
Interview with J煤lia Lucy, First-Term District Deputy in Bras铆lia

Interview with J煤lia Lucy, First-Term District Deputy in Bras铆lia

This interview is also available in Portuguese, following the English version below / A entrevista est谩 dispon铆vel em portugu锚s, sob a vers茫o em ingl锚s.

J煤lia Lucy was elected to the Federal District鈥檚 legislative assembly with 7,665 votes in 2018, in her first political campaign as part of the . A political scientist by training, Lucy is the founder and president of , a startup focused on female entrepreneurship and social transformation through professional capacity-building programs for women in vulnerable situations. She is focused on fostering entrepreneurship and innovation, and as a district legislator intends to push for greater implementation of technology in the public sector to deliver the quality services that citizens, as taxpayers, deserve in areas such as health, education, and public security. Lucy also believes that voters鈥 decision-making power should not be restricted only to elections, and defends collaborative mandates (she relies on a large team of volunteer consultants). Lucy, age 33, graduated from the University of Bras铆lia (UnB) with specializations in public policy, government management, and project management. She has worked in the public sector since age 18.

The following conversation has been condensed and edited for clarity. The views and opinions expressed below are the interviewee's own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Brazil Institute or the 浪花直播 Center.

Could you tell us a bit more about your work before becoming a district-level congresswoman? What about your participation in the C芒mara + Barata project?[1]

I graduated [with a degree] in political science. I passed my first admissions test for the civil service when I was eighteen years old. Before becoming a district deputy [a member of the Federal District鈥檚 legislative assembly], I had always worked in the civil service: my last position was as a project manager at the National Council of Justice (CNJ). As for the C芒mara + Barata project, it was part of my campaign. I signed it, defended it, and advocated for it, and I fully support it.

Why did you decide to run for office and enter politics?

Because I think we all have an obligation to try to make a difference. Because I believe that I can [make a difference]. Because when I was already established as a public servant, I began to feel that I not only could, but in fact needed to do more as a citizen. So I dedicated myself to developing a business that would be able to catalyze this feeling. That was how #LigaDelas came about. [It is] a platform to support and educate women, which aims to foster female entrepreneurship, build connections, new businesses, the exchange of services and partnerships, and social transformation through capacity building. Our target audience is women in situations of social vulnerability. 

The invitation to join the partido Novo (New Party) came at that moment. I believe that鈥攂ecause it is composed of people outside of traditional politics, because it is not a dissent against any other party, nor does it accept accords or coalitions鈥攊t is a party that can translate the new feelings of voters. I received invitations to join other parties, but in none of them did I find the unconditional defense of greater autonomy and individual freedom, limiting state interference, reducing the tax burden, and improving the quality of essential services such as health, security, and education. I accepted the challenge because I am certain that, as a district deputy, my capacity to transform people鈥檚 lives is greater.

What are the proposals of the partido Novo? Could you explain your position and opinions about them? What projects do you intend to focus on and prioritize as a congresswoman?

The partido Novo defends the construction of a country in which merit depends exclusively on individual effort, and where being in politics does not mean making money through politics. No political privileges, no patronage. We believe in dialogue, in the construction of collective mandates, where citizens are invited to participate and, above all, assist us with oversight. We must join our efforts so that together we can promote dialogue between diverging opinions and positions. That is the essence of democracy, especially in a pluralistic society like ours. NOVO seeks efficient public services, a lean state, and the rational use of taxpayers鈥 money. Enough wasting of [the fruits of] our labor. 

I advocate for the empowerment of women in situations of social vulnerability. For this, it is necessary to create more slots in daycare centers. I also support focusing on urban mobility problems. To this end, I have been using public transportation in order to inspect it. I will fight for the expansion of the subway to other regions of the Federal District and for the extension of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). My main priorities, besides the ones I already mentioned, are to foster entrepreneurship and innovation as mechanisms to increase employment and income. Another potential market is tourism. I defend granting concessions [for the private management] of parks, the zoo, and the racetrack so that they stop adding costs to society. The W3 Avenue [in Bras铆lia] can be recovered and transformed into the largest collaborative art gallery in Brazil. I will also be paying close attention to the demands of the population in Bras铆lia. I know that health, quality education, and security are among the most urgent needs, and I plan to concentrate my efforts in these areas.

As the Special Prosecutor for Women[2] for the Legislative Chamber of the Federal District (CLDF), I will work so that the entrepreneurial spirit of Brazilian women will directly benefit our society. Bras铆lia must indeed become the modern, monumental, and digital capital of Brazil. That is what I defend: changing the economic matrix of the Federal District through incentives for entrepreneurship.

