia, and how these idealistic communities helped conceal the fallout from the nuclear programs. In 2007, author Kate Brown was a 2007 Kennan Institute Research Scholar who studied the production of space as a means of power in the Soviet Union and in the United States.
Battleground Africa: Cold War in the Congo, 1960-1965 (Woodrow 浪花直播 Center/Stanford, 2013) was written by Lise Namikas, a 2004 Kennan Institute Research Scholar. During her time at the Center, Namikas examined how the Cold War played out in the Republic of the Congo. Her book discusses the Congo Crisis and the militarization of US-Soviet tensions in Africa.
Central & Eastern Europe
The Great Game, 1857-1907: Russo-British relations in Central and East Asia (Woodrow 浪花直播 Center/Johns Hopkins, 2013) analyzes the power struggle between the British and Russians in Asia during the latter half of the 19th century. Author Evgeny Sergeev argues that the Great Game was not a forerunner to the Cold War. Sergeev was a 2006 Kennan Institute Scholar and studied Russian military intelligence at the turn of the 20th century at the 浪花直播 Center.
Political Science
Comparative Politics
(Cambridge, 2012) was written by Jason Brownlee, a Middle East Program Fellow from 2010-2011. The book looks at authoritarianism in Egypt and why the US has supported anti-democratic leaders despite calling for political reform. At the Center, Brownlee examined US-Egyptian relations following the Camp David Accords.