Election Series | Gender-based Violence in Mexican Politics

Las elecciones del pr贸ximo 2 de junio de 2024 tendr谩n un profundo impacto en las vidas cotidianas de la gente de Mexico. En vista de esto, el Instituto M茅xico est谩 organizando una serie de webinars para brindar conocimientos y an谩lisis de expertos no partidistas a los votantes y recomendaciones concretas a los l铆deres mexicanos entrantes.
Este evento comenzar谩 con una discusion sobre la paradoja que presenta esta elecci贸n. Es hist贸rico para la equidad de g茅nero en el pa铆s, ya que por primera vez las dos principales candidatos son mujeres. Sin embargo, las mujeres mexicanas, incluidas aquellas que ocupan posiciones de poder, contin煤an luchando para frenar niveles atroces de violencia contra las mujeres y actitudes patriarcales arraigadas en la sociedad. 脷nanse a nosotros en l铆nea el martes 28 de mayo de 11:00 a. m. a 12:30 p. m. EST para participar en esta pertinente discusi贸n.
M谩s panelistas por confirmar.
The elections on June 2, 2024 will have a profound impact on the daily lives of the people of Mexico. In light of this, the Mexico Institute is hosting a series of webinars to provide nonpartisan expert insights and analysis to voters and concrete recommendations to incoming Mexican leaders.
This event will discuss the paradox this election cycle presents. It is historic for gender equity in Mexico, as for the first time, both of the leading candidates are women. However, Mexican women, including those in positions of power continue to struggle to curb atrocious levels of violence against women and entrenched patriarchal attitudes in society. Please register to receive a Zoom link to join us in this pertinent discussion Tuesday, May 28 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EST.
More speakers to be confirmed.

Mexico Institute Global Fellow; Assistant Professor of Latin American History at George Washington University


Hosted By
Mexico Institute
The Mexico Institute seeks to improve understanding, communication, and cooperation between Mexico and the United States by promoting original research, encouraging public discussion, and proposing policy options for enhancing the bilateral relationship. A binational Advisory Board, chaired by Luis T茅llez and Earl Anthony Wayne, oversees the work of the Mexico Institute. Read more