How did you get the idea to start the #LigaDelas organization?  Can you describe the organization's goals and objectives? What have you learned, as president, about the rights and the value of women in Brazil?

The #LigaDelas was born out of a desire to empower female agency鈥攁mong women and for women鈥攊nspiring them to occupy their desired professional spaces. #LigaDelas promotes female entrepreneurship, building connections, new businesses, the exchange of services and partnerships, and social transformation through professional capacity building for women in situations of social vulnerability. The idea is also inspired by the United Nations HeForShe campaign. That is to say, men willing to collaborate are most welcome. After six months of working on the initial idea, #LigaDelas went from paper to reality on April 12, 2018 with a pre-launch event that was attended by sixty people, both men and women.

As president, I learned that we, women, are references for each other about how to occupy spaces in society. Our project aims to stimulate the development of not only new forms of business, but also the use of creativity and new technologies; and to foster an entrepreneurial spirit. I was also able to see that there is an incentive gap for women to pursue professional growth, to take risks, or take on managerial and leadership roles. On the other hand, I saw up close how an increase in the number of financially independent women and women in leadership positions is capable of breaking the barriers of inequality. Finally, I learned that women go further together than when they compete.

Did you experience resistance to your candidacy or to the establishment of #LigaDelas?

I encountered the usual challenges, like lack of resources (I ran the campaign with my own money and with the support of online donations), and the need to confront the barriers that every woman must face to guarantee that she is heard. I needed鈥攁nd still need, in many meetings of the CLDF 鈥攖o show that I have things I want to say and that I deserve to be heard. As for #LigaDelas, it was not much different. In truth, we donate our time and efforts because we believe in people鈥檚 potential, especially women who otherwise would not be able to engage in entrepreneurial activities or to become financially independent. However, in both cases, there was nothing that I was not able to overcome.

There is a lot of polarization and unfamiliarity in Brazil about feminism and now also about gender politics鈥攚hat do you have to say about the discourse? Do you consider yourself a feminist?

I believe in female potential. I believe in our ability to overcome adversity. I myself had to overcome several obstacles. I confronted the challenge of motherhood at the age of eighteen. I always looked for a job, rather than a career. Despite the support of my family, it was not easy. But I never stopped believing in myself. Now, I am not the kind of feminist who believes in things like a quota system for women. I don't see the point. We can compete on equal terms. So, we first must define what it means to be a feminist. I stand for equality.

There was a lot of polarization and misinformation in this election鈥攄o you think that, despite this, public engagement has improved? What do you think will happen regarding political participation and polarization?

I think engagement is independent of this polarization. Most Brazilians want neither extreme. They do not want radicalism. They want to work, to provide, to have the right to quality public services. I think this polarization story is over. That is not the type of politics we want.

How do you think the election will affect innovation and entrepreneurship in the country? What about female representation in politics?

The election showed that Brazilians are no longer willing to bear the costs of a paternalistic state, from which everyone seeks solutions to their helplessness. The creative soul of the Brazilian people needs to be stimulated. That is the message from the polls. Entrepreneurship, especially from women, has often come from a need to reconcile and overcome difficulties such as unemployment, the need to be present in their children鈥檚 lives, and the urge for financial independence. Many small businesses were born this way and have become success stories. Those supported by #LigaDelas are one example.

I believe women and men should seek their place in the labor market, in politics, and the world, on their own terms. We do not need protection. We need conditions [that allow us] to compete on an equal footing with men. We need daycares for our children so that we can have peace of mind. I also support nighttime childcare, for those who need to study or work [during those hours]. Some of us also need shelter. Women in situations of violence need protection to rebuild their lives. That is why I fight for the Casa da Mulher Brasileira (Brazilian Woman鈥檚 House), which in Bras铆lia was closed because it did not meet the minimum standards to operate. 

You obviously believe that it is possible to reform the current political situation. How and why?

I absolutely believe it [is possible]. The results at the polls [in October 2018] show that hope remains present. On the other hand, they also show that Brazilians are tired of the old way of doing politics. But I think I've said enough about this above.

How can those of us who live outside of Brazil help or support these changes while abroad?

I think that [people who live outside of Brazil can help] mainly by believing in the creative capacity of Brazilians, investing in our technology and innovation projects. Exchanging experiences. Giving seminars. Teaching.

[1] The 鈥淐芒mara Mais Barata鈥 proposal aims to improve the quality of spending on living costs and other expenses for members of the Federal District鈥檚 legislative body, to reduce waste (and thereby cutting costs) while improving transparency and accountability. For more information, .

