
Shalva Weil

Professional Affiliation

Founder, Israel Observatory on Femicide

Expert Bio

Prof. Shalva Weil is the founder of the Israel Observatory on Femicide. She was the head of an initiative called "Femicide Across Europe" on behalf of COST (European Committee for Cooperation in Science and Technology) between 2013-2017 and chaired a committee that included 80 representatives from 30 European countries. At the end of the project, Prof. Weil was instrumental in establishing the European Observatory on Femicide in Malta (which is today run from Cyprus and Germany), as well as other Observatories in Georgia and Macedonia. Aside from implementing innovative projects globally, Prof. Weil pioneers theoretical work on femicide, has published multiple articles, including op-eds, and has edited two books on femicide: '' (2018), and '' (2023).