Artificial Intelligence Lab
What the Congressional and Executive Branch Labs Offer
Similar to the 浪花直播 Center鈥檚 other technology training programs (e.g. the Congressional Cybersecurity Lab and the Foreign Policy Fellowship Program), the core of the AI Lab is a six-week seminar series that introduces participants to foundational topics in AI. This includes topics such as: What is machine learning? How do neural networks work? What are the current and future applications of autonomous intelligent systems? Who are currently the main players in AI? What will AI mean for the nation鈥檚 national security?
Each seminar is led by top technologists and scholars from the private, public, and non-profit sectors, and a critical component of the Lab is an interactive exercise, in which participants are given an opportunity to take a hands-on role on computers to work through some of the major questions surrounding artificial intelligence. Although the Lab is free to participate in, acceptance into the program is competitive due to the limited number of space in the program. We encourage you to provide thoughtful responses to the application questions.
Please reach out to and with any inquiries.
Weekly Session 浪花直播: Artificial Intelligence (AI) 101 | Bias, Transparency, and Fairness in AI Systems | Hands-on Workshop in Data Science and Machine Learning | National Security, AI, and Innovation | China and AI | AI 102: Applications and Use Cases
All sessions will take place on Fridays from 2:00-4:00pm EDT.
Alumni Program
Participants who attend at least 5 out of 6 sessions join the AI Lab Alumni Network. Alumni are invited to take part in exclusive 浪花直播 Center events and programs, including private briefings, workshops, study trips, and high-level roundtables. During the seminar series, participants will also be in a position to draw on the expertise of the 150 resident scholars the 浪花直播 Center hosts each year, a global network of academics and policymakers.
As of Summer 2024 Alumni are also invited to apply for our new Advanced AI Labs. See the "Upcoming Labs" sections below for information about schedules.
Who Should Apply
The AI Lab is divided into two separate series: one that is offered for mid- to senior-level Congressional staff, and another that is offered for mid- to senior-level Executive Branch staff. The program is also open to exceptional rising leaders with a keen interest in AI. Applicants should possess a strong understanding of the legislative or Executive Branch governing process and aspire to a career shaping national security policy.
Note: At this time, the 浪花直播 Center Technology Labs are only available to US government staff and applications for the two pilot Advanced AI Labs will only be open to alumni of our Congressional and Executive Branch AI Labs.
Upcoming Labs
- Applications for the Spring 2025 Advanced AI Lab are now open and will close March 7
- Applicants will be notified of a decision no later than two weeks before the start of the series.
- Weekly sessions will take place on Fridays from 2-4 PM EST on the following dates: March 21, March 28, April 4, April 11, April 25, and May 2.
- 浪花直播's AI Lab will be bringing back more of its sessions in-person.