[2] The Special Prosecutor for Women is responsible for supervising the implementation of government programs aimed at gender equality, promoting research on violence against women, and combatting and denouncing cases of harassment, among other functions. For more information, .


J煤lia Lucy foi eleita deputada distrital pelo partido Novo em 2018 com 7.665 votos em sua primeira disputa eleitoral. Ela 茅 cientista pol铆tica, empreendedora e fundadora da #LigaDelas, startup voltada para o empreendedorismo feminino e a transforma莽茫o social por meio da capacita莽茫o profissionalizante de mulheres em situa莽茫o de vulnerabilidade social. Lucy 茅 apaixonada pelo empreendedorismo e inova莽茫o, ansiosa pela implanta莽茫o de ferramentas tecnol贸gicas no setor p煤blico (sa煤de, educa莽茫o e seguran莽a, por exemplo), a fim de devolver ao cidad茫o em forma de servi莽os de qualidade toda a carga tribut谩ria que lhe 茅 cobrada. Defensora de que o poder de decis茫o do povo n茫o deve ser restrito ao per铆odo eleitoral, ela acredita firmemente que 茅 poss铆vel fazer um mandato colaborativo e conta com uma grande equipe de consultores volunt谩rios. Lucy, 33, 茅 formada pela Universidade de Bras铆lia (UnB), especializada em Pol铆ticas P煤blicas, Gest茫o Governamental e Ger锚ncia de Projetos. Lucy 茅 funcion谩ria p煤blica de carreira desde os 18 anos. 

Poderia nos contar um pouco mais sobre suas especialidades e profiss茫o antes de virar deputada? E sobre sua participa莽茫o no projeto C芒mara + Barata?

Fiz gradua莽茫o em Ci锚ncia Pol铆tica. Passei no meu primeiro concurso p煤blico aos dezoito anos. Antes de me tornar deputada distrital, sempre atuei no servi莽o p煤blico: ultimamente como gestora de projetos do Conselho Nacional de Justi莽a (CNJ). Sobre a C芒mara + Barata, foi uma bandeira de campanha. Assinei o projeto, defendi, divulguei e apoio totalmente.

Por que voc锚 decidiu se candidatar e entrar para a pol铆tica?

Porque acho que todos temos a obriga莽茫o de tentar fazer a diferen莽a. Porque eu acredito que eu posso. Porque quando j谩 estava estabelecida como servidora p煤blica, comecei a achar que podia e precisava fazer mais como cidad茫. Assim, passei a me dedicar a estruturar um neg贸cio que fosse capaz de catalisar esse sentimento. Foi assim que surgiu a #LigaDelas, uma plataforma de suporte e rede de ensino para mulheres que visa a fomentar o empreendedorismo feminino, a constru莽茫o de conex玫es, novos neg贸cios, a troca de servi莽os e parcerias e a transforma莽茫o social por meio da capacita莽茫o. Nosso p煤blico-alvo s茫o as mulheres em situa莽茫o de vulnerabilidade social.

O convite para me unir ao NOVO veio nesse momento. Acredito que鈥攑or ser composto por pessoas de fora da pol铆tica tradicional, por n茫o ser uma dissid锚ncia de qualquer legenda e por n茫o aceitar acordos ou coliga莽玫es鈥斆 um partido que pode traduzir o novo sentimento do eleitor. Recebi convites de outros partidos, mas, em nenhum deles eu encontrei a defesa incondicional de maior autonomia e liberdade do indiv铆duo, redu莽茫o das 谩reas de atua莽茫o do Estado,  diminui莽茫o da carga tribut谩ria e melhoria na qualidade dos servi莽os essenciais, como sa煤de, seguran莽a e educa莽茫o. Aceitei o desafio porque estou certa de que, como deputada distrital, minha capacidade de gerar transforma莽茫o na vida das pessoas pode ser maior.

Quais s茫o as propostas do partido Novo? Poderia nos explicar seu posicionamento e suas opini玫es sobre elas? Quais propostas e assuntos voc锚 pretende focar e priorizar como deputada?

