
Democracy: The View from the Andes

Carlos De La Torre, chair of Political Studies and Director of the Ph.D. program in Social Sciences at the Latin American faculty for Social Sciences (Flacso) in Ecuador.

Carlos De La Torre, chair of Political Studies and Director of the Ph.D. program in Social Sciences at the Latin American faculty for Social Sciences (Flacso) in Ecuador.

For many Americans, the recent summit of the Americas was their first exposure to the representatives of some of Latin America's newest generation of leaders. The dynamic and sometimes confrontational styles of three Andean leaders, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Evo Morales of Bolivia, and Rafael Correa of Ecuador present a special challenge to American diplomacy. Carlos de la Torre, Chair of Political Studies and Director of the PhD program and Social Sciences at the Latin American Faculty for Social Sciences in Ecuador explains the most intriguing developments in governance as these leaders forge their respective political strategies in a region that is often called "Democracy's Laboratory."