O partido Novo defende a constru莽茫o de um pa铆s onde o m茅rito dependa exclusivamente do esfor莽o pessoal. E onde fazer pol铆tica n茫o signifique lucrar com a pol铆tica. Nada de privil茅gios, nada de indica莽玫es pol铆ticas. Acreditamos no di谩logo, na constru莽茫o de mandatos coletivos, onde o cidad茫o seja convidado a participar e, sobretudo, nos auxiliar a fiscalizar. Devemos somar nossos esfor莽os, para que possamos juntos promover o di谩logo entre opini玫es e posicionamentos divergentes. Isso 茅 pr贸prio de uma democracia, especialmente em uma sociedade plural como a nossa. Buscamos servi莽os p煤blicos eficientes, um Estado enxuto e o uso racional dos impostos dos contribuintes. Chega de esbanjar o suor de todos n贸s.

Defendo a capacita莽茫o das mulheres em situa莽茫o de vulnerabilidade social. Para isso, 茅 necess谩rio criar mais vagas em creches. Tamb茅m defendo focar nos problemas de mobilidade urbana. Para isso, tenho usado transporte p煤blico como forma de fiscaliza莽茫o. Vou lutar pela expans茫o do metr么 para outras regi玫es do DF e pela expans茫o do BRT. Meus principais focos, al茅m dos citados, s茫o fomentar o empreendedorismo e a inova莽茫o como mecanismos de amplia莽茫o de emprego e renda. Outro mercado potencial 茅 o turismo. Defendo a concess茫o de parques, do zool贸gico, do aut贸dromo, para que isso pare de representar custo para a sociedade. A avenida W3 pode ser recuperada e transformada na maior galeria colaborativa de arte do Brasil. Tamb茅m vou estar atenta 脿s principais demandas da popula莽茫o de Bras铆lia. Sei que sa煤de, educa莽茫o de qualidade e seguran莽a est茫o entre as necessidades mais urgentes e 茅 nisso que pretendo centrar esfor莽os. 

Como procuradora da mulher da CLDF, vou trabalhar para que o esp铆rito empreendedor das brasilienses seja revertido em benef铆cio de nossa sociedade. Bras铆lia precisa, de fato, se tornar a capital moderna, monumental e digital do Brasil. 脡 isso que eu defendo: a mudan莽a da matriz econ么mica do Distrito Federal, por meio do incentivo ao empreendedorismo.

Como voc锚 teve a ideia de fundar a organiza莽茫o #LigaDelas? Voc锚 pode descrever os objetivos e as propostas da organiza莽茫o? O que voc锚 aprendeu, como presidente dessa organiza莽茫o, sobre os direitos e o valor da mulher no Brasil?

A #LigaDelas nasceu do desejo de potencializar o protagonismo feminino entre mulheres e para mulheres, inspirando-as a ocupar os espa莽os profissionais que quiserem. A #Liga Delas promove o empreendedorismo feminino, a constru莽茫o de conex玫es, novos neg贸cios, a troca de servi莽os e parcerias e a transforma莽茫o social por meio da capacita莽茫o profissionalizante a mulheres em situa莽茫o de vulnerabilidade social. A ideia tamb茅m 茅 inspirada no conceito He for She da Onu. Ou seja, homens dispostos a colaborar s茫o muito bem-vindos. Ap贸s seis meses de amadurecimento da ideia inicial, o Projeto #LigaDelas saiu do papel em 12 de abril de 2018, com a realiza莽茫o do pr茅-lan莽amento, que contou com a presen莽a de 60 pessoas, entre homens e mulheres.

Como presidente, aprendi que n贸s, mulheres, somos refer锚ncias umas para as outras sobre como ocupar espa莽os na sociedade. Nosso projeto pretende estimular o desenvolvimento n茫o s贸 de novas formas de neg贸cios, como o uso da criatividade, de novas tecnologias e fomentar o esp铆rito empreendedor. Tamb茅m consegui ver claramente que h谩 uma lacuna de incentivos para que as mulheres possam almejar crescimento profissional, arriscar-se ou ocupar cargos de gest茫o e lideran莽a. Por outro lado, pude ver de perto que o aumento do n煤mero de mulheres financeiramente independentes e de mulheres ocupando fun莽玫es de lideran莽a 茅 capaz de romper as barreiras da desigualdade. Finalmente, aprendi que, juntas, as mulheres v茫o mais al茅m do que quando competem.

Na sua experi锚ncia, voc锚 encontrou resist锚ncia a se candidatar ou para estabelecer o #LigaDelas?

Encontrei os desafios normais, como os poucos recursos (fiz a campanha com verba pr贸pria e vaquinha virtual), a falta de recursos, a necessidade de enfrentar barreiras que toda mulher precisa enfrentar para garantir seu lugar de fala. Precisei鈥攑reciso ainda, em muitas das reuni玫es aqui na CLDF鈥攎ostrar que eu tenho o que dizer e que mere莽o ser ouvida. Com rela莽茫o ao #LigaDelas, tamb茅m n茫o foi muito diferente. Na verdade, n贸s doamos nosso tempo e nossos esfor莽os porque acreditamos no potencial das pessoas, especialmente de mulheres que, de outra forma, n茫o teriam como empreender ou mesmo ser independentes economicamente. Mas, em ambos os casos, nada que eu n茫o tenha conseguido superar.

Existe muita polariza莽茫o e desconhecimento no Brasil sobre o feminismo e agora tamb茅m sobre a pol铆tica do g锚neroo que voc锚 tem a dizer sobre esses discursos que circulam? Voc锚 se considera feminista?

Acredito no potencial feminino. Na nossa capacidade de superar adversidades. Eu mesma tive muitos obst谩culos a superar. Enfrentei o desafio da maternidade aos dezoito anos. Sempre procurei por trabalho e n茫o por emprego. Apesar de todo o aparato familiar com que contei, n茫o foi f谩cil. Mas nunca deixei de acreditar em mim. Agora, n茫o sou do tipo feminista que acredita em coisas como sistema de quotas para mulheres. N茫o vejo sentido nisso. Podemos competir em igualdade de condi莽玫es. Ent茫o, precisamos definir, primeiro, o que 茅 ser feminista. O que eu defendo 茅 igualdade.

Houve muita polariza莽茫o e desinforma莽茫o esta elei莽茫o鈥攙oc锚 acha que, apesar disso, o engajamento do p煤blico melhorou? O que voc锚 prev锚 em rela莽茫o 脿 participa莽茫o pol铆tica e 脿 polariza莽茫o?

Acho que o engajamento independe dessa polariza莽茫o. A maioria dos brasileiros n茫o quer uma coisa nem outra. N茫o quer radicalismos. Quer trabalhar, produzir, ter direito a servi莽os p煤blicos de qualidade. Acho que essa hist贸ria de polariza莽茫o est谩 encerrada. N茫o 茅 esse o tipo de pol铆tica que queremos.

Como voc锚 acha que a elei莽茫o vai afetar a inova莽茫o e o empreendedorismo no pa铆s? E a representa莽茫o feminina na pol铆tica?

A elei莽茫o mostrou que o brasileiro n茫o est谩 mais disposto a arcar com os custos de um Estado paternalista, onde todos buscamos as solu莽玫es para o nosso desamparo. A alma criativa do brasileiro precisa de est铆mulo. Esse 茅 o recado das urnas. O empreendedorismo, especialmente das mulheres, muitas vezes partiu de uma necessidade de conciliar e superar dificuldades como o desemprego, a necessidade de estar presente na vida dos filhos e a urg锚ncia pela independ锚ncia financeira. Muitas pequenas empresas nasceram assim e se tornaram casos de sucesso. Um exemplo s茫o as apoiadas pela #LigaDelas.

Defendo que mulheres e homens busquem seu espa莽o no mercado de trabalho, na pol铆tica e no mundo, por seus pr贸prios meios. N茫o precisamos de prote莽茫o. Precisamos ter condi莽玫es de competir em p茅 de igualdade com os homens. Precisamos de creches para deixar nossas crian莽as e que isso nos garanta tranquilidade. Defendo tamb茅m creches em hor谩rio noturno, para as mulheres que precisam estudar, ou mesmo trabalhar. Algumas de n贸s tamb茅m precisam de acolhimento. Mulheres em situa莽茫o de viol锚ncia precisam de prote莽茫o para reconstruir suas hist贸rias. Por isso, luto pela Casa da Mulher Brasileira que, em Bras铆lia, chegou a fechar por falta de condi莽玫es m铆nimas de funcionamento.

Voc锚 obviamente acredita que 茅 poss铆vel reformar a situa莽茫o pol铆tica atual. Como e por qu锚?

Acredito plenamente. Os resultados das urnas mostram que a esperan莽a ainda est谩 presente. Por outro lado, tamb茅m mostram que o brasileiro est谩 cansado da velha forma de se fazer pol铆tica. Mas acho que j谩 falei bastante sobre isso acima.

Como que n贸s que moramos fora do Brasil podemos ajudar ou apoiar essas mudan莽as estando fora do pa铆s?

Acho que, principalmente, acreditando na capacidade criativa dos brasileiros. Investindo em nossos projetos de tecnologia e inova莽茫o. Trocando experi锚ncias. Ministrando semin谩rios. Ensinando.

Image by Assessoria de Imprensa/ J煤lia Lucy

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